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Meg asked in PetsDogs · 9 years ago

How can I fatten up my German Shepherd?

My German Shepherd, Hoss, is 7 months old and I just can;t get him to gain weight. I know German Shepherds are suppose to be genetically slim, but sometimes his ribs show. I feed him very well. I give him 2 cans of dog food along with fish oil to make his coat shiny. Is there anyways I can just fatten him up a little bit more? He's a puppy and he needs to grow big and strong. Please no rude answers, thank you! God bless :)


Well, I don't want to make him grossly overweight. Maybe just feed him something that will help him in the long run. So, what should I feed a growing puppy?

10 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Whoah! Stop trying to "fatten him up"! At his age and especially for his breed, any extra weight means compounding the chances for major bone, joint, and growth problems.

    At 7 months, he is in his gawky, teenage phase. He will continue to fill out - slowly - until he is 2 years old. Rushing it will not do anything but add fat and strain his growing frame and joints.

    If you are concerned that he is an unhealthy weight, head to the vet to confirm it and to get tips on how to get more MUSCLE on him without pushing him to grow to quickly and causing later problems.

  • 9 years ago

    I am assuming that he has had regular vet checks and de-worming, therefore my experience is that cannned food alone isn't the best source of protien. I recommend pedigree dry puppy food as his main source of protien. Of course changing him to this gradually as his digestive system will need to adjust. You can do this by adding canned food (pedigree canned) make sure that you feed him the required amount per his weight daily, changing to the vitality brand and the maturity as he gets older. Keep him on a regular exercise program too. I have 2 dogs, a King Shepherd (6) and a Jack Russell (11) who have eaten pedigree brand food all thier lives. It is budget friendly and has proven them well, and I don't work for P.S. Never given my dogs fish oil and thier coats are beautiful!!! Enjoy your friend!!

  • 9 years ago

    You may have to feed him more. Try to get a high quality dry kibble dog food and mix it with the canned dog food. He should be lean and not fat as too much weight is hard on his joints. His ribs and hip bones should be well covered and not protruding he should be full of energy and have a healthy appetite. Make sure he has no parasites either inside or outside and make sure he is vaccinated and has regular visits to the vet.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    All will come right with her eventually - she got off to a bad start what with being sick, but she will as she grows and gets stronger catch up with her weight. So listen to the vet carefully, seek their advice on what to feed her, tell him/her your worried and they will put your mind at ease. If on the other hand you have decided not to use dry food for her, then a quick way to fatten them up is by giving them cooked meat - but .... your making a rod for your own back then, she will always want fresh meat and that can be expensive. What ever food she is on now, if you want to change it, then take a week to do so - at 11 weeks their digestive system cannot handle change, so gradually add the new food in with the old till its the new food all the time. I have a 4 month old puppy, always fed my past dogs what ever they wanted, but I paid the price, loosing them around 11 yrs instead of say 14 yrs, and it was down to real meat, its not good for them, nor for us either if we eat too much. So with this new puppy of mine I decided to keep her on Kibble to give her the best start and longer life span. However she soon got the smell of the food the humans eat whilst I was cooking, and I slightly gave in. I still use the majority of her meal with the kibble, but I will cut up a little bit of chicken or pork and mix it in - and she now eats happily. So if you do start using real meat, just use it as a flavoring rather than the whole meal. Talk to a vet though right now, plus my vet told me I can add vegetables to make the kibble more interesting - stick with veg such as carrot, peas, broccoli, but never give dogs onion or garlic supposedly its very dangerous for them, chocolate too and things like grapes. Puppies will eat anything you give them, so be aware that some human foods can be dangerous to dogs. Good Luck and she will catch up, just keep giving her lots of cuddles and love and attention, she will turn out fine you will see.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    1. Worm him regularly.

    2. Don't over feed him, he'll become a chubby chops

    3. All young dogs are like strips of wind until they get to 12 mths + so don't worry, once he's stopped growing he'll fill out.

    4. Enjoy your boy, German Shepherds are fantastic dogs

    Source(s): Life long dog owner
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    maybe try feeding him 3 or 4 cans of dog food a day,for about a month or two.

  • 9 years ago

    What brand of dog food are you feeding him? It should be a high quality, high protein food with no grain added. Go to & find a food that meets these requirements. In addition, any high protein food will stay with him longer & he will eat less of it as it contains no "fillers."

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    He's still got a lot of growing to do, don't worry.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Keep on feeding him. :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    feed it your poo

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