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Christians: what astronomy-related questions would you be interested to find out more?

Suppose a Christian astronomer was going to visit your church. What questions would you like him to address?

10 Answers

  • paul h
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is the Earth really the center of the universe?....these Catholic researchers..Dr's Robert Sungenis and Robert Bennett ...seem to have evidence it is based on interferometry measurements going back to the 1800's. . I'd like more details on whether their evidence is valid and conclusions.

    Is "Dark Flow" evidence that the universe is collapsing right now and confirms the Biblical passages that God will "roll up the Heavens like a scroll" as the end times draw near...stars will appear to fall from the sky?

    Is "Plasma Cosmology" a better explanation for how the universe operates than the Big Bang model since the BB model has so many problems and needs unknown dark matter and dark energy to exist for it to work?

    I have a few more but that will do for now.

  • 9 years ago

    If I were a Christian and I wanted information for my congregation, a few years agoI might have asked about comets from around 2012 years ago or thereabouts and where they would have seemed to have landed.

    Now, a more useful debate between Christian and astronomer - on a topic neither is expert at - might be =is God winning?=

    (As a follow-up to Einstein's "God does not play dice"). Or if you wanted something that was more spiritual than discussing quantum probability theory, "on the morality of feeding Schrodinger's cat".

    If you wanted something more astronomical to ask an astronomer, I guess an individual churchman might seek out information about the anthropic principle. The bean-counters back at head office probably aren't ready for a cost-benefit analysis for a new church at Gliese just yet.

  • 9 years ago

    Although he is dead now, I would have loved having Father Lemaitre visit my Church. He is the priest who published, in 1927, the Primeval Atom Hypothesis which, in 1948, became a theory. Today, we know it as the Big Bang theory (the name comes from an atheist adversary of the theory: Fred Hoyle).

    I would have so many questions about the mathematics behind the theory.

    Father Lemaitre was a famous astronomer, having worked with the real Edwin Hubble, another famous astronomer (the space telescope is named after him).

    But he was mostly an even greater mathematician. One day, after publishing his paper about the expansion of the universe, he had a meeting with Albert Einstein (who was convinced that the universe was not expanding). After the private meeting, Einstein simply announced that his earlier belief (no expansion) was the greatest mistake of his career.

    Remember: Einstein was NOT an astronomer, he was a mathematician (and a "darn" good one, at that). And a "mere" priest was able to change Einstein's mind.

  • 9 years ago

    <QUOTE>Christians: </QUOTE>

    Why are you asking only christians? I don't believe that Christians have the monopoly of interest in Astronomy questions, or that they are the most vocal holier-than-thou finger-pointers. Don't discriminate, love everyone the same.

    But if you do end up doing the part of the astronomer that walks into a church (sounds like the start of a joke...), then my suggestion is that you dress up as the guy who invented the Big Bang.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Are all the sentient ET = extraterrestrials also created in the image and likeness of God? Since Earth will be heaven after the millenium; will God really allow our sun to become a big enough red giant to destroy all life on Earth? Both ideas are supported by Bible scriptures and are at least slightly important in Mormon doctrine = The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

    Many astronomy concepts are debated among the top astronomers, and the mainstream concepts have changed significantly over the past century and many of them will change again. Neil

  • 9 years ago

    Excuse me, but what's the difference between a Christian astronomer and a non-Christian astronomer? Is the science different for the two groups?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What is the difference between a Christian astronomer and a non-religious astronomer?!???!!???!?!

  • Yadata
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    If the earth isn't flat then am I wrong for thinking string theory particularly membrane theory is pretty possible? And kinda makes you think God is bigger than we thought He was too.

    Source(s): A bit of a Big Bang on a small scale....
  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Well if it has to be an inter-related issue, I would ask when the Catholic church is going to release Galileo from house arrest.

  • 9 years ago

    I asked just about this same question for left-handed professional dachshund walkers, and got no answers. Hope you do better.

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