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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsOther - Science · 8 years ago

Can time really go faster?

2012 seemed to go by a lot faster than 2011, and I heard some people saying time is going faster. Is that possible or is it our perception of it that makes it seem faster sometimes? Do you think this year felt like it went by fast?


Thanks for starring :)

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I believe that speeded up time flow is a result of anti-alignment energy. When you are younger you are more connected to a field of focused alignment. The energy in the body is more contained, grounded, thicker, more connected to the higgs field. As you age, the energy in the body becomes more sporadic, erratic and thinner. It literally returns to a broader, more unstable nature, and tends more to outward bearing expansion. That is why people who are older are sometimes more nervous. Their eyes are also less efficient, and this means they can't focus on objects as well as they might have in the past.

    Expansive anti-alignment energies will contribute to a flow of time that occurs more rapidly. The aged body is being converted into light for the purpose of transport to the afterlife. The chakras in general describe the 7 layers of energy quality, ranging from focused alignment (1st chakra) to anti-alignment (7th chakra or beyond)

    If energy in general tended towards being more in anti-alignment, time would appear to move more quickly. That is why time for society might appear to move more quickly as a unit. However, this might also be partly because there are more old people in such a society, if longevity increased.

    Ultimately, time passes more slowly for mass, more rapidly for pure energy.

    See figure 1, alignments, for a visual description of anti and focused alignment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    time is a very fascinating subject and has been defined as a illusion created by motion (Ron Hubbard). We have all been in situations where time seems to drag by and other times where it passes before we know it. This is because time is as much a subjective perception as it is an objective one.

    So what is time ? It is a perception and nothing more... it can be interpreted by the observer in any way he chooses. Generally speaking time will appear to go "faster" when the environment goes faster... it's as simple as that, but it is still a subjective interpretation .

    It is intimately bound up in the principles of quantum physics, which I expalin. There are no stupifying maths to boggle the mind, however,. If you would like to learn more about time and its peculiarities you should read my book...

    SEE... www,

    Source(s): 27 years research physics, quantum physics, relativity, cosmology, electronics, astrophysics, plasma physics, metaphysics, parapsychology, paranormal.
  • jehen
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It would seem to. But periods by which we mark time are not changing. What is happening is that each new day is a smaller percentage of your total experience. When you are 9 or 10 a year is 20% of your life's experiential memory. When you are 55 a year is a mere 2%. As someone who is 55 I can attest that a year seems to pass by at 10 times the rate it did when I was 10.

  • 8 years ago

    well apparently if you're in close proximity to an object with enormous mass then time is literally slowed down by a fraction of a millisecond. Maybe you spent 2011 near the pyramids of Giza and spent 2012 in Wisconsin. if that were the case then time was slower in 2011 then 2012 for you.

  • 8 years ago

    Get used to it. The older you get, the faster each year seems to go. It makes sense if you look at it in terms of percentage of your memories.

    When you turn five, the last year you just experienced makes up a whopping 20% of your life, so a big chunk of your memories are from that year. When you turn twenty, the same previous year now makes up only 5% of your life. When you turn 40, it's down to 2.5% of your life. And so on. Each year, the previous year's memories make up a smaller percentage of your total life experience than the year before.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    the closer you get to a blackhole.. the gravitational pull distorts space time and make it go slower and you can live in that zone for like 100 years and on earth only 10 years will have passed. idk how time can possibly go faster though.

    the 2011 vs 2012 thing is all about your perception. it's just that we're becoming increasingly busier everyday and so it feels like time went by quick.

  • mulock
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Well.... Many seek advice from motorbikes (motorcycles) as Iron horses. I'd have a tough time selecting between a quick motorbike and a reside, fast horse. Automobiles are too confining.

  • 8 years ago

    time can go out of flux- if you believe string theory

    but in this instance your brain obviously found 2011 a boring and generally lazing round the house, but your brain also only remembers the good things that happened- so no time isnt going faster

    it did feel faster, because of the brain only remembering the good and important things that happened and dismissing the other things

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes time can appear to move more quickly if you do not pay attention to it.

    Also never believe anything anyone ever says if they quote Ron Hubbard.

    Source(s): Time can also be ill.
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