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intelex asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

Will online news surfers eventually push back on the intrusion of mandatory advertisement?

I had a little time to kill after lunch and wanted to check out a few news stories before heading back to work. Two Yahoo video clips lasting a combined 1:27 came with two inescapable 0:30 ads, meaning 2/5 of the 2:27 I watched was ads.

So I skipped over to text stories and those too came with streaming digital ads and audio content that you couldn't exit out of for 0:15.

Tracking cookies, corporate databases on your behavior, seemingly relentless cross-marketing, and purchasing/selling your online information like pork bellies... Will surfers accept this intrusion as the new norm for internet content or will they push-back against the most egregious abusers and force them to collapse under the weight of their customer's repulsion?


11UN - I hope that you aren't inferring that I'm an idiot. The question is legitimate and doesn't take the position that content providers shouldn't be compensated somehow. In the last couple of years, these types of revenue efforts have expanded exponentially. I also provided concrete data - approximately 40% of my viewed content today - was mandatory ads. That would never fly in broadcast TV.

If you would like to take another swing at actually answering the question in a thoughtful manner, I'm curious about the point where consumers will reject on-demand content due to advertisements.

1 Answer

  • 11UN
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When will idiots realise that Yahoo has thousands of employees and dozens of data centres, and that the aim of any business is to make a profit. Unless you wish to be met by a paywall demanding a subscription fee, advertisements are a necessity.

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