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Give me reasons why Twilight sucks?

My opinion?

- Very badly written.

- No character development.

- Way over hyped

- Edward is a pedophile, as well as a stalker. Seriously, who sneaks into a 16 year olds house and watches her sleep?

- Why would you date someone who wants to kill you? Bella knows that he badly wants to drink her blood because "he's never smelt something so great before" and she is like "Yeah, that's okay, really,". Wtf? I would run.

- The plot sucks.

- Why on earth would the bad guy *vampire* play videos of Bella as a little girl? What is the actual point of that?

- The word "beautiful" and it's brothers, sisters, cousins and cousins twice removed are far too over used. WE GET IT, YOU'RE ATTRACTED TO HIM.

- Bella turns down college to get married and have a baby at 18. Twilight: Encouraging teen pregnancies!

And this one is my favourite: Vampires DON'T sparkle.

Let the flaming begin!


@Diane, you're obviously a twifag. Edward is not real, sorry.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the kind of sexual fantasy a preteen would have. Between the ages of 12-15 I would have sexual fantasies involving actors, singers and fictional characters. And now that Twilight exists, I've realised that Twilight is just a published version of one of those fantasies. It's just very badly written, as you said, and overall just NOT interesting. I had to sit through the first movie with a friend who was fangirling over it and I swear to God I had a "wtf is this" expression the whole way through.

    Source(s): Hell, even the actors admit they hate it.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm in my 20s and I don't get how any woman could write something like the Twilight novels and market them at teenage girls. They're horribly written, the female characters are mostly pathetic, and they assume teenagers are just as as emotionally immature and repressed as the author.

    The whole series is basically just the author writing vampire fan fiction about all the romance and sex she wishes she'd had when she was younger, but she was too emotionally crippled to form any relationships. That's why Bella is such a blank slate character who just has things happen to her.

    It's a shame that hype made them so successful. There are plenty of writers out there (Philip Pullman is the first name that springs to mind) who write very good novels for young adults that are thrilling, thought-provoking and don't treat their readers as immature children.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    one word


    oh and that terrible horrible looking actor Robert Ugly as a dog Patterson

    they had to use so much makeup on him just to look somewhat human for the role.

    (want proof, watch Harry Potter)

    Not one person in the entire cast was good looking.


    Nearly kept me from watching Hunger Games once i saw that lady that looked like a freak from 1300's

    I watched the first Twilight with my sister and 20 min into it (had cut it off once at this point then watched with her). there was a black kid with so much makeup on he looked white.

    Sorry thats rediculous

    But the main reason?


    everytime a movie comes out or is close to or has just left theatres:

    Team Edward or Team Jacob

    Do you think Robert Patterson is hot

    Do you think Jacob is hot

    Do you wish ......... would end up with bella

    and its not just the stupid questions that anyone who has read the books would know the answers to,

    its that they ask them 10,000 times a day on here.

    Someone once said they should make a Movies-Twillight chat room on here.

    And worst,

    chances are, the question you just asked, got asked less then 2 min before it by someone else.

    It got so annoying, that i wanted to destroy all copies of twilight movies

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    And Bella has no personality. A plank of wood is she. Does she care about her family, or so- called friends? No. They don't even exist, really. No offense Stephenie Meyer..... but Bella is a wimp. It takes becoming a vampire to somewhat (not really) stand up for herself. NOT a good role model... It's creepy that Jacob likes a newborn baby. ---Anyways, I think you would like the articles "Blogging Twilight" on .... They point out why twilight isn't as great as people like to think. When I watched the movies, I laughed the whole time, as if it were a comedy. :)

    Source(s): Me, Myself, and I
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    twilight sucks because Jacob is not a were-wolf and Jacob is just a Normal wolf the wolf pack is puny weak sorry and could be tuck out by a 2 legged wolf pack the wolf pack of twilight is Normal wolves and they all look just like dogs is more of a dog than a wolf they even bark for crying out loud wolves do not bark only dogs do the wolves are harm-less to everyone but vampires and the wolves are NOT were-wolves REAL were-wolves are the ones from horror movies that stands on their 2 hine legs and is 2 footed with human like wolf paws for hands known to grip pick people up choke people throw people and slam people down on the ground and use their human like wolf hands to swipe people and scratch people like a tiger as well as bitting and chomping people and claws that can swipe like tigers and rip people apart has t the full beast wolf faces too and they kill everyone in sight and loses their memory and even KILLS their loved ones too and has the mind of a full beast and Jacob SUCKS and is just the Normal looking dog wolf a Normal wolf face and doesn't look anything monster and he looks more like a dog than a monster and THERE really just men in green clothes in a green room that's not even really Jacob and the Normal wolf a white dude in green clothes in a green room looking retarded rubbing bella silverbullet an amaerican were-wolf in London and bad moon now THERE THE REAL 2 footed were-wolves that's what a wolf is all about like those horror movies twilight always sucked as even TLC T-Boz hates this movie and calls is wack crap on twitter LOL but the real were-wolves are the man eating 2 legged kinds and the Normal wolves sucks in this movie all the dog wolves sucks the whole wolf pack SUCKS and there all DOGS NOT WOLVES and they use grizzly bear roars I made a video on youtube of me in my deluxe were-wolf costume as a full beast 2 legged were-wolf killing people and I have it down loaded on my ps3 now it makes my day every day and I turned into a 2 legged real scary all monster brown were-wolf it's called under the moon but it's on my cousin's channel only to see it and I bet'cha I can take out Jacob the Normal dog like wolf and me in my huge big powerfull horror movie 2 legged brown full beast no dog all monster like wolf dexluxe were-wolf costume I love all you haters of this crap TWILIGHT SUCKS

  • 8 years ago

    the story itself, or the movie or the book?

    Personally, I've only seen the movies and that was because of Rifftrax.

    I can't stand the stupid story, the HORRIBLE acting (only time I've seen worse was in Birdemic, also riffed by Rifftrax), the ungodly mushyness, the stupid drama, and yeah how the idiot sparkles.

    Oh yeah, it also promotes bestiality and necrophilia

  • 8 years ago

    It's just a horrible book altogether. The main character is weak and idiotic, and she just sits around and waits for this guy. Stupid. Unfeminist. Just bad.

  • 8 years ago

    the book sucks

    the cast of the movie sucks

    actors can't act

    director sucks

    editing sucks

    screenwriting sucks

    horrible movie! :)

  • FUNdie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I hate the fact that it's filmed in sepia. At least the first one.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's just written for kids. Some of us want adult films.

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