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Why is 99.99% of painted face women evil and celebrated christmas in your bible?

Who was the firsted painted face =cosmetic,superpose,superimpose evil woman.1kings 9;30.Her name was Jezebel.Why was she evil,no sobriety,chastity,modesty,loyalty to YHWH righteousness.

Her shameful death shows what Elohim thought of her evil propensity and lifestyle 1kings 21;7-9.She was eated by dogs.

What does christmas and cosmetic have in common?= Both are clandestine in its purpose.

Christmas a Shatan /gog of magog invented lies, Purpose: to deceive the religious sops and make money.

Cosmetic intent is to superimpose oneself as beautiful, when they are not.Purpose to deceive many vain sops men to marry and love them. That's the snare and trap of earthly, senual and devil women. js 3;12-15.Eccl.7;26-29, Not one righteous woman of that time period was found.

Painted face women are promoted and accepted, just like Shatan/gog of magog christmas lies.

Fabrication,canard,nescient is the real intent of both and women alway have favor a lie over truth. Painted face[jezebel] women and lie lover christmas are their commensurating purpose. To deceived deaf-adder, lie-lover,iron sharpen Iron SOP to their eschatological token of perdition..

4 Answers

  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What a silly rant when it is the Christian church that adopted the pagan festival and all it's trappings and methods of worship?!

    The church under Pope Julius I declared that Christ’s birth would be celebrated on December 25 in 350 AD in order to try to hijack the PAGAN festivals but it was largely ignored. Christians did not really celebrate Christmas until 378 but it was then dropped in 381 and not resurrected until 400.

    AMERICA ACTUALLY BANNED CHRISTMAS several times and is the originator of the expression “Happy Holidays” which came about because of the pagan origins of Christmas to include all religions and traditions!

    The Venerable Bede, an early Christian writer pointed out that the Christian church absorbed Pagan practices when it found the population unwilling to give up the festivals. Thus a lot of what Christians now see as Christians practices are in fact pagan!

    So what you need to do is realize that you are trying to protect a pagan rite and nothing to do with Christianity!.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    For goodness sake do you believe every woman hating comment your preacher makes? I could explain, but I really cannot be bothered to cast any "pearls before swine". You really are a sad person.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Is it loony time already?

    My watch must be slow.

    May I just remind you that Elisha was the one who ordered Jezebel thrown out of a window, after he userped her son, the rightful king?

    (and she only wore makeup to look her best as she died)

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    how do you know that Eve didnt slap on some coloring here and there.. she might have..

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