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Lv 6
McCafe asked in SportsWrestling · 8 years ago

What does WWE need to change to improve?

Quite honestly I think I could do a better job scripting storylines than the current WWE staff. How hard is it to give matches that fans want every week? I don't even watch WWE anymore but since my little brother watches it, I get a glimpse occasionally.

Anyways, I think WWE is going to be dead until The Rock comes back in two or three weeks.

Rumor has it that Brock Lesnar will face The Undertaker. I pretty much think that's what's going to happen because Brock and Undertaker have a special contract that requires them to wrestle a certain amount of matches. This would work out for both of them.

I think The Rock will beat CM Punk and Ziggler will cash the money in the bank. Makes sense considering The Rock won't be able to appear on Raw weekly.

Paul Heyman should be GM because he's smart, a great heel, and knows how to make things interesting. I think Raw was best when Bischoff was GM.. Man, he was amazing at it. Or maybe Ric Flair can be the GM as well.

15 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    They need to unionize their workers.

  • loki
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The only way i can see wrestling getting back to the greatness of 70's, 80's & 90's is that some form of the Territory System needs to come back. The main problem with wrestling now is that the "wrestlers" can't perform. If the TS came back, up and comers could be trained in different styles and learn to be like your Harts, Hennigs & Million Dollar Mans.

    The rating & GM are irrelevant to the quality of the show. If they had talent, they could use whatever the rating is Piper & Flair always made it work. A figure head or GM doesn't need to be on every show, in the 80's President Jack Tunney only appeared when a major decision needed to be made or a cover story was needed for the release of a superstar.

    Source(s): Years of watching WWF/E
  • 8 years ago

    Where do I start? First off, changing the rating back to TV-14 would be a great start. What is needed also is a decent tag team division, and some respect back to each of the title belts. They can start by replacing the WWE Championship with a respectable looking belt instead of the "bling" one they have now. Give younger talent a chance to grow and prove themselves! WWE I feel is relying too much on guys like Cena, Rock, Lesnar, Taker, HHH, Big Show, Y2J, Orton, etc to main event PPV's and carry the company. These guys have but now it's time to hand that torch down to the younger group of talent. For example, Wade Barrett would be a perfect main event guy to carry the company, but just like all other younger talent, they use him in the wrong ways. The creative team can also change in WWE and stop making the same rivlaries and storylines. It's just a lot of things that need to be done to change WWE, and Vince doesn't realize that he's slowly killing the product.

  • 8 years ago

    I think Heyman should be the GM too. But that idea will only go far unless the writers change their style of writing. Now, I don't think anything drastic needs to happen like go back to the attitude era or be more hardcore, the program just needs to be good enough for someone with common sense to enjoy (remember Hornswoggle making Carlito run through a "tunnel"?). The pg era isn't bad it's just the ideas the writers come up with. I know their catering to kids but this is ridiculous. Spongebob Squarepants has better storylines than WWE. They need better writers, that's all.

  • AGM
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Triple H in full control of the company

    Paul Heyman in charge of the creative team

    expanding/extending The Shield

    changing Santino Marella from a stale comic persona to a full fleged serious main event villain

    more wrestling action

    Mick Foley as Raw GM and Edge as Smackdown GM

    Remove the HIAC PPV

    change the WWE Championship back to it's older design(as long as John Cena does not win another WWE Title)

    merge NXT and Superstars into one program

    cancel Saturday Morning Slam

    Take Vickie Guerrero off camera for good that will Vickie Guerrero will finally be released for good

