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How are humans so lucky? Read this logically?

Hello ! Okay so I've been thinking a lot about these things about life. I was sorta becoming an atheist until I realized a few things..

1. I found it crazy how every organ has a job to do, also that every vein in our body pumps blood to parts of our body's that keep us alive.

2. How earth is perfectly placed in our solar system. We are not too far from the sun and yet we are not too close.. Because if we were where Mars is we wouldn't be able to live! Because between Jupiter and mars is the biggest astroid belt in our solar system ! And if we were where Venus is or any closer planet we would have high temperatures that would make it impossible to live in.

3. Water is one of the main sources of life, almost all of our world is surrounded by water...

4. If you didn't know ! For some people who didn't know this... We don't inhale 100% oxygen! We breathe in 0.04 percent carbon dioxide

21% oxygen... If we inhale 100% oxygen then we would basically be intoxicated

5. Our athompsher burns up the majority of the asteroids that are on it's way to entering earth...

I mean this just sounds too crazy to just be science? If we didn't have water , or if we happened to be placed were mars is.. Or if our oxygen level was 100%....

2 Answers

  • Justin
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is my interpretation of what you said. Unless all of those conditions were met, then we wouldn't exist to be amazed by the awesomeness of this observation. Plus Earth isn't placed perfectly. We could be a few million miles closer or a few million miles farther from the Sun and still live. I once saw a picture of a religious person on facebook state that if we were 10 feet closer to the Sun all live would die and multiple people wrote comments praising God.

    Think of it another way. If you play the lottery you will probably lose. However someone will EVENTUALLY win the jackpot. Earth is "about" 4 billion years old. The Universe is "about" 13 billion years old. So it sure took a while. Assume that we are the only planet in the entire Universe with life. Out of the trillions of planets out there, at least ONE would win the Universal lottery and have just the right conditions for life. If our solar system was the only place in the Universe that had planets then I'd say HECK YEA GO GOD!! But we aren't the only solar system. Planets are all over the galaxy and especially the Universe.

  • 8 years ago

    I think almost the exact same points you brought up were in the IQ2 debate "Would the world be better of without religion?".

    Yes everything is perfectly placed. But whether thats due to the science of evolution or God is really up to you. Im an atheist, so I personally believe that science is the reason for all this. I dont think were particularly "lucky", its just how things went. There are equal chances we wouldnt be here too.

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