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What does a person with stage 4 bone cancer look like?

I have a coworker who claims to have stage 4 terminal bone cancer and at the risk of sounding like a complete a**hole, I think shes lying. I work part-time as a waitress and I have fibromyalgia so Im aware that its possible to look perfectly fine and be very ill and very much in pain. I ache to high heavens after a shift, I could never work a double, I can barely lift trays. But this chick is pulling double shifts after morning sessions of chemo and bone marrow transplants AND works a second job? Is this possible? My father in law nearly died after being diagnosed with esophageal carcinoma, and even though he is a veteran his bills were in excess of $100,000 after treatment. This woman is uninsured, I guess Medicade has excellent benefits? She tells people at work that she will be dead in a year. I just have a gut feeling, maybe because Im an asshole, or maybe because my family has been affected by many different types of cancer. I guess either way this woman is sick. But Id like to know some characteristics of a stage 4 terminal bone cancer patient if anyone knows.

7 Answers

  • Matt
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no way she is working that much while she is undergoing treatment.

  • 8 years ago

    It might be remotely possible to have bone cancer with no symptoms obvious to other people, but it is absolutely impossible for someone undergoing a bone marrow transplant to get out of bed, let alone work. Unless there is a different bone marrow procedure i don't know of (which is possible) a bone marrow transplant requires killing all the marrow cells in the bones and starting over with new marrow. This nearly kills the patient and sometimes does actually kill the patient. Most patients are in the hospital 3-4 weeks, and then incapacitated for a few more months

  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A bone marrow transplant is an inpatient procedure which puts the patient in a restricted icu room for 4-6 weeks, and takes a year to recover from. People do push through it and some people push through it hard enough they go back to work sooner because they have no choice. But she would not be working two jobs if she was currently going through a bone marrow transplant.

    I dont know about bone cancer, but I had leukemia, and a bone marrow transplant was part of my treatment. I defintely looked sick, lost my hair, was in the hospital for 6 weeks for the transplant, another 6 weeks of daily out patient care, and put myself back in the hospital when I tried to go to work 6 months later.

  • Tiny
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    When I was doing chemo and had a wiped out immune system, it took all I had to climb up the one step into my house from the front porch no kidding. Even going DOWN a small set of three steps was a huge challenge, I was so weak from the chemo. A person doing a BMT is also feeling the same level of weakness. You are not an ******, and this person is clearly a habitual liar especially that she is claiming bone cancer, a very painful disease, at stage 4 she would most likely need a regular PCA type narcotic drip for the pain.

    Best Wishes

    Source(s): Cancer Survivor
  • 4 years ago

    i'm so sorry you're having to adventure this along with your dad. Alzhiemers is undesirable adequate without the added rigidity of maximum cancers... degree a million: the main cancers is extremely small and thoroughly interior the prostate gland which feels accepted while a rectal examination is finished degree 2: the main cancers remains interior the prostate gland, yet is larger and a lump or problematic area could be felt while a rectal examination is finished degree 3: the main cancers has broken interior the direction of the protecting of the prostate and could have grown into the seminal vesicles degree 4: the main cancers has grown into the neck of the bladder, rectum or pelvic wall, or has unfold to the lymph nodes or yet another area of the physique

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I have a friend of mine who until recently (a couple years ago) had regularly participated in marathons at the age of 60. He now has stage four prostate cancer in his pelvis, spine, skull, and liver - and he finds it a challenge to get to the car from the house.

    I hope this person is merely a co-worker, and not a "friend"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Bone marrow transplants are not used to treat bone cancer and you are the hospital for weeks.

    Source(s): I am a cancer registrar.
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