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Warren D asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 8 years ago

Do you report abuse or community standards violations?

I do when I feel the abuse or violations are legitimate. I have never reported anyone simply because I disagree with something they have said. I have seen a number of deletions, including a recent deletion of a question of mine, in which the abuse was questionable. I have had very few questions or answers deleted and I have not really reported that many. Often when I have reported abuse no action has been taken. What has been your experience with violations and deletions, and do you believe Yahoo Answers is handling these fairly and properly? (I have reviewed the community guidelines prior to posting this, and do not believe this question is in violation of them.)


Thanks for the input. My objective is to clarify the policy and how users should execute it. This is intended to inform me and also to help inform any others who may have questions. I know from seeing it that there is a lot of abuse on Answers. Some of it is flagrant. Given the range of categories, I would say asking for opinions and ideas is a fair premise for a question to be asked.

Incidentally, I don't ask a lot of questions. Most do call for opinions, though. I appreciate your answer and the insight behind it.

10 Answers

  • Grinch
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes I do.

    NOT because I find someone's post disagreeable ... that's not a correct reason to report. I report what violates the rules. 'Disagreeable' gets a thumbs down.

    The reason no action is taken when you've reported violations is likely because you don't report often or consistently enough to have built up a history of reliable reporting. In many, probably MOST cases, it takes at least 2 users reporting before violating content is dropped. Some users have 'the power' to instantly drop most violations, but even those who do are unable to singlehandedly cause the deletion of EVERY post they report.

    I do believe the reporting system works pretty well for the most part. For sure, some posts are unfairly deleted (and those violations should be appealed) and too much content that really IS in violation is allowed to remain on the site because users either cannot be bothered to report or are unaware that they should, or (like you) get discouraged when their reports are not effective.

    The best way to increase the effectiveness of your reports is to report violations every time you see them. NOT just when something offends you, personally ... report chat, ranting, and format misuse ... all of which are more-or-less MINOR, as well as more serious violations such as harm, violence, underage users, fraud, impersonation, and anything else which is actually illegal to post here.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes I do, on both reporting abuse and CG violations. This is because I want to do my part in making Answers a wholesome site for all to enjoy. Here's the following violations that I've reported on as of late:

    1. Solicitation

    2. Insults to other users

    3. Vulgar language

    4. User threatened to kill or harm themselves

    5. Illicit content

    6. Solicitation

    7. Underage user

    8. Bigoted slurs

  • 8 years ago

    This one is questionable, because you are seeking personal experience and preferences. However, you are seeking it for the sake of gaining knowledge, so it's not a flagrant violation. I wouldn't report it, and didn't, but some real sticklers might.

    This is an information exchange site -- not a chat room or social contact site or discussion forum. Questions here must be seeking knowledge or advice of general interest to the community. Answers must attempt to answer the question.

    This is also a user-moderated site. All users should be responsible to report any violations they see. Please have a look at the Community Guidelines. They are found under the ABOUT tab at the top of the page and are short; they only take a real minute to read. Once you have perused them, please do report any violations you see. Click on the Report Abuse button under the question and you'll see what to do next. Reporting is totally anonymous.

    It is wise to take the Community Guidelines quiz, too. Not only can it get you 20 extra points, but it also lets you know you really do understand the rules here well enough to know what should and shouldn't be reported. If you simply report what you don't like, you can lose your reliability rating for reporting -- many of the things you may not like may not be true violations. The Yahoo computer will no longer listen to reports from you. To keep your voice, report correctly. To do that, read and follow the Guidelines.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Jewish is a religion. Christianity is a religion. I still can't figure out what Messianic Jews are in terms of religion. Since Jesus doesn't fit the job description of messiah, I an forever confused by Messianic Jews (who if they believe that Jesus is the Messiah, by definition, are not Jews). I think I understand the basic theology of most of Christianity. I think I understand the basic theology of Judaism. But, I don't think that from a logical point of view, you can just slap the two together and claim to be Jewish. It makes more sense to say your a Hinjew (because Hinduism is all inclusive and I love Ram Dass). But, I digress. Since Christianity is exclusive in its belief of Jesus, I just can't wrap my brain around something called Messianic Judaism. It's kind of like an "excuse" to not be Jewish and be Jewish at the same time when it's not Jewish at all. On to community standards: I have no idea why answers were removed because I can't see what they were. Perhaps, someone inadvertently (or not) posted anti-Semitic remarks or something. I think that probably the best thing you could do is, if you believe in Christianity, to stand up for what you believe and call yourself a Christian. To somehow try to envelope it in Judaism seems to be more than just a little misleading. It's just my opinion, but the term Messianic Jew just makes me shake my head in utter disbelief.

  • 8 years ago

    I hardly ever.I am an adult,retired and not a policeman or YAHOO WORKER.

    the only ones i will report are bad insults,racist remarks or threats.

    But i have to tell my contacts to report.I have a level 7,2 TC account.

    my report is useless thanks to trolls reporting me TWICE in 2 YEARS.

    All I ever reported were violations,absolute violations,since no chosen reporter

    reported it also the post stayed.That meant I LOST MY REPORTING power.

    just for reporting real 100 percent violations.

    no the system as it stands is a joke,many people have left yahoo some

    who were here since 2006.Why? trolls with multiple accounts harassed others

    in the poetry section.they mass reported for either format or chat violations.

    would you believe.some lost accounts from asking Is my poem good?

    Thats a very minor chat violation.The troll went down their list of Questions and reported

    over 20 of them.

    Source(s): knowledge through experience
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes, I do I've been through one violation war in the summer of 2010. I stopped counting after I reached 465 violations. My answers are falsely reported frequently, because I am usually accurate AND correct , AND I can back up what I said in my answer with properly credited and cited sources. I've had FIVE email accounts suspended in less than a year. One was suspended because of my own stupidity when I flagrantly violated the community guidelines. but I am used to my email accounts being targeted by trolls who are either jealous or despise some one who has almost 60 years of life experience who can prove ONLINE that she really DOES have two college degrees. I scheduled one of those suspended email accounts for deletion before I submitted my appeal.

    I've always felt that it was YAHOO who violated the Terms of Service contract when they suspended my first YA account in early February. It will be very interesting to see how they handle the suspension of my second, third (one account got gulped by a system glitch) fourth YA account appeals are decided. By and large, yes, Yahoo is fair, BUT two Yahoo employees have made some BIG mistakes. One of those employees no longer has any credibility with me. The one who told me my online abuse case is unique in a phone conversation still has credibility with me, even though he misrepresented himself as a San Jose BBB internet moderator. I get it that Yahoo prefers to keep problems "in house."

    Source(s): See my profile.
  • 8 years ago

    No, this question is not questionable.

    There is such abuse on answers that my Christmas is ruined. Instead of beautiful poetry, I am writing crap to show yahoo for what it is: an abusive syndication at best.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I report spam, solicitation for escort services and people telling others to kill themselves.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If, ever I feel the need to do so, yes!

  • 8 years ago

    When it becomes vulgar or very disrespectful I do!

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