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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

what would YOU change about society.............?

....obviously there are a LOT of things that need changed in society we all know that

what would you change?


quite a list there gabriel :-D , like i said its a LOT, even your list doesnt cover it tho it does pretty well

Update 2:

you guys wil need to give me some time to read your answers , im tired today and i know a few of you (damn you fractal) will leave me answers i need my brain for :-P

Update 3:

new avi pic (which is lovely) and tc badge breeezey :-O

Update 4:

ok, that wasnt too difficult (maybe yall are dummer than i thot :-P hehe)

as always brilliant answers, so many are the exact same things i have in my mind and i notice that most seem to have similar ideas to each other, which suggests that the things that need changd we are all aware of it

education seems to be a big one, with helping those in need, i cant say im surprised 1, those are large problems and 2 everyone who answers cares enough to notice that and want to change them

Update 5:

i see a few bringing up different ideas , bikinis indoors, good on paper but most women arent kelly brook so it would be more like ARGH MY EYES MY EYES

Update 6:

teach the worlds music, pretty good i like that, we are so shut off from diversity like that which is quite sad and one of the reasons we are so 'difference baad mmmkay'

Update 7:

i agree breezey , most people havent a clue how to live without someone else caring for them, and like glow wings says, we need a shake up

Update 8:

god damn you fur, what did i just say, you leave me that to read my mind is functioning on its basic levles here ;-D

Update 9:

ok so liberation, got it, see, im ok, im doing great :-D yay me

Update 10:

i agree we are too 'unliberated' we have a lot of things controling us and our lives and as breezey says we dont know how to live without that, so we need to either be taught it or, well, you know the other option, the shake up

Update 11:

" I pray and hope that they will be a place , to put all child molesters , and pedophiles away from our Society."

now that i strongly agree with, a personal issue of mine is that the government/law allow these people to be in society when they are a danger, that needs to change

Update 12:

skye, as you put that out there, im not gonna ignore it just cos we are contacts ok :-)

i dont know why anyone would say evolution is a lie, rather than just something they dont agree with or accept

you dont agree with or accept evolution, fair enough i dont agree with you on that but hey ho everyones entitled to their opinion,

but to then say youd have all schools stop teaching it,

well, thats a different matter,

youd have to first prove it was a lie for that to be a valid option, and as thre is so much evidence for evolution and the only 'evidence' against is those saying its a lie , saying its a lie, then i dont see why that would be proven so its not a valid option

Update 13:

zeiya, you make soem good points

but i dont think its got to do with teens smoking weed, dying their hair or getting drunk, most teens did that,especially in the last 40 years or so,

and it didnt cause all the problems we have now

you contributed fine asul as always, :-)

"I could point my finger to each and every society's problem but most of them are just the effects of the bigger problem... humanity."

i will go one bit further with that and say , humanity and the fact we are animals not just humans

i think this generation has a problem yes but i dont think its those, those are normal teen things, for me, its the lack of proper discipline

Update 14:

....the 'i think this genration has a problem...' was meant to be at the end of what i was saying to zeiya


22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well i would change the whole capitalistic system and train children from young age to share their property with others and preparing them for the future communistic system which is our only destiny and a way out of total collapse of the current flawed system based on greed.Anything can be achieved through proper social conditioning.Communism is our destiny.

    I would promote more actively the protection of the environment via recycling via the news.I would invest in recycling technology.

    I would change the whole psychiatric system of removing humans that exhibit unacceptable behaviors and placing them in a mental institution and forcing them to take dangerous mind altering chemicals.

    I would abolish or ban the whole psychiatric industry making it illegal.

    I would train children to believe in themselves and believe in the power of autosuggestion.I would train them to believe that nothing is impossible when we believe.I would institute that training directly in schools and kindergardens.

    I would abolish 90% of the school material that is being tought to the children thus taking the huge load of their mind and their parrents mind and saving a lot of money for everyone.We all know that 90% of school so called " knowledge" is totaly unnecessary and useless.

    I would encourage children in schools and kindergardens to explore their potential.To explore new things in life thus discovering tallents they never thought they had before.I would expose them to a wide variety of material to stimulate their creative spirit.

    I would ban the use of Tooth paste because it is harmful for the teeth.From my own experience i have found that brushing your teeth without toothpaste removes more food particles then any toothpaste can thus significantly reducing the risk of cavities.

    I would terminate and ban copyright laws since it is just another pointless and hypocritical attempt to fight against the basic human nature of immitating others without their permission and copying their content or products.Everyone does it but many do it while pretending they dont because they believe they will make more profit that way.If copyright laws were terminated it would provoke a whole new age of creativity.

    I would subsidize electric vehicle manufacturers thus encouraging them to provide affordable electrical vehicles to the masses.

    I would propagate riding bikes on TVs thus encouraging healthy exercise,saving money,and protecting the environment.

    I would reduce taxes and reduce the paychecks of politicians since they never deserve how much they get much to their dislike.

    I would invest much more money into space exploration and i would invest in making the most popular science fiction technologies a reality.

  • 9 years ago

    It's time to get rid of the notion that there's a pill for everything and pills will cure the problems.

