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Do you need to be a Christian to celebrate Christmas ?

What do you think ?

Have a great Christmas and may the new year creates a lot of sweet memories for you.

15 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course not. Christmas was originally Saturnalia. My friends celebrated Yule yesterday too.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are different ways of celebrating. Christians have their way of celebrating Christmas, (which has changed dramatically over the centuries, I might add.) Others have other ways of marking this turning of the year which, as has been pointed out above me, far predates the Christian festival.

    I may not believe in the exclusive Godhood of Christ but I believe in love and the coming together of family. I believe in happiness and the giving of gifts. And, as old as I am, I believe in parties.

    Happy Christmas, (((Mystic)))

  • Sara
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The way we celebrate in this country reminds me of a celebration of the connection of souls.

    We appear suddenly with gifts for children, with cookies we baked, with tinsel and lights, all to give a hug to other human beings.

    We are are the mothers wrapping gifts, the husbands speeding to town to find a gift for their wives on Christmas Eve, the grandfathers picking out a bicycle for a little grandson. Everywhere we go, we find others in the same journey, rushing about with the same idea. For a time, we have a unity of selflessness. Jesus would have liked that.

    It doesn't matter what religion you come from, with Christmas you connect with the same core values of goodwill, love, generosity, and joy. For a time, you have experienced the adoration of Christ in a visible form, loving God by cherishing other souls..

  • 8 years ago

    No. Jack Benny's daughter said that the family and many hollywood friends

    celebrated Christmas every year because they like the atmosphere

    it promotes among people - more kindness and affection.

    Source(s): Her autobiography
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Absolutely not. Even the Japanese celebrate it as a secular holiday, and most of them are devout Shinto/Buddhists.

    Have a merry Christmas! :)

  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Doing what Jesus hates is not the way to follow him. Nor to worship his Father. There is nothing remotely from the Bible about Christmas. Everything was stolen from several pagan forms of worship.

    From Joshua speaking to all of Israel: "Then Joshua said to the people: “YOU are not able to serve Jehovah, for he is a holy God; he is a God exacting exclusive devotion. He will not pardon YOUR revolting and YOUR sins. 20 In case YOU should leave Jehovah and YOU do serve foreign gods, he also will certainly turn back and do YOU injury and exterminate YOU after he has done YOU good.”

    (Josh. 24:19-20)

    Neither Christ nor God tolerate anything less than "exclusive devotion". Anything pagan is from Satan. That is who is being worshiped, not God.

  • I am a Christ follower and I don't celebrate Christmas. Jesus was most likely born during Sukkot.

  • 8 years ago

    No. I do what I have to and nothing more. Am always very happy once the annual madness has passed. It's the most stressful time of the year.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Why would you need to be a christian to celebrate a holiday about an old guy that needs eight reindeer to haul his fatass.

  • Christmas is primarily a commercial holiday anyways. Why would you need to be religious to celebrate spending money? :)

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