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if kids were praying to god then violence wouldnt be in our schools...So god let this happen cuz they dont?

talk to him? quote from the fearless pastor huchabee

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Makes perfect sense if you think that God is a judgmental punishing jerk.

    Somehow I seriously doubt that She is.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God is seldom directly involved in what happens in this world. He created it with physical, natural and moral laws, which are sometimes called second causes. In other words, if a farmer wants a harvest, he must plant seed, take care of the growing plants, and then harvest them. They don't just appear in his silo. God has also made it so that actions have consequences.

    Man isn't a puppet or robot. We make choices all the time, choice which have consequences. Since the 1960s there has been an increasing effort by liberals to distance this country from the political and religious principles upon which it was founded. "There are no absolutes." "What's true for you may not be true for me." "If it feels good, do it."

    The result of all this is the increasing violence and immorality in our country, aided and abetted by a media that flocks to scenes of horror like Connecticut like vultures to carrion. And I've noticed even this season, an increase in profane and vile language on the little network TV that I watch. A lot of TV is nothing more than softcore pornography. Little children are using language that was seldom heard in my youth, and then only from hardened sinners.

    The High School I went to had a rifle range in the basement (ROTC) with rifles and live ammo. They were locked up unless we were using them. I qualified as a Marksman on that range. Guns were everywhere and easily and legally obtainable. The fellows almost always carried pocketknives. This HS was the "tough" school. Yet there was NEVER any trouble with guns or knives. Liberalism hadn't yet succeeded in destroying the moral fiber of America.

    For years. we've told God that He's not welcome in our schools, our government, our society, or even in too many churches, which have become interested in what they call "social justice" rather than in spiritual redemption. The Ten Commandments are publicly outlawed. "Merry Christmas" can't be said because it's "religious." For the most part, God has allowed us to go our foolish, sinful way - with the sad and horrifying results we see all around us. Yet when these things happen, the first question is, "Where's God?"

    God has left us to the results of our own choices.

    I lay the blame for Connecticut and similar happenings squarely at the feet of liberals for what they have done to this country.

  • 8 years ago

    Ridiculous for any one to pretend to know why God allowed the Sandy Hook tragedy to happen. Responsibility should lie where it belongs, on the shoulders of that mentally ill man who did not receive the help that he so desperately needed as soon as he needed it. Do you know what could have avoided this? God--IN THE HOME, not in the public school system being taught by strangers and listened to by little children too young to comprehend Christ and His sacrifice for us--but taught and practiced in the home, if for nothing more than to encourage family unity so that maybe someone, anyone could have, if it was possible, spotted what Lanza was going through at an earlier time--but broken homes do not typically have united families and broken homes do not generally have God. Sin is what caused Lanza to kill those children and it was the mercy of God that saved them. Pastors and misled Christians need to stop being presumptuous and start being honest.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You don't think that those who died and those who survived weren't praying to their gods?

    The only way religion in schools would have prevented more deaths is if they used bibles to stop bullets. Your god "was" in the school that day but it did not seem to save anyone did it.

    Is this the love your fearless (and ignorant) pastor huchabee thinks his god gives? I think I can do without it!

    Think about it!

    Source(s): Atheist.
  • 8 years ago

    No, it's not a quote. A quote is something you put " before and " after and use the exact words. Then you provide a citation so we can all see for ourselves you're not talking out your a$$.

    Here's what Huckabee said; here is him saying it.

  • depace
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    God is incredibly genuine. undesirable issues ensue by fact without undesirable there could no longer be stable. There must be one area of the coin to be sure that their to be the different. additionally, undesirable issues make us extra beneficial human beings so as that extra stable issues ought to ensue. additionally, with regards to the Holocaust survivor, did you ever think of that in step with possibility he survived so as that he ought to help shop the folk that he did? additionally, so a great way as which Gods are genuine. i think of that actual everyone ought to determine it out on their own. in spite of the shown fact that, i individually have self assurance that each and every of the deities that human beings have arise with throughout historic previous are all factors of the single Divine. I do have self assurance that some human beings worship a Deity by fact they do no longer prefer to lose wish. it particularly is all. i'm hoping I helped.

  • 8 years ago

    How do you explain the numerous shootings in churches then? As I understand it, a fair amount of praying goes on in there but somehow it didn't help.

  • 8 years ago

    Like kids who prayed to god in churches but still got raped and molested by priests?

  • 8 years ago

    Huckabee needs to learn about connecting cause and effect.

  • 8 years ago

    I believe Mike Huckabee is mistaken here.

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