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Our PM's speech......?

Anyone else totally embarrassed by the speech Jools gave at G2012 and the reaction from other heads of government?

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was cringe worthy & the reaction of the European leaders was justified.Who in hell's name does she think she's kidding?

  • 4 years ago

    I dont think of the ecu is something to do with immigration quite. We had it previously we entered. you notice to me its all slightly a purple herring as a lot of human beings will vote to come back out questioning they're getting faraway from the hated ecu courtroom of Human Rights (or criminals rights as dubbed by using me) that is quite not an organization of the ecu. The ECOHR is a factor of the Council of Europe (link) which we've been a member of because 1949. Mambers would desire to no longer get at a loss for words because of the fact the ecu does have a courtroom,named the ecu courtroom.yet its in elementary terms on commerce concerns.

  • 9 years ago

    If I was an Aussie, I'd be embarrassed. Housing here is coming off the wheels for the very same reason that it happened in Europe and the USA. There has been a credit bubble that has been aided by the government and the Aussies are lecturing everybody while they have made the same mistakes.

    Barroso is an idiot. The EU isn't having a crisis because of the USA. They're having it because like the USA, the EU has too much debt and they cast their fiscal independence to the wind. The USA didn't leverage up the European banks and the USA certainly didn't create the Euro.

  • 9 years ago

    The only embarrassment to come from it was the manner in which certain media outlets misleadingly attempted to portray Barroso's comments as an attack on the PM and Australia. Those who believed it should probably be embarrassed as well.

  • ooo
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I'm not embarrassed. Australia has been running around shooting its mouth off for years. Remember what the Chinese premier told Keating years ago? ''If you think you can run a country of 2 billion people any better, come over and try!'' It is because of our 'holier than thou' attitude that asylum seekers are being helped every inch of the way on their journey through Asia to Australia. All Asia is saying is this. ''You've been mouthing off about human rights for years, here's your chance to put your money where your mouth is!'' And people let me assure you of this, when it comes to asylum seekers, you ain't seen nothing yet! I'll bet my eye teeth there are people throughout SE Asia and beyond who know more about your Social Security system than the average Australian!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm not embarrassed at all. The G20 meets to discuss everybody's economies. If a successful economy like Australia's can offer any help to struggling areas, then that's a good thing.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I was proud of Juia ..that woman has what it takes..soo thrilllled!!

  • 9 years ago

    No, not at all. Barroso's comments were clearly directed at North America, not Australia and he was surprised that anyone would think otherwise. Our PM's speech went over well.

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