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Is the knife attack in China that WOUNDED 22 children that are STILL ALIVE evidence for or against Gun Control?

and why are so many pro-gun people trying to use it. Those kids aren't dead because a gun was not used.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yeah and the pro gun control people now say we should arm the teachers. Funny, last week those same people were complaining about how teachers are incompetent and overpaid. Now they want to arm them? SHeesh...

  • 8 years ago


    The point being----It was not the weapon. It was the human heart that picked up the blade and picked up the gun. Now, what drives men in Red China to picked up blades? What drives men to walk into a gun free zone and shoot innocents? The same thing.

    A lack of law to control ones own heart. A failure to recognize a higher power than ones own opinions. A failure to be a just and moral person. The Bible and the word of God an anathema in many people's lives.

    You build the character of a person to be Good? So that he controls his heart. You end the tragedies. You ban the tool? It does not cure anything. The heart is still darkened and WILL find an outlet.

  • 8 years ago

    Guns don't kill unless used by a person. How about you bleeding hearts blame the nut that did this and not the weopan he used. Because he could have drove a car thru the parking lot running them over as well so do we ban cars if someone does it that way. The problem needs to be figured out why people are so violent maybe if they quit kicking GOD out of every part of peoples lives maybe people would still have a conscience.

  • A brief note to the clueless responder who assumes all mentally ill people have a viable/ethical conscience to guide their human interactions, hint: that's why they're mentally ill, they can't make rational choices on their own.

    I do sort of feel sorry for the mother of the shooter as the first shooting victim, she succeeded in living up to the highly disputed statistic by the gun obsessed maximum gun sales proponents, that typically people who own guns are more likely to have their own guns used against themselves, granted it's a bit of an outlier, but it remains a valid cause/effect in this case.

    Another clue for the religiously clueless, the one-size religion fits all social problems will not fix the gun selling industry's obsession with arming every single paranoid white regressive to the teeth with guns & Ammo.

    Religion and it's obsession with convincing ordinary people to "act out" their impotent deity's wishes by taking their non-existent deity's desires and acting out their deity's proxy demands by playing god by nominating themselves as judge/jury/executioner of anyone or anybody that offends their subjective interpretation of what their proxy authority object hates or wants eliminated from the face of the earth.

    It's a deliberate human choice to murder/kill other people using the reach out and kill someone capability of a gun firing a conscious-less barrage of bullets aimed indiscriminately by deranged religious gun nuts or people left untreated by a society that constantly cuts mental health funding because they naively assume that religious counseling cures all human ills....

    The anti-gun control zealots are making the rounds using as many slippery slope arguments like we'll become communists if we make people own and use guns responsibly without actually infringing on their over-hyped 2nd amendment rights to own guns primarily as a member of a typically paranoid NRA militia.

    The only practical result of so many guns nuts convincing themselves that the government wants to "secretly" confiscate their weapons whatever that may be interpreted to be as even a letter opener can be used as a weapon, so let's round up secretaries first, right.....

    The other possible result is that the gun nuts take out each other leaving rational people to clean up the mess several decades small arms race has done to decimate the collective will of a society based primarily on paranoid self-serving guns/ammo hoarding coupled with the hand-in-hand cheapening of human life when anyone crazy, rational or simply paranoid can easily acquire a deadly weapon with little outrage at a societal level, except for the reality-based community of responsible gun ownership.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the version is better clean in case you check out it this kind.. 22 chinese college children injured, 20 American college children useless. this is not any longer that anybody doesn't sense poor for China in any respect, all 40 2 of the children were victims of thoroughly senseless crimes! Its only that the 22 chinese children will stay to inform their thoughts, and their father and mom will carry them of their fingers and tell them they love them, while the yank children have lost each little thing they nonetheless had to stay for, and their father and mom will carry caskets and bury their children and in no way have the chance to inform they love them back.

  • 8 years ago

    If the teacher had been armed, she might still have been alive and no children would have been injured if you're looking for better outcomes. I say this because in Israel, all teachers have huge guns strapped to their sides. There are parents outside as armed guards due to a massacre in a school in 1970. They were able to kill another attacker before he was able to harm anyone in 2002 I believe..

  • 8 years ago

    The knife attack in China is completely irrelevant. Adam Lanza would've gotten a gun illegally on the black market if all guns were banned.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    SO, you think AMERICA needs to go round up all the guns like a communist nation would>? Because if you just order them turned in, ONLY a FEW of the law abiders will, and the rest weill turn themselves into criminals.

    You must, because that's the only type of "gun Control" that is actually going to do anything.

    how about we stop being so morally and spiritually BANKRUPT as a nation?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    More people are killed in cars. Should cars be banned? I just wonder if any liberal can come up with a practical idea on any issue.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I guess spoons make people fat then and if they try to take my guns i will kill them

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