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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

Who are qadianis? What is their belief?

Are they Muslims?

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Their thought and beliefs

    Ghulam Ahmad began his activities as an Islamic daa’iyah (caller to Islam) so that he could gather followers around him, then he claimed to be a mujaddid inspired by Allaah. Then he took a further step and claimed to be the Awaited Mahdi and the Promised Messiah. Then he claimed to be a Prophet and that his prophethood was higher than that of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

    The Qadianis believe that Allaah fasts, prays, sleeps, wakes up, writes, makes mistakes and has intercourse – exalted be Allaah far above all that they say.

    The Qadiani believes that his god is English because he speaks to him in English.

    The Qadianis believe that Prophethood did not end with Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), but that it is ongoing, and that Allaah sends a messenger when there is a need, and that Ghulam Ahmad is the best of all the Prophets.

    They believe that Jibreel used to come down to Ghulam Ahmad and that he used to bring revelation to him, and that his inspirations are like the Qur’aan.

    They say that there is no Qur’aan other than what the “Promised Messiah” (Ghulam Ahmad) brought, and no hadeeth except what is in accordance with his teachings, and no Prophet except under the leadership of Ghulam Ahmad.

    They believe that their book was revealed. Its name is al-Kitaab al-Mubeen and it is different from the Holy Qur’aan.

    They believe that they are followers of a new and independent religion and an independent Sharee’ah, and that the friends of Ghulam are like the Sahaabah.

    They believe that Qadian is like Madeenah and Makkah, if not better than them, and that its land is sacred. It is their Qiblah and the place they make hajj to.

    They called for the abolition of jihaad and blind obedience to the British government because, as they claimed, the British were “those in authority” as stated in the Qur’aan.

    In their view every Muslim is a Kaafir unless he becomes a Qadiani, and everyone who married a non-Qadiani is also a kaafir.

  • Shah
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Qadianis are NOT considered as Muslims by the main stream Muslims !!!

    Qadianis are followers of a man called "Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani". He was born in 1835 and died in about 1908. He made a lot of claims in his writings and was supported by the British gov. of those times. His claims include:

    1- Messiah

    2- Nabi (Prophet)

    3- Incarnate of Mohammad

    4- Mehdi

    These claims were made in different times. First he stated that he is the Messiah. He very correctly interpretted the Quran in the sense that Jesus is DEAD and NOT alive. But then resorted to Hadith of the coming of Messiah / Jesus and framed himself into that prophecy saying that Jesus was to come to the world by re-birth rather than physically descending from Sky.

    Then he stated that he is the Nabi (Prophet). This was the turning point as was the first point. However this was a massive. As the Quranic verse 33:40 states that Mohammad was the LAST Nabi.

    However at this point, he twisted the verse into saying that Mohammad is NOT the last Nabi but the best Nabi. The words used in Quran in 33:40 are "Khatimun-Nabiyeen". The word Khatam means :

    1- Seal

    2- Ring

    Of course the Ring doesn't fit the context at all. However the Seal does fit. A seal is put on the envelop after finishing it. Therefore Whenever the word is used in such context it means, it is the LAST.

    However the deviation that Qadianis took was that as per Arabic language, the word Khatam in certain phrases is also used as a phrase to depict "The Best". For example Khatam-ul-Shoara. This does not mean that the poets have come to an end. It means the Best poet.

    This is what the Qadianis took and claimed that G. A. Qadiani was a Nabi and that Naboowat (Prophet hood did not end on Mohammad). This is what is not acceptable to the Muslims and therefore they consider them as heretics and deviant sect and thus outside the realm of Islam.

    Source(s): Quranist (Reformist Submitter) "God Alone, Quran Alone"
  • 9 years ago

    Qadianis are Ahmadi Muslims, so named to differentiate between their understanding of the Quran and Hadith versus mainstream Islamic beliefs.

    Some people believe erroneously that Ahmadis don't believe in the final revelation of the Qur'an by the messenger who delivered the final revealed words, but in fact we do. The Qur'an advocates the possibility of prophets after Muhammad (saw) but only those who interpret the verses twist the meanings to suit their own emotions and greed to an extent.

    Holy Prophet (saw) mentioned the coming of the Messiah and Mehdi in the latter age (a period in which we currently live) and if we ponder carefully would realize that such personality or personalities would have to be:

    (1) Appointed by God - not man.

