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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

Who are Yajoj and Majoj?

Are they humans?

Where are they now?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    God and Magog were of course first mentioned in the Bible. Islam doesn't properly teach about them, because only one is a who. Magog is a land which most people believe to be Russia. Gog is a leader. Muslim countries will fight with them against Israel and lose.

    Ezekiel 38

    1 Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,

    2 "Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him,

    3 "and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: "Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.

    4 "I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords.

    5 "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet;

    6 "Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops-many people are with you. Ezekiel 38:1-6

    In short, the battle Gog and Magog is war in the latter days (Last days) when a confederacy of nations attack Israel, which has been restored in the last days. These nations, which attack Israel in Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39, include nations, which are Muslim and have a clear animosity to Israel. Along with these Muslims nations, a northern kingdom, called Gog and Magog, which many identify, as the land Russia, will ally itself with Muslim nations, to oppose Israel in the last days.

    This confederacy of nations comes against Israel, God, who through Ezekiel foretells the event, defeats them. This conflict establishes Israel and restores them to the land in preparation of their redemption. The conflict also reminds the world, why Israel went into captivity for the last two-thousand years.(Ezekiel 39:28).

    The timing of this event, and what follows is an issue of debate by those who study Bible prophecy. The battle of Gog and Magog is a seminal event in scripture. It is the transition to the time, known as the Day of the Lord, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, the Tribulation Period. Scripture reveals the details to those who take the Bible literally.

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): End Times Prediction
  • Sol
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    They're humans, that I do know. 2 barbaric tribes. Where are they now? I don't know. No one knows.

    Many believe they were put in their place by a figure known as Dhul-Qarnain (2 horned one). The figure is commonly associated with Alexander The Great, Cyrus The Great, Heraclius, and less often, an Arab Muslim from the time of Abraham/Ibrahim.

    He prevented them from attacking the people of the East (the Far Eastern ones.. Koreans, Japanese, Chinese, etc) by putting them behind a wall. Where's that wall? No one knows. One day, they will break free though.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The Gog and Magog of the Bible.

    They are two different tribes, short in stature that will emerge as one of the end day signs, during the second coming of Jesus after the Armageddon.

    They will simply kill everyone on sight. Even Jesus Christ won't be able to stop them. Finally Jesus Christ would drag them to a mountain top and would pray to the Lord to destroy them. And Allah would sent some kind of tiny worm like creature which would kill them all.

    According to research scholars they could be from the two little spoken about nations, Manchuria and Mongolia. We hardly read about them in everyday life. The two well known tribes in history to be 'Mighty Warriors' short in stature.

    But Only Allah knows.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes they are humans.

    God knows where they are now.

    Yajuj and Majuj are also known as 'Gog and Magog'

    They are one of the signs of the Day of Judgment.

    Google it, you'll find out a lot about them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    They are humans.

    Read about Darjjal. books.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


    They were the two brothers who fought over the legendary sword.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Dhul Qarnayns Third Campaign: Northwards

    On this campaign, he went North, and only Allah Knows best if he crossed the Arctic into the Americas or headed west. Yet there are remnants of vanished tribes who sacrificed babies such as the Olmecs and Kurgans, but Allah knows best.

    Gog and Magog or Yajooj Wa Majooj were ruthless tribes who swooped through valleys, killed, pillaged and withdrew. They needed to be cordoned off from humanity behind a Barricade- that they could neither scale nor dig trough. Gog and Magog were human descendants of Noah's son Japeth AS from whom arose Turkic-Slavonic Mongol races. The Prophet (SAW) described them as being well-built and having red hair, small eyes and wide, flat, shield-like faces.

    They asked him to Build a barrier to dam the Hordes for payment, but he said Allah already enriched him well. He only required their manpower, and being the first ever person to shake hands, his diplomacy made the team gel. He asked blacksmiths to cast iron blocks (a Qintar or 50kg each) then stack them with wood, and bellow them red [hot]. Then molten copper was poured over the Wall until "it resembled a black and red striped Thobe", a Sahaba later said.

    Barriers built to lock out Mongols and Tartars have been confused with Dhul Qarnayn's, such as China's Great Wall. Others include the Alexander and Caspian Gates, Pass of Darial and Derbend, but none match the actual one at all. Just like Dhul Qarnayns real name, (The Jews say it's AbiMelech or 'My Father is King'), the wall remains secreted. And even if discovered, it will remain as Allah Wills, and claiming to know better than Allah will leave us defeated.

    In error some say the Wall is in ruins and Gog and Magog are Khazar Jews, but against the Sunnah is such a view. Allah said the Wall is a 'mercy', and will remain intact until the undefeatable Gog and Magog swarms break through. A clear proof is that Allah will tell Jesus (AS) to climb Mount Sinai to about "People against whom none will be able to fight" and Hadith reveal at that time- Jesus would have destroyed the Dajjal and his followers; and the Sunnah guides aright.

    During the Prophet's(SAW) time, a digit-sized hole apperead in the Wall, beind wich the evil tribes daily chip it away. When the idiots see sunlight, they back off return every next day to find it re-fortified; until one fateful day. It is really a mercy that Yajooj Wa Majooj don't carry on digging when they see sunrays, or work during the night. But when Allah intends, one will say, "We'll break trough tomorrow Insha'Allah!" and wreak havoc and Global blight.

    For at the time when Jesus (AS) has descended and destroyed the Dajjal, and united the whole World together in Islam, Allah will cause the 'most beneficial man-made structure' to crumble to dust and allow Gog and Magog to cause harm. They will surge like crashing waves, swarming stealthily from every mound, pouncing upon any Believers they see. Free from their Barrier, vengeful and vile, there are so many of them that they will drink try the Sea of Galilee.

    Cynically, Gog and Magog are touted as the 'Protectors of London' and paraded in the Mayor's Show as 'traditional fun'. Yet, when the barbarians are really let loose, and begin their indiscriminate killing spree, in horror they'll be undone. After killing land-dwelling people, they will hurl spears skywards that will return with blood and then exclaim; "We've even killed the inhabitants of the sky!" (Allah Knows best if they are Jinn-U.F.O's or man-made aero planes).

    Only the fortified (in Cities) will survive, and 12,000 or so with Jesus (AS) will climb Mt. Sinai or Toor near Tabuk and hold out. Jesus (AS) will then beseech Allah, and He will send neck-burrowing worms to destroy Gog and Magog as if in one shout. A brave Believer will scout them and be delighted to find them all dead. Allah will then cleanse the Earth with rain. He will send huge birds with necks like camels to remove their corpses, and thus will bein Jesus's (AS) glorious reign.

    The Believers will use the bows and arrows of Gog and Magog for seven years as a means of fuel, heat and light. Allah's rain will cause miraculous yields of livestock and fruits, and such a peaceful World will be a beautiful sight. Jesus will live either for 7 years until he's 40, or 40years until he's 73, after he returns aged 33 from the Skies. During his reignt, he'll marry, perform Hajj in Makkah and be buried-next to Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Sallam when Jesus Alayhi Salam dies.

    On the Last Day 999 out of every 1000 humans (mostly from Gog and Magog) will be set aside to enter Hellfire. Indicating that they are disbelievers and have been growing in number, unbeknown to us, and their ending is dire. Dhul Qarnayns summary in the Quran shows the qualities of a great leader, strong in Faith, diplomacy and might. His goal was not fame, power or money, but to guide the ignorant into a way of life pleasing to Allah, and to right.

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