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Will the republicans ever change their platform?

Coming from a republican family, I can say that the republicans think really stupidly and closed minded. I like the party and do not want it to go downhill. I think it's a great party, but it's the damn right wingers that make it a hated one. I am not a right winger but I do like the republican party and its image. If the republicans change their views on things, then I would be happy to be a member again. Being that we are living in the 21st century, I think the party should be more open to gays, and slight reforms at least. They can still have their religious views, but it will just be more moderate or liberal. The party will go down if they do not think about what they are doing.

7 Answers

  • Big Mo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Probably not and I don't even care anymore. Long live Obama!!!

  • 8 years ago

    The last election should have been an eye-opener for the GOP, but it wasn't. Why, I don't know.

    But one thing is clear now. They are not going to back down from their platform no matter what. In the end, this will mean the end of the GOP as they are voted out of existence.

    I had hoped they were going to get away from the radical right wing stuff they seems to be trapped in, but it seems now it may be too late and no turning back.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The party of your parents is no more, and all I can say is you might want to register as an independent.

    Look for the Republicans to become even less of this century to appeal to their base, which is very right wing on social issues, and willfully ignorant on science.

    Practically they aren't conservative on finances either as their record shows.

    So there is nothing left of the Establishment Republicans and they like it that way.

    If you are looking for them to become more moderate, well, that's not what their voting members are looking for, in fact, its just the opposite.

    And one of their main appeals is to the religious right, and that means we will be hearing about how women's bodies can repel rape and pregnancy if it's 'really' rape.

    And how we would stop shooting each other if only we had compulsory prayer in our public schools, and taught 'Intelligent Design' instead of evolution.

  • 8 years ago

    Changing their platform means a broad range of issues. Gay marriage is just one. The party has always been split on this one issue. However, changing their understanding of all things economic like the beneficial role tax cuts, smart but low regulation, the deperate need for cutting the out-of-control spending, the ability of free-market to fix problems and provide better solutions than government, all all things it needs to keep and do a better job in explaining to the people.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    They will change or die.

    Their platform has only been a hunger to make sure rich white guys remain rich white guys. That is a passion that is not shared by the poor brown people or, anymore, the poor white guys.

    The only hope for the GOP lies in convincing the oppressed and exploited that their oppression and exploitation is somehow good for them.

    I'm not saying it can't be done, but I just don't see how.

    Source(s): I'm a Libertarian, so the Democrats also annoy me. I say Fuhk Em; fuhk em both.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I have been hearing this being a republican supporter as well, and I actually believe its the opposite it seems like they keep going for moderate conservatism, like George Bush and Mitt Romney were closer to being the democrat platform then a real republican platform. The republicans just need to broadcast their image, as it stands the only people that explain the republican platform to voters are extremely left bias sources.Plus they have up and comers like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Republicans have traditionally been "conservative", ie seeking to preserve the "traditional way" things have been done rather than exploring alternatives....and that is what will kill the Party...

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