    Also time to get rid of the idea that if something or someone doesn't conform or fit in, it's a problem.

    Genetically altered food.... why is that pushed at people and they are given no choice?

    Corrupt government... a huge society all it's own.

    Too civilized... as it's defined. I once asked about sidewalks and the real need for them. So many things a society has, yet... doesn't really need. Why is it that people end up doing a lot of things everyone else has determined to be good when it clearly goes against what is natural?

    Basics need to be brought back... people don't even know how to take care of themselves because somebody else is doing that... food, water, light, heat.... How many would actually survive if there wasn't a grocery store or company supplying their demands?

    Parents need to take back their responsibilities instead of letting others raise their kids or just not doing it at all. Schools have too much say in how children should be taught, what children should be taught and many times... it's not what a parent actually expects or agrees with.

    There is so much more!

    People need to start thinking and doing for themselves. Too often it's left to others and many follow without question.

  • 9 years ago

    Hi. Blessings my friend. I personally would like to see people start caring more about others , and certain things. Like Apathy , love and mercy, this

    should be our mean goal, I will like to see more jobs, that so many people won't have to break into other people house, robbing , and killing, them, I pray and hope that they will be a place , to put all child molesters , and pedophiles away from our Society. I will like to see Wold peace , and people stop fighting arguing and killing about religion, We should accept others the way they are, and stop trying to change people or judging others because of race, religious belief, and cultural back ground, All of the Countries of the Worlds should band any kind of discrimination period . I think richer countries, must help those poorer countries , supplying all what they can give for the well being of humanity . The main change I want to see would be a free education to whoever wants it. This includes colleges too. If you don't want to go to a public . School then this is up to each person. Thanks for sharing.

  • We are at the onset of a New Age for mankind and this is most apparent by the 'energy' that has dominated this world. What needs to be done, will be very soon. There is so much that must be changed to even balance the earth's axis, let alone the common man.

    The biggest, most important would be "Love". There is nearly everything concerning that of mankind, that falls under this heading. There is not the room nor the time to list them categorically here. We need a complete overhaul and we're about to get one! :D

    Peace and Blessings always...

    (((My Lady Frou)))

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    With its bright sandy beaches, rising hills and picturesque harbour, it's no surprise that Rio de Janeiro is known as the "cidade maravilhosa", or marvellous city and with hotelbye you can get the opportunity and visit this amazing city. Rio de Janeiro is experiencing the South Atlantic shore and may be the second-largest city in Brazil. That town is gifted with one of the most wonderful natural options for a area in the world. The amazing landscape is just one of the causes that readers chose Rio de Janeiro. Throughout carnival period, a event that everybody else seen, the roads load with audio and ornately costumed dancers attracting tourists from all over the globe.

  • 9 years ago

    That story......where some drunk teens put a firecracker in a dog's mouth*and the dog was just walking by*...This generation is going out of control.It's awkward to see this world in peace because there is war everyday, with guns or without.Th abuse of animals, the abuse of young children.People begging all day for food.

    The teens, getting drunk, smoking weed, dying their hair....I can't believe it.Is it just to get more Facebook friends or be popular,maybe just maybe.Because that is how this generation is.I am certainly no hater, I understand the pure pressure the teens go through .

    It is sad, that I am said to be in this generation.This world is no safe place,wherever you go.You make 1 mistake, you probably just ruined your whole life and screwed it.

    Source(s): Don't take " Live life to the fullest" seriously ._. It does not mean "Damage your body to the fullest."
  • asul
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    I would like to acknowledge myself as part of the society, therefore, to change something, I would like to begin with myself... If... and only if I had the power to change everyone, as everyone is the root cause of whatever is happening to our society, I would... I could point my finger to each and every society's problem but most of them are just the effects of the bigger problem... humanity. My country, for example, has a very corrupt government and many blame corruption as the cause of poverty... Then another question is raised... why do people corrupt... maybe the answer is greed... for money... for power... but everything goes down to one source... human. Therefore, to change something about the society, humanity must change... and I cannot do it alone. Reading the answers you have received, I do not think I have contributed much with my answer but I hope I made some sense here, froufrou... :)

  • 9 years ago

    the winner-loser system we got going on. it's getting old and it's time for something new... that's why the economy collapsed. it only works for so long...

    It's also responsible for why everyone has to work all the time, leaves no room for the enjoyment of life.

    If you want to go study life go do it. "o wait your not qualified, o wait the class is too much!"

    Boo, who cares. go do it anyways.

    Don't let the rest of the world stop you.

    i'd change everything.

  • 9 years ago

    if i had the chance to change something of significance, i'd put more women in charge (replace every mugabe, every assad, every al-bashir with a woman like aung san suu kyi), i'd make the environment and children the priority (not just in theory, as shown by our leaders at the rio de janeiro summit), a good education would be a right instead of a privilege.

    these are some of the changes i would like to see (((frou))).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    I'd like to see... liberation of the human mind from the domination of authority; the liberation of the human body from the dominion of property; liberation from shackles and restraint of government....a social order based on the free grouping of individuals.

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