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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

who is your unsung hero and why............................?

....tell us about them and why they are your hero

i dedicate this to my boyf

any neigh sayers and whingers 'this isnt philosophy', maybe this section isnt right for you ok, thanks :-)


i find it a bit sad yahoo thinks the first section for this to go to is sport

Update 2:

thats brilliant asul, sounds like he was a good man

(and im a big tina fan, one of the MOST amazing voices in the world, and this song is one of my faves)

Update 3:

power, sounds like you are an amazing mum

im sorry about your son i honestly cant imagine how that would feel but i know its gonna be one of the most painful things to happen

Update 4:

andim with you on the sports thing, as the say 'its a funny ol game', men are weird that way tho :-D

Update 5:

i think that is a hero breezey, cos someone can make a difference in your life and it makes everything better even if you didnt think it could be

Update 6:

HA, tape cool, dont hear that often nowadays :-D, ive got only 2 of her (trillions of ) albums, in deep and dont ask, i will never forget hearing her live singing live for the one i love, i recorded it on vid from the tv had it for years, then the vids broke ggrrr

Update 7:

(when i say hearing her live i dont mean i was seeing her live, I WISH, no i mean i just taped it when she WAS live on a show)

Update 8:

izzy, yes very good point its nice to see when we grow up we can look at how they did all that for us and be thankful

Update 9:

izzy, yes very good point its nice to see when we grow up we can look at how they did all that for us and be thankful

11 Answers

  • asul
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am thinking of that song by Tina Arena... until I clicked on the link and there she is... :) A really great song... Thank you for sharing, froufrou... Anyways... my unsung hero is... my grandpa... I remember him when I was a kid... He was my savior from our then "troubled" home... I was so young and he would always take me home with him and ask my grandma to prepare a good meal... He got blinded from an eye cataract when I was growing up and once, I performed a song on stage... Being my "number one fan", he went to see me... well... "hear" me in that case... I remember... I can still clearly remember him... I miss him and I hope, wherever he is now, he is resting well... Thank you for this question, froufrou... :')

    edit: Me too, a big Tina fan... Bought her album "In Deep" in cassette tape... ;)

    arrgh! The vid broke...? Sorry to hear that... That must be very special... Tape... yes, that was the only thing I could afford at that time, and that came from saving up from my allowance... I think I was in 6th grade or 1st year high school, I don't remember... :)

  • Power
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    That is interesting that so much energy goes into sports. I know people who have been trained not to be emotional but it's ok to yell and scream at a sporting event or for men to touch each other on the butt when they are normally homophobic and would never do that if the person wasn't wearing a football uniform.

    I dedicate to my sons. One of them passed away and the song describes the one not needing the spotlight and that was the way he was. My other son has been with me through all we went through and he took care of me, putting me first all of the time. I have really messed up my life and he has helped me and lived a decent life the whole time so I don't have to worry about him.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    My parents for giving me a decent up bringing! As a kid you never appreciate the sacrifices they must have made for you. You just don't see it do you? They both worked hard so we could muddle along. I am one of 5 so it wasn't easy. My parents taught me good money management. Save up for the things you want and if you haven't got the money, then go without. I have never been over drawn at the bank or had credit loans. I go without. I see people taking "easy" pay-day loans with interest rates of 4,000%, once you get into that you have no chance of getting out.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    besides jesus of course, my dead father that i never met. i dont know why, and i dont think he should be. my family have always told me he was a drunk and the army messed him up and he was a very bad man at times and messed up the entire family, but ever since i was a young boy i have always admired him so much, my mum said he once threw a gay off london bridge as a queens guard what a tank.

    Source(s): -sky
  • 9 years ago

    I don't know if I can claim any heroes... just a few people who have made a big difference in my life.

    It's not the normal people, for me. It's those people who reach out extended hands, open their hearts and are patient, kind and caring... all the while, showing me the way.

    I think they'll know who they are. :)

  • 9 years ago

    Dylan Thomas Christian. He was a boy that worked all of his life to fight cancer. He had hope up until the day he left this earth, and I praise him for that. <3

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    i'v many unsung heroes in my life, but 2 of them r named FAITH. 1 is spiritual mum , has always been there 2 support, comfort, give advice. other has entered my life - last yr - she's my sissy in CHRIST + has ad a major impact on my life.

    love qu.+ song


  • 9 years ago

    That's a wonderful song.

    This song is for my unsung hero.

    Without them I would not be who I am today.

    I will always be gratful for the time I had with them.

    Many Blessings!

  • 9 years ago

    People who give a little bit like some movers who act on faith.

  • jt
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Teddy Rosevelt NO FEAR

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