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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 years ago

your views on the baby who died after not being allowed access to the nearest hospital.............?


7 month old holly died 2 mins from the hospital she was sent to, because the nearest's a&e was 'closed' at night, and the childrens ward was full

my condolences and thoughts to her family and her, wee angel

and my disgust to the 'people' who allow this to happen

your thoughts?


mr walker, in britian its the conservatives who are messing with the nhs to the degree thats causing these things, they are in charge, they are the ones who changed it, they are the ones causing this

i think we will have to disagree on this one

Update 2:

breezey, exactly money IS more important to the people who run these things

which is why they need to stop allowing people like that ANY say,

where is the HEALTH service, this isnt a business (well it SHOULDNT be)

i cant totally blame the doctors, they are as much under the thumb as anyone else, but any person with humanity would have said' to f with 'protocall' this baby is going to die'

but sadly these kinda needless deaths are happening all the time now

Update 3:


obviously you and i have different views on a few things, this one included

putting blame on labour, or anyone, doesnt change that its happening now while conservatives are in charge

i dont care who it is 'to blame', i only care about who can change it and when they dont change it and make it worse, thats a very different thing, which conservatives are doing

its hardly a positive thing an a&e is closed at night, or that the ward is full,

that money is being taken from the nhs and instead put into things like the olympics or jubilees or the people who have more money thant hey should have

everyone can see where the money is going, and where its needed

Update 4:

you dont need the "media" to tell you that, you just live in britian and look around at the state of it

its easy to see

now if you beleive otherwise thats fine, im not here to argue with you about it, but the facts are facts and i dont think anyone CAN argue with them

Update 5:

and its also well known that england is being hit harder than scotland, stupidly enough thats where the conservatives are putting all their effort so of course you wont see the same damage in the highlands, because scotland has people standing up for it

Update 6:

and living in a smal town or island is hardly gonna hve the same situations as cities with lots more people and lives

Update 7:

whatever any of us have to say on this, a baby is dead , that is a horrific issue

and surely regardless of who is 'to blame' the only thing we should do is try to make sure these things dont happen this way, if we can WE DO prevent it

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those doctors are breaking their oath to protect the sick

  • 9 years ago

    Frou this tragic event is one that could have been prevented and all the inquiries in the world will not change what happened, yet that's what they will do. "find out where they failed...blah blah" The health service needs to be re done entirely. The way public money is accounted for is shameful when it comes to peoples lives. I have witnessed first hand, situations were money is being wasted revamping or what ever as it needs to be used up to ensure a full budget next time. This is shambolic. Unfortunately there are those who abuse the NHS and it means that those who urgently need it are not getting the treatment they are entitled to. The government, in its bid to address this are targeting those who need the services the most. Everything has come round to Performance and those that perform well get rewarded while those that struggle get restricted or axed.


    Does it mean that life is then dispensable within the confines of the current situation?

    secondly, it is quite irksome when I hear the old we have inherited this situation from the last government. Sorry but I just don't wear that. If in the election campaign you knew what you were going to inherit then part of that campaign should have been to address these issues. We have free prescriptions north of the border and major investment in the larger hospitals. We all have a social and moral responsibility to those most vulnerable in our society. To wash ones hands by saying "it was the last governments mess or in saying well you know what, that baby could have died any way is a shame we should all bear and if that is the case, if that is the situation then perhaps each and every one of us must think very very very very carefully were we put that x on the next polling day!!! A baby has died because of the situation NOW please do not add to the tragedy by blaming any one else. If I may remind folks of the lady who died after falling down a mine ( I believe it was ) because there was a debate over health and safty which meant there was a crucial delay in carrying out the rescue.

    sorry for the Rant (((frou)))

  • 9 years ago

    You first have to question how much you believe from the hungry media then how much of it proves if anything that our lives at a risk. I am sure more children survive than die in any emergancy situation, you can hardly claim that this example in anyway proves risk to anyone. If this child died in that hospital anyway no one would say a word but the fact they got transferred to a better equipped one seems to some terrible.

    In the Higlands and Islands if it's serious we have no option to get transferred automatically and if it's a mountain emergancy the person is taken straight from the hill sometimes. Transfer is the best possible chance of survival and if they die well it's their injuries/health not neglect.

    It Labour and the global power put us in this mess, I doubt if labour or any others could do any better, they are all corrupt as each other.

  • 9 years ago

    It's really sad and says a lot about health care and what more to expect.

    Staffordshire hospitals could share more services under partnership

    University Hospital of North Staffordshire already deals with some emergencies from Stafford area

    Continue reading the main story

    Related Stories

    Hospital's A&E closure extended

    Hospital opens new A&E department

    'Concern' over NHS trust finances

    More health services in Staffordshire could be shared under a formal partnership between NHS Trusts.

    Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (MSFT) and University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust (UHNS) are set to sign a memorandum of understanding.

    Heathcare services, including emergency services, would continue to be provided locally wherever possible although some may be centralised to meet costs.

    A number of clinical staff will be employed across both trusts.

    Last year the Audit Commission said UHNS needed to make savings of £47m in its 2012/13 budget, partly due to the increased cost of the new hospital.

    MSFT has failed to meet its financial targets for the last two years, with an operating deficit of £16.5m in 2011-12.

    UHNS is already meeting some of the demand created by the night closure of Stafford Hospital's accident and emergency unit, which is run by MSFT.

    Basically, how I take it... the dollars are more important than lives.

  • Terry
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Doctors do not run hospitals, Accountants do, Schools are not run by Teachers but by accountants,

    Sports clubs are not run by the sports council but by Accountants.

    And accountant's don't have hearts only a slide rule, money comes first,

    I am 81 one and am fully aware that if I fell ill I would not stand a chance in hell off getting anything done for me. Because the accountant's would very coldly , without any emotion or guilt say. close the doors, To think I paid my dues for 44 years every month, for the right to have free health and now its denied me, I do feel sad about this baby and somebody should be ashamed, but I doubt it.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    wow, I'm shocked.. I can't even imagine how bad those parents must feel :o that's just one of the most horrible things that could possibly happen.. Your child, dying before you and in front of your eyes.. while you can't do anything.. when a hospital refuses to help you out..

    Where is the world going to..? if you can't even bring your child to a hospital because of an emergency.. the reason being because it is 'closed'. People should be able to count on hospitals.. we are talking about a life here.. that could of have been saved.. It's really sad :(

  • 9 years ago

    Horrific. Protocol? is it protocol to watch a baby die?

    Did not know English emergency rooms are closed at night, and I hope something good can come of all that, like keeping them open at least for pediatric abd truly life-threatening situations (as they should be.). My condolences to the parents. Very sad, indeed. Thank you for sharing, froufrou.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I am a conservative and very proud of it. That is Socialism at its worst. People need to read some history. America had the best care in the world until the left wing socialist started their agenda. Everyone needs to wake up before its to late. They never cared about anyone , only power.

    God bless this family. I feel so sad for them

    Miss((froufrou)) I agree with you just a little bit. Maybe

  • 9 years ago

    Hospitals are business ventures today.

    The Republicans want to keep healthcare privatized. Because their backers own the healthcare industry.

    Obama wants universal healthcare.

    Don't expect a business to care about people, except when they get paying customers. You may work at a hospital, and you may care about patients, but the board of directors care about money and how to get it.

    If you are not a millionaire, don't expect the Republicans to care about you either.

  • 9 years ago

    Oh, for a sec I thought you were talking of India! Happens all the time :(

    Any loss of life for lack of care is extremely sad and unnecessary...but human lives are cheap everwhere it seems!

    Wish we could rewrite Laws of Humanity!

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