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Are we all plebes, to career politicians?

Does Cameron Continued support for Andrew Mitchell

over the plebe gate incident mean that he too think that

anyone outside of posh boys club politics are plebes too?.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I expect that to the likes of Dave Cameron and his bunch of plastic faced Eaton educated career politicians that are currently running the country into the ground , we're all plebs!. Mitchell was just stupid enough to use the word against a reliable police officer. Just go's to show what the likes of career politicians think of the ordinary guy/woman in the street.

  • 9 years ago

    Yes - thats about it.!!

    The public - once an election is over - are only of nuisance value for the next 4-5 yrs to the elected government/politicians - and then the whole 'public patronising political circus' starts all over again.

    All politicians are 'self servers' during there time in office - not one 'has ever' benefited the public whilst in office - all have 'manipulated and politically abused' the public with lies and more lies and misleading info and treated 'them' with utter contempt. And the 'sickening thing is' we continually vote these political/bad attituded morons into power.

    We 'are' the 'plebes' as seen by our (out of touch) millionaire politicians who will always demand we (public) are subservient/doff capping too the establishment as is still demanded now adays.

    This political clown AM actions just reinforce that attitude of 'them' and 'us' - its a question of 'us' knowing our place....allowing 'them' to authoritatively/politically abuse/bully us anytime 'they' see fit.

    Where the voters get the idea these 'multi-millionaires/generally very rich people' are the people too lead this country and look after 'our needs and wants' is beyond me....none ever have in the past - and none ever will in the future.

    Politics is power and power (continually) corrupts - and gives assured 'self importance' to these selected few politicians who (again) 'treat the public with utter contempt' once elected.

    Its nothing new - the establishments attitude is....'know your place you plebes' - and do as 'you are told'....thats called 'political democracy' for the peoples.!!

  • 9 years ago

    Worse, we are becoming serfs to very base and shiftless elites. At least plebes had Tribunes to speak for and protect their interests. Serfs have no protections.

    VP Biden is the new poster boy for term limits. Over 40yrs of "service" that has left him self satisfied. arrogant and rather well off financially.

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Andrew Mitchell MP and his pals just think this is all going to go away, but it is not. The daggers are out and the stabbing will continue until the victim - well, you know the rest.

    Julius Caesar was stabbed about 23 times - how much more easy it will be to get rid of a Mitchell.

    When the PM says he has 'faith' in a person and 'believes' in them. You can bet that slowly he is listening to the noise outside.

    "Who will rid us of this evil. . . . ."

    The gobshite hooligan and bad mouth.

    Smoothie spiv, holding dinner. Nice doggie, pretty doggie, yum-yums!

    LONDON UK 151012.0800

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What is a plebe?

    Maybe we are if we cannot spell it correctly.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Always have been, always will be.

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