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Lol again muslim help plz?

why would muslims say praise be unto Him if He is mere human a prophet and on top of that a prophet that lied, if I understand your teachings.

11 Answers

  • ahmos
    Lv 4
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    hii there :) I am a muslim and I can see the point of your question, so allow me to illustrate to you this part about Islam your asking,

    we must first understand somethings, PBUH or praise be upon him or peace be upon him, is in Arabic, صلي الله علي و سلم

    ok, but Arabic language is so rich that صلي or "salat" means several meanings as praise, peace or even some may claim it as a direct arabic word for "prayer" which is not true...Allah, we or anyone don't pray to a mere human being! prophet Mohammad was a human, so we don't worship him, and God himself doesn't pray to him

    second, look at the part "on"...when people pray, they pray "to" not "on"...this furthermore clarifies that it's only blessings, praise or peace on or upon someone...which Allah, angels or anyone can do to prophet Mohamad

    now, Prophet said: "Whoever sends one salah upon me, Allah will send ten upon him."

    Does that mean that Allah prays to us? No of course

    Does that mean that Allah praises to us? No also :D

    but he praises or peace "on" us or 10 good deeds written in our book for the day of judgement

    more over, we muslims say that also on other messengers of god for example, prophet Mohamad said, "Send the Salat on Allah's messengers and prophets for Allah sent them as He sent me."

    so, I say it also on Jesus Christ and Moses for instances too

    The New Testament itself mentioned when Jesus said "Peace [be] unto you", in John 20:21, when entering between a group of people.

    Source(s): hope I helped :)
  • 9 years ago

    If somebody has done small good to u in ur life u ll be thankful to him and may use the same words for him. He has done and suffered a lot just for the betterment of humanity. I m sure you are one more westerner having no knowledge of his life and simple searching the words like , "Muhammad killed how many infidels" "Muhammad married how many minor girls" "Muhammad hated humanity" on google and then making your opinion out of those search results. Thats not how opinions are to be made. The only correct way is to study his life from muslim and western perspective both and then make your opinion. plz do some honest study before making hate remarks. Now you would say i damn care about him and dont need to study. Well if thats the case you should not have asking such question at the first place then if you damn care about him.

  • 9 years ago

    Muslims don't say praise be unto him to anyone. They tell to the Prophet Mohammed salalahu aleihi wa salam which means allah's mercy and peace be upon him as he passed away. And they say aleihiwa salam to all the other prophets and they tell also to all other person who passed away, may Allah be pleased with them.

    The prophet didn't lie.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If I do something to assist somebody and that they don't savour it and rather harm me, it does make me experience offended and that i think which would be a organic reaction from anybody. And its genuine that as quickly as i'm able like that i think of approximately Allah and how he knows my stable deed and it quite is not important no count number if i'm getting a stable reaction from human beings. pondering quite some the time this occurs with my kinfolk, I have no determination yet to maintain related :P Its not purely you, i've got long previous interior the direction of the comparable element and that i'm specific maximum others have additionally

  • 9 years ago

    We say (PBUH) Peace be upon him, when we talk about ANY of Gods prophets which were ALL mere humans. And he lied about what exactly? Care to elaborate?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    PBUH means 'Peace be on him' - not 'praise be unto him.' It's the same as saying someone should rest in peace.

    As for lying - many religious people like to slander the founders of other religions in that way.


    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    we say Peace Be Upon Him not praise...... and FYI He was called Saadiq and Ameen among his tribe before he become a prophet.

    Saadiq = Truthful

    Ameen= faithful

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    You have a legit question and for these people answering to insult you and bash you is just typical of why it's been difficult to have any type of dialogue about this. Hope you find your answer from someone not zealousy defensive.

  • 9 years ago

    lol even your question is wrong if i may know who lied to you and said praise unto him :p

    Source(s): muslim
  • 9 years ago

    B/c they worship him. B/c they're part of the religion that he created to serve himself. Charles Manson did the same basic thing except with Manson it didn't catch on the way it did with Mo. L. Ron Hubbard did the same thing and it caught on but his followers don't seem to be violent murderous pricks, unlike Manson and Mohammed's followers. Delusional, yes, but basically safe to be around.

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