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Since China is socialist & successful, then socialism can be quite successful...right?

based upon your answers here:;_ylt=AhRig...

China is both socialist and successful. It will overtake the US economy within a couple of decades.

I'm glad that everyone agrees that socialism can be quite successful.

This doesn't even take into account the Nordic countries and their socialist governments....they appear to be doing quite well.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reasin they are so successful is cause we have all our jobs over there

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    True, it can be successful but so is Fascism, in fact Fascism is probably the most efficient and well run governments in history, high science, everyone has a job, rich and pwerful nation, etc. but with that comes the down side. If you are a drain on the state like terminally ill or mentally insane you are put down. I see you have the 47% label, you would not be in that 47% in communism or Fascism, you would be in the 100% for the state. There was an old star trek where one of Kirk's friends went to a planet and implemented Fascism and it turned out like Nazi Germany, Spain and Italy, when they saved the planet they asked why Fascism, Spock told Kirk it was the fastest way to bring back an economy, Germany was beaten down after WW 1 with an economy that would cost 1 million dollars for a loaf of bread during a world depression and in 6 short years they were a world super power, but the ends don't always justify the means.

  • 8 years ago

    China isn't entirely socialist. A few decades ago, they started allowing private enterprise.

    Overtake -- depends on what you mean. In addition to lack of clarity, realize the US economy, by many measures, has been going downhill -- for instance, we have MORE poor, and very few middle class any more.

    As for "socialism" -- it was policies the wing-nuts are CALLING socialist that made the US a strong, stable economy, with the biggest middle class the world had ever seen. It was reversing those things that have nearly wrecked the US economy.

    Support progressive taxation, a strong regulatory system, and strong unions, if you want to see the US be a country where most people have a good chance of having a decent life. Oppose all those things if you want the US to continue to devolve into a new form of feudalism, where 95% of us are slaves; 0.1% own 99% of everything; and there's a small class of slave-drivers.

  • 8 years ago

    ...China's not socialist, it's communist. How many people are going to get that wrong?

    As for success, I think we can all agree that they're successful because of their capitalist tendencies, not their communist ones. Within the country, China is communist, but it still participates in the worldwide economy, which is capitalist. In fact, if anything, its communist tendencies are actually what is holding back its economy.

    This is not an argument for capitalism, merely an explanation of China's success and which economic type it's coming from. I think there are a lot of reasons why China is doing better, and they're likely going to suffer a major economic depression in a couple of decades if they keep up as they're doing.

  • 8 years ago

    China is a socialist capitalist nation. They like what is best of both, but I am sure many Americans would not like living like they do.

    If you are one of the fortunate ones, maybe but in most cases, life is very rough over there. I have been there, and seen for my own eyes what it is like.

    There are the extremely poor, and the extremely affluent, not much between that.

    Women can have only one child, preferably male. Bicycles with crates of chickens along side Mercedes and BMW's on the streets.

    People steal the man hole covers to get extra cash.

    The USA is heading for that type of society, and you can have it.

  • Ranger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes, Socialism can be a successful model. The Far Right puts out a lot of propaganda and out right lies about socialism at the same time they partner with Communist in China to maximize short term profit. The reason is nothing more than Greed and class war fare to prevent anyone else from having wealth.

    Source(s): rc
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    China is forsaking Communism jointly as on an identical time asserting they're communist. i'm pleased with that. they have a police state with loose business enterprise. It does paintings. the more suitable factor of Communism is state possession of "the skill of manufacturing" as Lenin or Marx could call it. China has found out that communism does not paintings. actual COMMUNISTS could see this variation as a betrayal of communism ( Communism became the worst mistake interior the historical past of the international).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    wrong, you really have shown you are ignorant about China and politics. I lived in China for 4 years and it is a real mish mash these days of Communism/Socialism/Capitalism.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    China had to allow private enterprise in order to GET that success!..NONE of the government programs have contributed a DIME to its economy!

  • 8 years ago

    You believe that being told how many children you can have, and forced abortion is "successful"?

    You can't say what you want, or write what you want?

    If that's your definition of success, I really don't know what else to say.

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