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Do you face paint and what determines how much you charge?

I have done face painting for years mostly for fun at fund raisers and special events, but for years I painted and was reimbursed for paints and supplies and given between $350 and $500 for painting approx 50 to 75 children. I just worked an event recently and was reimbursed for paints only and given $50 to paint over 150 children in the hot sun with a breeze where my paints were drying faster than I could paint. There doesn't seem to be a set price for this and was curious how you charge.

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The face painters that I know charge per child, anywhere from $10 to $20 per child, which is closer to your first price. You could always charge a minimum price, such as a $100 for 50 children, and $50 more for every 50 children after that.

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