  • 5 years ago

    WWE needs to effectively get better writers, their storylines were missing creativity and barely include the characters into them. These days you could put any one into any ancient storyline at the same time within the perspective technology you could only put certain persons into distinctive storylines. Like Austin would must have a precise storyline for his personality equal with The Rock. Now it isn't important on account that they use the identical storylines over and over. Cena - Overcomes the odds not ever gets another storyline. Jericho - Meaningless feud with JBL part/Undertaker/Batista, if they let it just be part and Undertaker it could be a good storyline but Batista has to butt in and be in on it although he used to be already champion. Essentially WWE's storylines want main development. TNA Tna needs to discontinue seeking to be like WWE. They need to be more normal so what they have got to do is unlock crew 3D and Scott Steiner considering the fact that they each take up time that would be used for interesting fits, i hate to be imply however Steiner and 3D just wouldn't have what it takes to hold with guys like AJ styles Samoa Joe Kurt attitude and Christian Cage. TNA's storylines are worse then WWE's. I truthfully haven't any hope in TNA starting good ones they will have to just go ROH sort and now not even worry about storylines.

  • 1-They need to take the mid-card division serious again....They're beginning to rejuvenate the mid-card division, hopefully it'll remain that way.The mid-card division is supposed to be a place where superstars build themselves to transition into the main event ranks, & until recently, WWE was doing the exact opposite with that.Let's hope WWE stays on this path.

    2-They need to definitely re-build the tag team division.They have all these makeshift tag teams, & they don't make any sense being together, to say the least.Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow should definitely be singles mid-card superstars, & it's obvious that WWE is using their tag team to build them to that.Their only makeshift tag team I actually like is the combination of Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara.A believable makeshift tag team should be one that has things in common, at least.

    3-Take the divas division serious again.Eve, Layla, Natalya, Tamina, & AJ Lee, they deserve better treatment, & much longer matches.& I'll admit, if Kaitlyn keeps improving like she's been, she might even make my list of favorite divas.The rest of the divas, though, should be released.These five divas, along with Kaitlyn, they're the only interesting/talented ones, in WWE.

    4-Eliminate the "love" affairs/triangles.They have a new fregging relationship every month, for real.It sucks, & it's dull & boring.

    5-Turn CM Punk back face.IMO, CM Punk has done his best microphone/ring work as a face, so it'd make sense to turn him back face.Maybe that'll happen when CM Punk feuds with The Rock, leading up to the Royal Rumble.

    6-QUIT replaying RAW segments on Smackdown every ten minutes.They need to bring back the brand extension, as well.Keep RAW segments off of Smackdown, because they're pretty boring, anyway.It used to be OK for them to air RAW segments on Smackdown, because they wouldn't advertise them to death, but now they're overplaying them.They need the brand extension back, because they keep giving us the same match on RAW/Smackdown, every week.It'd help with giving each show a "primary" roster.

    7-Get rid of the childish Great Khali/Hornswoggle dancing segments, & anything similar.It's not even funny, & I'm certain that's when people stop tuning in.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Raw & Smackdown Seperate

    Vicki Guerrero Off Screen

    Less Commercials during Matches

    More stipulation matches on Raw & Smackdown like steel cages, ladder matches, tables matches

    give younger talent a chance to main event like barrett,bryan etc

    stop the gimmick ppvs like TLC,HIAC,ELMC whatever happend to PPVS like no way out & Armageddon admit they don't have to be no way out again or armageddon but not something directly focused on one stipulation of match for the whole ppv

    the stupid love storylines cut that out its a wrestling show not a soap opera

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    1. Change RAW back to 2 hours

    2. Cancel Superstars (boring)

    3. Edgier Wrestling Matches

    4. Better Stipulations

    5. Less love angles (AJ crap)

    6. PPV build up- they spent more time building up hell in a cell than survivor series

    7. Less repetitive matches on raw

    8. Actual Feuds!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    More wrestling, less bullshit (drama)

    Paul Heyman in charge of creative team

    Triple H in complete charge

    Brand Extension (fresh feuds, and different wrestlers/matches. 1 wrestler on 2-3 shows in one week is WAY too much. Oh and not to mention recaps and replays. Terrible)

  • 8 years ago

    Bring back shane mcmahon

    end of the pg era

    rebuild female division

    rebuild cruiserweight division

    rebuild hardcore division

    make more stables

    use more nxt talent

    make nxt 3 hours show

    use more legends

    get rid of Main event / superstar

    make more effective shows

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