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Molly asked in PetsRodents · 8 years ago

I think my rat is preggo. Can someone confirm?

First of all. NO flamers telling me I'm a terrible pet owner.

Secondly, I bought a female rat from a pet store about two weeks ago. She WAS in a cage with males (they were meant to be feeder rats) and I knew that but she was small so I figured she was too young to get pregnant. However the last couple days I noticed that it seemed like her tummy was growing faster than the rest of her (will try to post pic) not only is her tummy rather big it seems rounded AND I noticed her nipples were showing more than before. Does it sound like she is pregnant?

She is currently in a small tank and I was shopping for roomier wire cages but now I don't know if I should get some of the multilevel wire cages if she is preggo and about to have babies because I don't want her or the babies to fall and get hurt. I was looking at Martin's cages because those seemed to have some of the best reviews from other rat aficionados, however, I did not like what I saw because the balconies and upper levels are wire mesh which is bad for their feet. This is my first rat, however I have owned dwarf hamsters and guinea pigs and mice before so I am familiar with the rodent world. I was attracted to this cage: because it has a deep pan and I thought if she had babies they wouldn't be able to crawl out of it and the balconies are not wire mesh unlike most other cages I've seen. But some of the reviews have said it falls apart, rats can chew out of it, and that one rat even died because a balcony fell and she broke her rib. Please if you think it sounds like my little Selena is preggo, can you help me choose a cage/suggest a good food brand/etc.?


I can't find a way to upload the pic I took on my cellphone. It's not super great quality but if you want to see it post you e-mail and I send it to you.

Update 2:

Also, what about a bin cage for the time being?

Update 3:

Thanks Rebecca. and Olivia, I sent you a pic. It DOES seem like she might be preggo because she has been a little bit more nippy towards me when I try to play with her (I haven't handled her the last couple days because of this) and she was sooooo friendly when I first got her, she was the friendliest rat in the cage and came right up to me when I put my hand in at the pet store! I'm trying to decide what to do about the cage situation...I want to do a bin cage because I have a HUUUUGE bin I use for storing clothes that I could clean out and sanitize. It is Huge, like knee high and long and wide enough that I can probably sit comfortably inside it. I could keep it one level while she has the babies and then customize it later. I am doing research on pregnant rats right now but if ANYONE has advice on how to care for her and the babies please let me know. I have never bred an animal before. My cat had kittens once but that was when I was a kid. I really don't know mu

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    if she is over 5wks old and was housed with males she could be pregnant. If she is she will have them in the next week or so (babies come about 3weeks after the breeding took place) so if you have no babies in 2wks time you are 100% safe assuming she has no male visitors between now and then. A pregnant rat will develop a pear shape to her, towards the end of the pregnancy you may notice the babies squirming around in her belly! She will pluck the hair from around her nipples so they will be more visible and accesable to her pups. She may also become slightly aggressive toward you and seem nervous, this is simply a hormonal reaction to having babies and wanting to protect them. She will also build a nest, she may tear it down and rebuild several times, other rats don't do this until after pups are born. Assuming she is young and this is her first litter they are generally small but can be upwards of 13+ for the time she is nursing until the babies are big enough to be on their own you will want to keep her in a single level cage with either solid sides and mesh top or mesh sides with very very small mesh. I personally keep mine in glass aquariums with mesh tops until they are big enough for a regular cage and it seems to work well.

    Source(s): I have bred and owned rats for over a year
  • 8 years ago

    Rats can get pregnant as young as 5 weeks old.

    Make sure you can tell the sexes apart so you can separate the babies before that so you don't end up with MORE babies.

    As for the cage, that cage is good for adult rats, but not so much for little ones. You'll need two cages now, one for the girls and one for boys once they are weaned from mother.

    Possibly keep one of the girls as a companion for the mother. Rats get lonely very easily.

    Source(s): Sorry, I can't help much, I never owned girls, only boys. I do, however, have that cage and it was fine for three big males.
  • 8 years ago

    I think you've figured out she is pregnant so I won't cover that. Just one thing: If you see her sleeping watch for the babies to kick. You will see her belly move and know for sure the babies are coming!

    I wouldn't suggest you move her. It would be too big of a change and she may panic. She may not think it is a safe place for raising young and try to escape or eat the babies when they are born. My suggestion: Leave her in her current cage until the babies have opened their eyes. If you still want to move them to the tank by then you can.

    Source(s): I've dealt with at least twenty rodent births
  • 5 years ago

    He cannot become a member of considering that he has three dependants. I inspiration u discovered this the opposite night time nicole! Lol well success with the youngsters its gonna be rough at the same time he is long gone however youl lift them robust. Btw U can regularly name a recruiter urself it does not have got to be his.

  • 8 years ago

    I would be able to answer your question if I had a photo send it at:

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