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Will more gun laws stop gun violence?

Adam Lanza broke 41 laws.

The fact of the matter is, Adam Lanza broke the law 41 times as he carried out his deadly assault on an unsuspecting elementary school. Let's take a look:

Adam Lanza shot his mother, (#1), then stole three of her guns, (#2, #3, #4), then stole her truck, (#5), then illegally transported three weapons, (#6, #7, #8), then carried those weapons to the school without a carry permit, (#9, #10, #11), then broke into the school, (#12), brought those guns onto school property, (#13, #14, #15), then shot 26 more people (#16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22, #23, #24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30, #31, #32, #33, #34, #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, #41).

Would such a person stop at 41 illegal acts? Only a fool would think so. Are you that fool?



He didn't break any laws until he fired the first shot.


WRONG! Each of the above acts are illegal- against the law. What you say is like saying a speeder has broken no law until he hits something, or someone. It is simply not true. Those who tell mistruths are LIARS!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are over 20,000 gun control laws in the US, and we still have nut jobs shooting people, so I can say without a doubt that gun laws do absolutely nothing to stop violence. In fact where the most gun laws are on the books there is more violence than where there are less gun control laws. Compare Chicago with South Dakota, or Washington, DC with Vermont, Chicago and Washington, DC have the most strict gun laws in the US, and more people are killed in those two cities than there are in the states of Vermont or South Dakota, that have very few gun control laws.

    Anyone with even a spec of common sense, can see the truth in the only way to keep another Sandy Hook school shooting from happening, that will work is explained in this link below.

    @ Jimmy C. I see you are another brain dead liberal, with no common sense. Illegal drugs are illegal, banned, and it is unlawful to own them, but they can be purchased on any street corner, and on any school grounds in the US, so banning them and making it illegal to own illegal drugs did nothing to stop people from getting them. But I understand that it to far over a liberal head that they will never be able to understand that.

    @ ocularne. So another brain dead liberal is heard from. Hey stupid, planning a murder is breaking the law, planning a mass murder is breaking the law, of course he broke the law before he fired the first shot, and as anyone can see those laws and the many he broke after firing the first did nothing to prevent this Sandy hook school shooting, and you idiots want to make more of these do nothing laws at the cost of children's lives.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't think this is an actual question, but I will answer anyway. No, More gun laws will not stop gun violence. Obviously, criminals do not care about laws. Think about it like this, drugs are illegal, yet it is still being distributed and consumed in every city and county in the united states. The only thing gun laws will do is unarm citizens, making it a walk in the park for a crook to carry out all the crime they want. Statistical fact that the stricter the gun laws, the more crime will happen.

    Source(s): Too much reading
  • 8 years ago

    Hey Lame, there was a assault weapons ban in affect at the time of the Columbine shooting. That sure did a hell of a lot of good didn't it. Liberals are barely smart enough to breath let alone think.

  • 8 years ago

    Remember Columbine? We had an assault weapons ban at that time. Gun laws only effect people who follow laws. Last I checked killing people was banned also. Liberals are morons, and when you have morons in power, this is what happens.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No they wouldn't but I kind of agree with the president on this one when he said we owe it to our children to try to make this better. It's a catch 22 just like every other problem in this country.

  • 8 years ago

    So many people think that we can legislate morality,common sense and responsibility enforce the laws we have to the fullest extent and things will change.But if you think that spoons cause obesity and pencils cause mistakes then that makes perfect sense.

    Source(s): A man in Pittsburgh was arrested for killing a cop and 20 years ago he killed his wife he did time got out and within 8 years of the first killing he killed again he did more time got out and killed the policeman how long till he kills again.LIFE MEMBER NRA,NAHC,shooting instructor and gunsmith of 50 years
  • 8 years ago

    No and I'm not just saying that because I'm a gun enthusiast

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. If his mother was unable to buy an assault rifle, he would have been unable to kill so many children. This is why the US needs to ban assault weapons.

  • 8 years ago

    He didn't break any laws until he fired the first shot. However if the Brady Bill was still in effect (thanks a lot NRA) he wouldn't have had access to an AR-15.

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