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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

what do you think society needs to be better.....?

...tell us what you think


i like how you think annie :-D

Update 2:

nice answer buddha

Update 3:

pocket protecktor, love it, except no 10, as a scot i have to say NOOOO you wont take away our bagpipes

Update 4:

a man after my own heart uncle

Update 5:

good answer breezey

11 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All religions... believers and non believers and all in between. Learning to live how they believe and not pick at others. Imagine each person not having to get a "dig" in or point fingers or dislike all for a name they carry.

    Politicians, citizens, the president... all together and working to make the world a peaceful and happy place... weapons of war put to rest and that money spent to make sure all have their needs met.

    Black, white and all in between... not caring about color and not constantly needing to "see" the differences in negative ways.

    All people... different shapes, sizes, etc... allowed to LIVE without others judging and worse.

    Unity... of ALL people to make this world "right" and filled with a hope of a chance.

    It starts with each of us... each of us has a choice to push buttons and keep a bad situation going and each of has a choice to just stop and cause no harm.. emotionally, mentally, physically or any other way.

    I'd like to think children could learn from the good and leave the rest behind.... adults leading the way.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Society actually does plenty extra effectual coaching adult men to not hit women individuals than any other way around. it extremely is, women individuals are plenty plenty extra in all probability to attack adult men. even however, it does particularly little harm and is particularly plenty constantly surpassed over. evaluate how in many situations we see women individuals slap adult men on television. Is that not, by employing all criminal definitions, attack? by employing the way, the actuality that it could ensue in keeping with a lude remark would not make it any much less attack. the only exception could be if the lude remark became threatening AND the girl had no technique of retreat. in any different case, its attack. We coach little ladies that it truly is great. a minimum of interior the U. S., we are actually ignoring the aptitudes that boys convey to the table in choose of educational/consensus construction that females excel at. We additionally tell them that being smart and knowledgeable isn't cool (for this reason undesirable). My evidence that it truly is undesirable is that our President maintains to pronounce the notice "nuclear" with 2 united statesand however i'm particular he has been corrected in many situations, he's familiar with that it helps him are available in the time of as "between the individuals". practise is truly a criminal duty in politics. frequently, boys choose extra actual interest and could workout diverse aspects of the brains than ladies and our academic equipment thoroughly ignores that - and we are actually beginning as much as see the outcomes. extra ladies are going to college than boys and lots extra will graduate. ultimately, we will see this on the CEO/CFO and President point, yet it could take awhile. all the above being reported, i don't think that boys do not think of they could supply - i think of that boys don't think they're section of the equipment any further. I thoroughly agree that male parenting isn't emphasized everywhere close to adequate. it truly is not seen as a useful end objective (while being a mom is). we've been screaming the girls can try this and females can try this for an prolonged long term - yet we've not been speaking approximately what boys could be doing. we are beginning as much as see the leads to gangs, unfavourable attendence and dropout stages, companion and little ones violence and better crime expenditures.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    1. No more endless comic book movie sequels.

    2. No more Reality Shows, Talent Shows, Dancing Shows, or The View, they're only making it worse.

    3. Stop warring against "concepts" like drugs or terror or whatever. Concepts are not killable and you cannot win those kind of wars, they are self-perpetuating.

    4. Please, can we deport Tom Cruise somewhere far away?

    5. Let Charlie Sheen win, for chrissakes.

    6. No more prescription medication commercials. They're scaring me.

    7. We re-allow smoking indoors. People have become too wussie-like.

    8. We pass a law that states a cup of coffee can never be more than $1.50 tops.

    9. Listen to everything I say and the exact opposite.

    10. No more music with accordions, banjos, trumpets, or bag-pipes.

  • 9 years ago

    "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down..."

    In this case a spoonful of sugar is necessary for society to swallow a large dose of "Reality".

    Society needs a large dose of "Reality".

    A large dose of "Reality", just might be heading in societies direction.

    Peace be always with you.


    Source(s): a small insignificant sufi student and brother....
  • 9 years ago

    When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty. Thomas Jefferson

    We need to refresh and update the law.

  • 9 years ago

    More patience :D, More compassion for it's fellow man :) , Stronger morale Dx and let's throw in a reality check for some members of our society xD

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Patience and understanding, the core of compassion.

  • 9 years ago

    Society needs 'justice.'

    "Let no one believe or act on the belief that he has the right to be unfair to another human, or animal." -- by Uncle Wayne - copyrighted.

    “Justice is the means and ends of a life worth living. It should be the goal of our every endeavor.” - Uncle Wayne - excerpt from my novel.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    So that humanity can be stronger and more united

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses...

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