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Jared asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 8 years ago

Creatine question...?

I'm in my school's Athletic Power and Fitness where you lift and stuff. I am not that strong at all, I haven't lifted before this class, which started in about mid-October. (I'm a 15 and a half guy)

My bench max is 90, Deadlift is 155 or 165, Clean is 70, Press is 65 if any of this matters.

My friend (lifting partner) took one of the Dr. Death's creatine (Dr. Death is 1000 pounds in press, clean and bench) creatine. It was N.O. Xplode.

My lifting partner, how is smaller than me but can lift more was very hyper. He was energetic, but also really goofy. What suprised me was he was lifting 5-20 pounds more than his max which he normally can hardly get his max. He was really pumped up. His plank max was normally 1:50, but he got 3:05.

My first question was why is this happening? Second, is it safe for me to take Creatine? I know it's naturally in my body, so why not? third, is N.O. Xplode a good creatine choice? Are there better ones? My only nutrition store is GNC, so make it buy able at GNC. Also, does GNC have N.O. Xplode?

Thanks guys!

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1)The reason why it is happening is N.O.-Xplode is loaded up with alot more than just creatine. N.O.-Xplode has alot of sugar and caffeine, which is partially why he is so excessively hyper.

    2) I have personally been lifting weights and taking creatine since I was 17. Yes, I believe it is an excellent aid in building lean muscle as well as strength. They do however suggest that you are 18+ years of age to take creatine. I would talk to some form of a proffesional if I were in your shoes, maybe your family doctor.

    3) Yes almost anything would be a better choice of a creatine supplement than N.O.-Xplode. For price and effectiveness I would reccomend Jack3d. Although it has some caffine as well it is much cheaper and in my honest opinion it is a much better pre-workout supplement


    Here is the Jack3d label-

    Jack3d Nutrition Label

    Supplement Facts

    Serving Size1Scoop(5.55grams)

    Servings Per Container:45

    Amount Per Serving % Daily Value*

    Proprietary Blend 4145mg *

    (Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine (CarnoSyn®), Caffeine, 1,3-Dimethylamylamine HCL, Schisandra Chinensis (Berry) Extract (Standardized For Schizandrol A))

    * Daily Value not established

    Other Ingredients:

    Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Silicon Dioxide, Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, Vegetable Stearate, Beta Carotene (For Color).

    This Product Is Produced In A Facility That Processes Milk And Soy Ingredients Do Not Use If You Are, Or May Become Pregnant.

    Hope this helps

    Source(s): Years of experience. My age 23 My current weight 190 lbs My bench 225lbs 5X5 Decline bench 265lbs Squat 320lbs 5x5 Barbell Curls 135lbs
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Here is the thing, creatine itself is very safe. Mix it with an overload of caffeine-suagr like your friend and it becomes an issue. Many kids under 18 have died due to heartattacks from N.O explode etc. The best suggestion I can give you is go buy creatine in a pure form, gnc sells it. Before a workout to get that extra kick, eat nuts and a piece of fruit, if you need to add in a cup of coffee but minus all the sugar- it just becomes fat you don't need. Your friend is not all fun an games, because after a hard workout he has a sugar crash from all that was in his preworkout pump. Also remember, he is only that strong during a workout, ask him to lift like he did 3 hours later and see what happens, he is flabby and can't barely lift 10 lbs. Also the pump he gets is artificial, its not do-able in reality, put him in a sport and he will be shaking, not clearly thinking, and lose any natural talent he has. To get best results do as I said above. Id also recommend going on to youtube and type in, I want to look like that guy. Watch the documentary and see how one guy stunned himself and the world going from flab to bodybuilder in 6 short months. It really all comes down to diet. You can lift as much as you want in a gym, but if your diet is off, so will your gains or losses of weight.

    Source(s): bodybuilder, nutritionist
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    People are misunderstood what creatine does...It is not a "lesser" version of steroids. It just helps process the fluids and water throughout your system and muscles, bulks you up a little more, which helps you lift heavier weights to GAIN the solid muscle. Hope that sheds some light. It isn't bad if you don't have too much. You may want to ask a doctor what quantity is good for you, not everyone is the same.

  • 8 years ago

    It's generally recommended that you forget about using dietary supplements until reaching age 18. Until then, focus on eating a clean (no junk food) high-protein diet. By high-protein, I mean approximately 1 gram per pound of body weight per day. So if you weigh 110 pounds, try to consume 110 grams of protein spread from morning to night. You'd want to get twice as many carbohydrates (220 grams) and keep the fat to a minimum. The amino acids in protein help your muscles rebuild bigger and stronger from the breakdown that occurs during weight training. This process generally takes up to 48 hours to complete, which is why you should not perform the same exercises for the same muscle groups every day. Muscle size and strength gains are made during recovery, not the act of lifting.

    While creatine isn't recommended at your age, you should be aware of the requirements for a loading phase (which is not manditory, but an option many lifters take) and the following daily maintenance dose. Creatine monohydrate has been shown to promote muscle size, power and strength. It's found in meat, but not in quantities large enough to noticeably impact weight training performance. One dose won't do anything for you, because creatine has to build up in muscle tissues before it can be effective. That's why many lifters take a 5 gram dose with breakfast, lunch, dinner and right before bed (total of 20 grams) for 4 or 5 days (the 'loading phase') before switching to a daily maintenance dose of 5 grams. While there are other forms of creatine, none have been shown to be more effective than monohydrate.

    Again, you should wait until you're more experienced with eating a 'dialed in' diet and more familiar with weight training before supplementing. But if you do decide to use dietary supplements, you should teach yourself how to determine exactly what is in each product by reading the label's facts panel. Never use anything you are unsure about, and don't trust some guy in the weight room to be an expert.

  • 8 years ago

    creatine adds to the ATP leveals in the body... giving u more explosive power an energy... helping u lift heavier an grind out more reps

    creatine is safe an a naturally occuring substance in certain foods like fish an beef, an naturally occuring in your energy cycle

    creatine is safe to supplment.. in the ranges of 5 - 8 grams daily daily.... i would suggest taking it for 8-10 weeks then getting off for 5-6 weeks

    it works great....

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I bought at my local grocery store, NOW brand Creatine. I take it with Muscle Milk within 45 minutes after every workout except after P90X Yoga.

  • 8 years ago

    Creatine is safe, I take it before every workout,. The best one in my opinion is Cellucor Creatine, comes in a black round can. Its about $30

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Let me be honest with u brother!

    as a personal trainer, I wont recommend u jumping onto creatine at 15!

    may be ur friend is taking creatine cos wat u just told sounds like the effects of creatine, but im not sure, who knows right! but I wont recommend u to take creatine, not till ur 18.

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