    (2) Receive revelation about the erroneous practices of mainstream Islam

    (3) Receive revelation of how to correct the un-Islamic practices.

    (4) Impart these message to the people.

    (5) Map out the unification of all sects in Islam and of the unity of mankind through belief and good deeds including tolerance for each other.

    (6) Fulfilled the predictions of the Holy Prophet (saw) in this regard (satisfying all Sahih Hadith relevant to the coming of the Messiah and Mehdi)

    (7) Following Islam and the Holy Prophet (saw) without bringing any new laws.

    ....and the list goes on.

    It is interesting to note that for 13 centuries Allah had raised Mujaddids at the top of each century however the 14th century has come and gone and no one claimed to be the 14th Mujaddid,,,,,that is because there was none and would be none. The Mahdi and Messiah would continue Islam through Khilafat to the end of time. The faster mainstream Muslims realize this the earlier Islam would prove to be the united force which will inevitably be realized under Ahmadiyyat.

  • 9 years ago

    There are two groups within the Ahmadiyya fold. One group (the larger) is known sometimes derogatorily as the Qadianis, and the second (less known) as the Lahoris.

    Regardless of the groups, they both believe in Islam, the Holy Quran and the Holy Prophet Muhammad. Yet, they also believe, that the Promised Messiah, foretold by the world religions, to include Christianity, and Islam has arrived in the person of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, also regarded as the Mujaddid of the 14th century.

    The difference is the Qadianis believe the Promised Messiah was a Prophet albeit a subservient Prophet to the Holy Prophet Muhammad. The Lahoris reject this and believe the Holy Prophet Muhammad is the last and final Prophet after whom no new or old Prophet can come.

    Even Sunnis believe Jesus will return as a Prophet after the Holy Prophet Muhammad (which goes against the Quranic verdict of 33:40 that states the Holy Prophet is the seal or the last of the Prophets), so Sunnis can't label Qadianis as non-Muslims. Anyone that says they believe in the Kalima Shahada must be regarded as a Muslim per teachings of the Holy Quran and Holy Prophet Muhammad.

    It is only the Lahori Ahmadis that were led by Maulana Muhammad Ali in 1914 that believe in the absolute finality of Prophethood! It was the Lahori Ahmadis that have preserved the true teachings of the Promised Messiah, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, and one' s that present a democratic, inspiring, liberal, peaceful interpretation of Islam to the world.

    Source(s): I Shall Love All Mankind:
  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You mean Ahmadis. I am an Ahmadi Muslim, therefore it would be wise to take your information regarding our beliefs from Ahmadi sources rather than anti-ahmadi sources. So you should discard the other answers if you are an honest person.

    Visit my page. And also read my answer here. Coincidentally the user 'Ahmad A' has answered there too with exactly the same copy/paste answer. Doesn't that tell you anything? Many Muslims refuse to use their brains and instead blindly obey what their corrupt scholars tell them.;_ylt=AgD0N...

    Ahmadi Muslims believe in Allah SWT and in the absolute finality of the Holy Quran and believe it to be a perfect unaltered Book till the end of time, we also believe in all the Prophets, the angels and in the Day of Resurrection. Our Shahadah is: There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad (saw) is His messenger. We believe in the 5 daily prayers, giving of Zakat, Fasting during Ramadhan and Hajj, and we follow the Sunnah of the holy prophet (saw) and the rightly guided khulafah (May Allah be pleased with them).

    How do we differ from all other Muslims? The Prophet of Islam Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa (saw) prophecised about the coming of the Promised Messiah (as) in the latter days to bring Muslims back to the pure pristine teachings of Islam. We have recognised and ACCEPTED that Messiah, so yes we are Muslims in every sense of the word.

    Please also go to my page and read my other answers related to similar topics.

  • 9 years ago

    like Unity of God has said the most reliable source for learning about any religion is from someone of that religion. The Ahmadiyya community is denounced by other muslims...and are actually subjected to unruly criticisms and are a major target of persecution. other muslims often pose/present faulty information on their you have to be particularly careful about that. you would be surprised by some efforts to shun or repel people from gaining true insight or knowledge of ahmadiyyath teachings.

    the video link above is a very easy place to start. very insightful and convenient. if you're more comfortable with video research.

    but the official ahmaddiyath site is you will not find a better source towards understanding their teachings and beliefs.

    Source(s): Ahmadi
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    no they are not muslims

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