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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

do you ever feel 'physically connected' to people...................?

....i know we can be emotionally connected but have you ever felt you could be physically connected, ie can pass physical problems to each other ?

its a fact we know our biology is physically 'in tune' ie womens periods can sync, men respond to a women on her period with testosterone,

so do you think that can go a wee bit further there and that we can affect OTHER physical aspects?

(suggested catagory Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered)

because lgbts are the only people to be physically connected, apparently......!!!!!!!!!!


thanks for you answer arquera, i recognise you from my other q ;-D

Update 2:

thanks for the link , its introduced me to a new name/person that i will probably learn more about now as well as i like what ive seen about her

Update 3:

ive been here far too long :-D

its part of what im hoping to go on to study, thte biology of the brain, thats why your answer is particularly interesting, the fact youd connect what i asked withthat is amazing

Update 4:

silly moo thats a good point, there are lots of those kinda stories where twins who never even knew each other existed live similar lives etc

Update 5:

psy thats about right yeah, im talking about 'physical data'

Update 6:

intersting answer aum :-)

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    For me.. the connection is either on all stages or no where....

    physical, emotional and soul connections are interconnected because these limitations are flimsy

    Frou Frou -_/\_ namaste

    Source(s): Aum
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    wow this is the second question from frou frou that is intresting you must be an old wizard like gandalf. yes i do believe that people can feel pysically connected to others infact i had an experiance with this and i think i may ask a question on this to. i was holidaying in another state and i met this girl, i hadnt even known her i only met her family recently, and now that i think of it we had a very,very strong physical connection, we didnt even have intresting conversation but it was the feeling of a complete puzzle, it was the strangest thing, it was diffrent though, it wasnt a "dam shes a hottie isnt she" kind of thing, we could both feel it, she felt so comfortable for me and kept looking at me, my point is the two parties must really fell it for the two people be physically connected right? we must of had some sort of same pattern thinking or something that made us click so instantly, ive had girlfreinds in the past ect, and havent felt this before although wiredly ive had some physical connections with boys whom have become great freinds of mine, i left her without saying goodbye and now i feel lost every day and i have no idea why its like my puzzle has a missing peice and i hadnt even got to know the girl for even 2 days, hence, this question is really very complicated and hard to answer. any way thats my input of physical connection which then turned into emotional connection...arrghh!

    Source(s): -sky
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Well, It's hard to interpret one's feelings sometimes and be accurate. There have been neuro-scientific studies that have shown some kind of sixth sense in humans, where they could read facial expressions without actually seeing them. A blind man was presented with images on a computer screen, for example, and when a picture of someone smiling was flashed on the screen, the person would smile in respo!nse every time he "saw" it. The part of the brain responsible for this, resides at the base of the skull (I believe) our most primitive area. Perhaps we've kind of lost some of these "abilities", due the complexity of our brains, so we rely more on visual stimuli (received by the eyes), which registers in more modern areas of the brain.

    Maybe we do have other capacities that we are not aware of because they are somewhat dormant, or for lack of feedback from those whose physical/emotions we are picking up. Sometimes I experience a degree of empathy for others when I know they are going through rough times, but I cannot pinpoint the feelings that arise. Are these emotions springing from my imagination, or am I receiving external stimuli??? Hard to tell...

    I hope you enjoy frou frou. I've always been fascinated by the subject. I also know you from answers. In fact, we go back to 2009. ;)

  • 9 years ago

    Ya to my native american brothers and sisters. Whenever I see another fellow native american I feel like we connect somehow like I know them and what to give them a high five

  • 9 years ago

    ALL kinds of data pass from person to person psychically, is that what you are talking about.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    i have actually read about cases where one identical twin is ill and the other one has "felt" it. bit like a phantom pregnancy!

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Miss((froufrou)) do you like chocolate cake?

  • jt
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    , the answers matches my feelings.

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