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ATTN: MORTGAGE PROFESSIONALS! where do you think mortgage rates will be 30 days from now?

I have a 4% lock with $1100 towards closing. ( due to a misundestanding between me and my LO) Today the 4% is at $4400 towards closing or a 3.75% with $1100. Any educated forecasts where the rates may be next month?

3 Answers

  • 9 years ago

    There is no crystal ball to try and tell were rates will be in 30 days but I can tell you not too far from whats being offered to you now. basically the lender is paying you upfront for taking a higher rate (but theyll get it back over and over again).. Good Luck!!

  • 9 years ago

    Right now they are still falling due to the feds pumping money into the system.

    Suspect the same or lower.

    * This is just an opinion.

    Source(s): Not a mortgage professional. Just watch CNBC often.
  • Rob
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Old Saying.

    Bird in hand is worth two in bush.

    take the one u got as the difference

    will not be that great.

    Source(s): builder, landlord
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