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Misty asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Poll Question: Barrack Obama's tears.....Real or Fake?


There is a reason I asked this question. As the President was speaking I said to my husband that it's touching to see the humanity in this president. My husband looked at me and said that he was acting and there were no tears. We were watching the same speech and both saw something different. So I'm asking all of you...what do you think??

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please people...let us all come together in our shared grief over this most heinous and unspeakable tragedy. The President showed true emotion, as did I when, caught off guard, found myself in tears about this senseless, senseless horror. May God bless all the children, teachers, school staff, families, and first responders who were involved. And may God bless our nation.

  • 8 years ago

    What a performance!!! There were no tears at all! Had he really had tears his eyes would have been glassy and reflected so to the cameras. I did not see one tear. In fact, that fool even tried to make his lip quiver as though he was holding back. What a performance. He should get the A.H. of the year award!

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, I noticed that the "tear" he was pretending to wipe was on the opposite side of the eye from the actual tear duct. In my experience, when one holds their head down (like when reading a speech that someone wrote for you) any tear would flow from the inner corner of the eye and down the face by the nose. Obama's performance is indicative of how out of touch he is. It's all about him.

    Source(s): Saw it
  • 8 years ago

    Obama has killed over 100 children with drones.

    Of course Obama's tears are fake. He's a total fraud. Did anyone actually see any water coming from his eyes? No. His voice surely didn't indicate any sorrow. The only thing Obama is interested in is his own extremist agenda. He wants to destroy our right to keep and bear arms and this crying charade is only the beginning of more gun CONtrol. Obama is just your typical anti Second Amendment Democrat who EXPLOITS shootings like this for his own evil political gain. When only Obama and his thugs have guns, how SAFE will you and your CHILDREN be? How safe will true Americans be?

  • 8 years ago

    This is not about race or political party....if this were my child...I would feel the he dishonered the memory of them with his disingenious, made for media, prewritten and rehearsed speech that he did not even write. Obama is handled. I would rather someone come out without prepared remarks and speak from their heart. I am the father of an aborted child who I never got to hold in my arms....I weep for them all. Obama's tears come from the wrong side of his eyes...I'm not a Bush fan in many areas...but his emotions when awarding the Medal of Honor to Michael Murphy posthumosly.. were real. Say what you the video about the 6 - 7 minute mark.

  • 8 years ago

    I dont think no one should be judging , him if those tears are real or not, it is not about obama the kids that got shoot and teachers that died tears dot need to express realing on how you fell it is the heart that matters the most on what he fills but the matter is the hurt for orthers not obama tears my go up

  • 8 years ago

    FAKE!!! having lost a child and cried more tears then humanly possible, and actually knowing what these families will be facing the rest of their lives, I can tell you he was not shedding one tear. This man only thinks of his image and how he is portrayed in public. NO no tears, upset of course, but no tears.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What is wrong with most of you people? Children DIED today, can we remember that and not turn it into another reason to dislike and bash someone? This post disgust me. Obama is a human being and a father for those of you saying fake, remember that as well.

  • 8 years ago

    While I may not have supported his campaign, I will say that without a doubt his emotions were true and heartfelt. You may not agree with him from a political standpoint, but respect the fact that he is a husband to his wife and father to his two daughters, he is a person like you or I. I find the trend of demonizing an individual due to political standings disturbing.

  • 8 years ago

    IMO, I thought it was fake the way he flicked at the corner of his eye. To me it looked like he was thinking "I have to seem emotional and human here".

    What else is he misleading us about???

    Another thing. It seemed like he needed to make it about how it affected him - why do I care why it affects him? I care about the families and the victims.

    Source(s): Watched video of the press conference.
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