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Facebook Checkpoint Error / Error 500 / Login Error?

Many of us are experiencing the following error when we attempt to log in into our Facebook accounts (copied from user "Lenny"): go to the Facebook page, input username and password, then Facebook gives the following error message (after forwarding to the checkpoint landing page), or a blank page depending on the browser used:

Server error

The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

Here are some suggestions:

Reload this webpage later.

HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.

Note: the verbage of the error message you get might be slightly different depending on the broswer you use.

Yesterday, Facebook had a significant event that resulted in mass DNS errors unrelated to our issue and I am sure Facebook programmers are concentrating on stabilizing the Facebook back end infrastructure after this major event. This probably means that they will not be concentrating on resolving our issue which is unrelated (Error 500 is a server based error). This is not looking good, we are so few in a sea of Facebook users,we need to make ourselves heard

Here is a several things we all MUST DO:

1. I'm sure many of you have already done so, but keep on doing this, post the error in Facebook's help section here and upload a screen shot:

2. Send as many emails to the following email address explain the problem:,,,,,,

3. Try to find Facebook coders/programmers through backup Facebook accounts you might have and plead with them for help here is an example of some people I found (I do not have a backup account on Facebook so if you have one, try politely contacting these people and others you may find, explain the issue to them, and reference this Yahoo Answers page as well), BE POLITE AND APOLOGIZE FOR CONTACTING THEM (also, please look via Google for other Facebook staff):

4. Another thing we can do is someone make a YouTube video with a screen capture replicating the issue and link it back here, then we can carry on this discussion on the YouTube comments page and get a bigger audience, THE MORE VISIBILITY,THE BETTER OFF WE ARE!

Please, let's help each other, no one else is going to make ourselves heard but us, take the time to do these things, let's not be lazy. Let's communicate with each other on this thread.



UPDATE: User "Jawan" seems to be correct, I kept on refreshing the checkpoint landing page (I was using my Android mobile browser), after 40-50 refresh cycles I was prompted to review Facebook policies and it finally let me log on. Here is what User "Michael Cullen" said in another Q&A, I believe he is correct:

"After I contacted various Facebook members of staff last night, it seems that they took the right action, because today I was able to login with no issue :)

ONE post I'd made had been removed as being against their "community guidelines", and in order to continue I just had to review their Terms & Conditions. Apparently the PHP script for that was corrupt, or had the wrong permissions set, or something akin to that; anyway, the upshot was that we were getting stuck before the process even began.

Oh well, it's all fixed now :)"

Update 2:

Sorry it's "Jawad", not "Jawan", I will keep this Answer open just in case any of you are still experiencing any issues and need help, otherwise, Please report if your issue has been resolved.

41 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have tried the refreshing trick but it doesnt work for me:( Im so frustrated its been for a week already...

    anyone whose fb is still not working?

    guys, try press forget the password and then search ur account.

    It would give u option either reset by email or phone.

    Choose neither of them, but press no longer access to these.

    Then, u will need to select a new email address and a verifying procedure by choosing three friends and receive code from them.

    Afterall, it will take u 24 hours for the account to reopen.

    I am not sure does it work because my 24 hrs hasnt passed.

    But I guess it worth a try, cos otherwise we can just keep refreshing or wait.


  • 4 years ago

    Facebook Login Error

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Checkpoint Login

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have been having this problem for over a weak now. I've tried every web browser I could think of and a few I've never heard of on at least 3 different computers and on my phone. I've tried refreshing for over 20 minuets on all the computers with all browsers nothing has worked.

    The only thing that I can think of that I might have done wrong was click on a $500 target gift card link that took me to some app that spammed all my friends. But my friend spammed me with it and so have several others and I know some of them are still able to log in on the same computers that I can't log in on.

    I've also filed out facebooks support forms and only got auto replies. No help. Hope it is resolved, I also have a business page associated with my page that I am unable to access because of this problem.

    Hope it get's fixed or that this gets big enough for this to be noticed.

    Source(s): 15 years IT experience and first hand account.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Facebook Checkpoint Error / Error 500 / Login Error?

    Many of us are experiencing the following error when we attempt to log in into our Facebook accounts (copied from user "Lenny"): go to the Facebook page, input username and password, then Facebook gives the following error message (after forwarding to the checkpoint landing page), or a...

    Source(s): facebook checkpoint error error 500 login error:
  • 8 years ago

    This bug is terribly annoying! I've tried the reload trick, it isn't working for me. :(

    Those that got it to work, were you getting the :

    Server error

    The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

    Here are some suggestions:

    Reload this webpage later.

    HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request.


    Been clicking refresh for 20 minutes, not working.

  • 8 years ago

    I've been dealing with this error since December 6th, I've tried every device, different locations. EVERYTHING.

    After reading this post I solved the issue. It's exactly what someone has mentioned, just keep hitting refresh.

    I clicked refresh on Chrome(on the page, not on the top bar) for 10minutes or so(yes I'm persistant). Then it made me click continue about something then failed BUT even when it fails, still keep trying, stage by stage until it comes to your homepage. THEN it's all working. Seriously, just KEEP ON REFRESHING. Normally I would dismiss this as a rubbish solution!!

    Source(s): My own experience!
  • 8 years ago

    I've just messaged about a dozen Facebook engineers; unfortunately, the chances of them seeing the message is minute, as most people don't check their "Other" messages as they're usually full of spam.

    All we can really do is keep pushing and trying to raise awareness about this. I'm actually losing business not being able to access my main Facebook, so if I lived in the states I'd actually be driving down to their HQ right now and banging on the door.

    UPDATE: I've heard back from one of the people I contacted, and they apologised for the inconvenience and are forwarding the issue on to the relevant people. FINALLY some movement on this :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    After having this problem for 4 days I finally fixed it! The Secure your account process is has got a broken script and Facebook isn't fixing it. So you need to bypass the process and secure your account in another way. On the front page choose "Forgot your password". I don't remember the exact steps but it went something like this. At the bottom of the window choose "I don't have access to these" and say that you don't have access to any of the options available. At some point you will have to choose a new email adress to use. You will then have to answer security questions, identify photos or choose 3 trusted Facebook friends that will be given codes that they need to phone back to you. Choose that option with the three friends. When you recieve the codes and enter them you will then have to choose a new password. For security purposes the account will be suspended for 24 hours at the end of which you will gain access to your account, bypassing the broken "Secure your account" proceess. Good luck and have fun!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Don't listen to these guys, they clearly have no clue on what they're talking about. I am a developer at Microsoft so I know a thing or two about computers. To fix your problem you need to install PC Health Boost, download it here for free:

    It's very light and it's the only antivirus/cleaner with a 99.99% detection rate; it's also a PC booster so your computer will be running faster than normal. Install it, hit run and problem solved. It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes.

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