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To be a doctor in good standing you must pay dues to AMA, lawyer - Bar Assoc.,?

Manufacturers, American Manufacturers Assoc, and on and on -- So why is it considered normal for professionals to have to pay dues to their associations to hire lobbyists for them, But wrong for ordinary people to pay dues to their CHOSEN association (Unions) to lobby and negotiate for them. Could it be THIS is part if what has been called class warfare. If it is, it might be said that the uppers are winning based in what has happened in Michigan in the last few days


To all of you who think Unions are mandatory, you need to go to the Truman years and study up on the laws. It is NOT mandatory that one join a Union to work in a shop, that is a falacy, however most EMPLOYERS do not tell their new employees that. It is mandatory that you pay an administrative fee to the Union representing you because they are bargaining on your behalf -- but THAT is NOT even the monthly dues -- dues are paid by Union members, if you're not a member, which by LAW you do not HAVE to be, you don't even pay DUES, just an administration fee. Wake up people, your rights are being usurped in exactly the same way the Facists did in Germany. Do you think there would EVER be a Union in China? Hell NO! Know why? Because Unions would destabilize the COMMUNIST government. Wake up and smell the coffee, you're losing your rights by not supporting Unions

20 Answers

  • justa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very clever, I've made that argument before, and it comes down to this, we don't respect workers. We don't respect work. And we don't want to give people we don't respect more money.

    It is class warfare, of the worst sort, the kind that ends up having two starving dogs tearing into a rotten hunk of meat for survival.

    Unions also have standards for union workers, and apprenticeship programs, training program and health and pension programs, its pretty obvious people don't know enough about unions to make a realistic assessment of what they do.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Funny when you hear the hypocrites complain about a union representative drawing a paycheck but a lobbyist coercing an elected official is fine .

    The only thing Snyder is winning in Michigan is a pat on the back from the Koch brothers . He will be out of office soon . Once out of office Koch won't need him . A shameful lame duck move .

  • 8 years ago

    Board and Bar Associations (not AMA!!) are not trade unions -- they are (semi-private) LICENSING agencies. They ensure, their members know, what they are doing. They don't do collective bargaining either...

    Teachers' and carpenters' unions, on the other hand, don't provide any licensing or certification -- nor is there a need for that, because a bad carpenter is not going to cause you injury or death as a bad doctor might, nor financial devastation as a bad lawyer could.

  • 8 years ago

    Some are good. Some are not. Like only 10% of Doctors are members of AMA because they waste time and money and do nothing.

    "Doctors are even dissociating themselves from the AMA. Of those who have terminated their membership, 47% cited the organization’s continued backing of the health care law as the primary reason. Increasingly doctors are turning to associations like Docs4PatientCare and the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons that actually do represent their interests."

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because unions take those dues and support political candidates that I don't support. That is wrong. Also, many workers do not want to be forced to join a union. We should have a right to work without having to join a union or have our money used to support liberal politics. We should not be forced to strike when we don't want too.

  • 4 years ago

    i think of it appears like she's shifting on, somebody it particularly is separated from their significant different for a month, and already is relationship different persons, isn't taking their marriage very heavily. If I have been you i could confer along with her relating to the separation. tell her you theory you have been keeping apart to be sure if the two one in all you may artwork out your marriage, no longer so as that the two one in all you may desire to flow relationship new human beings. If she needs to start relationship different persons, than possibly this is a divorce she's finding for. by way of fact relationship somebody else will no longer help fix your marriage. tell her that according to probability is she extremely should be sure what else is obtainable which you 2 could be getting a divorce, by way of fact your extremely no longer attracted to caching any STD's and your extremely no longer prepared to be married to somebody it particularly is out relationship different persons. you're no longer boyfriend and lady buddy that purely broke up, you're husband and spouse! you ought to be going to counseling, no longer relationship different persons!

  • 8 years ago

    Because there is a double standard. Capitalists and other rich professionals are encouraged to organize, but workers joining unions are not, because that would affect the profits that they steal from the workers

    Hope this helps

  • The only difference I see is that those professional associations don't negotiate contracts with employers on behalf of their members. They lobby on behalf of the entire profession. I would have no problem if any particular profession had the same type of relationship.

  • Mike W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    the AMA and the Bar Association are closer to being trade guilds than unions. They are there to ensure that professional standards are maintained by doctors, and lawyers, etc. They are not collective bargaining entities.

  • 8 years ago

    FYI... Doctors do NOT have to be members of the AMA. The whole point of Right to Work states is that members do not have to be members of the union... If they CHOOSE to be members, then fine!

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