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Christian, can you be saved by faith alone?

Martin Luther thought as much, and it was one of the anchors of Protestantism.

Is that all you need? Can you live a life of sin and compromised morals, murder, rape, and still be let in to heaven if, at the end, you truly repent, believe, and have faith in Jesus?


Romans 3:28: Therefore we conclude that a man is justifed by faith apart from the works of the Law.

James 2:24: You see then that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone.

There's an apparent contradiction there. And those who simply say, "Faith without works is dead" may be ignoring the passage in Romans. Luther sided with the passage in Romans, and he is the reason you have your church, if you are a Protestant. He could not reconcile the passages, and called James an "epistle of straw", discounting what he wrote.

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here is what so many don't understand. People seem to make jokes (i'm not referring to you directly) and say that we can just have faith and be saved but live however we want and do whatever we want. This is not so. The things is that when we have faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit comes into our hearts and changes us over time. When this happens we no longer want to live the way we once did. We don't only stop sinning because we feel we have to, we more stop because we want to. When someone has true faith, they don't want to live a life of sin and compromised morals. Sure some of us who are believers have a hard time letting go of certain sins, but we are human just as everyone is and we are in no way perfect. Just because there IS still sin in our lives doesn't mean we WANT sin in our lives it just means, it just means we are human and it means that Gods work in us is a work in progress. Someone can't purposefully and selfishly live a life of sin planning to at the end of their life, asking for forgiveness, It doesn't seem to me that the faith in their hearts would really be faith. God is not stupid, He knows what is in our hearts and He knows who's faith is true and who's is not. None of us can judge who's faith is true only God knows that.

    Again, when someone has true faith, the Holy Spirit works in their heart. He changes us over time. We don't want to sin, but we still make mistakes. We don't want to live a corrupted life but we still make mistakes. We are not perfect by any means but that is why we need Jesus. That is why He died for us on that cross. If there were any way for us to be perfect by our own efforts and earn salvation on our own, then Jesus would have never suffered through that horrible death by taking our sins on Himself. But we CAN'T earn our salvation, we CAN'T be perfect in this fallen world. We need Jesus! We need to have faith in Him and we need to accept the free gift He gave to all of us when He took our sins upon Himself. None of us can ever be perfect here, but Jesus is perfect and through our faith in Him we are cleansed, and we are saved because he made it possible for us. It is nothing we can do for ourselves, only what He has done for us. When we accept Him and what He did for us, He changes us.

    God bless you!!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have to give you a two-part answer for this question. The first part is this: No,you cannot be saved by faith alone. If you go to the book of James it says: Of what benefit is it my ,brothers, if a certain one says he has faith, but he does not have works? That faith cannot save him, can it? Thus, too, faith, if it does not have works, is dead in itself. Nevertheless, a certain one will say: You have faith, and I have works. Show me your faith apart from the works, and I shall show you my faith by my works." These scriptures are found at James 2:14-18. Verse 26 sums it up nicely: Indeed, as the body without works

    is dead, so also faith without works is dead. That is the answer to the first part of your questsion.

    The second part of the question deals with a person who lived a life of sin and did very evil things. You asked could such a person be forgiven if they truly repent,and have faith in Jesus at the end of their life. Yes they could be forgiven if they are truly sincere because God is very merciful. But you can't pull the wool over God's eyes. He knows if you are truly repentent, and whether or not you deliberately lived a debauched life thinking that you could do all your dirt and then repent on your death-bed. It doesn't work like that. You have to be striving to do the right thing while you are alive, and even if you make mistakes along the way, remember God is making an examination of hearts. King Mannaseh was an excellent example of one who truly repented. Not many people were as wicked as he was. He sacrificed his own children in the fire to appease the false gods he worshipped, he shed innocent blood, got involved in demonism, and practiced sorcery. the Bible says that he did on a grand scale what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah to offend him. So Jehovah purposed to put him to death, but the Bible says: As soon as it caused him distress, he softened the face of Jehovah his God and kept humbling himself greatly because of the God of his forefathers. And he kept praying to him, so that he let himself be entreated by him and he heard his request for favor and restored him to Jerusalem to his kingship; and came to know that Jehovah is the true God. 2nd Chronicles:33,1-7. But if you read further in that chapter starting at verse 14-16 you will see that Manasseh proved his faith by changing his works in harmony with God's righteous ways. This is why he was forgiven. So we should do the same thing if we want to have a good standing with Jehovah.

    Source(s): The Bible
  • .
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Faith implies understanding. It is not blind. We have faith based in knowledge, not faith based on faith.

    And if you did have faith in Jesus, that would mean you had some understanding, unless you had blind faith and did not know what you believe in.

    But in the answer to your question, yes. A reformed, repented murdering child molesting rapist can be saved. Note I said repented. But repentance towards God does not get you off the hook for man's justice.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No! Read James Chapter 2.

  • 5 years ago

    The essence of salvation is new religious life via the Spirit of Christ who regenerates a individual. This new life is gained via faith. authentic biblical faith is as quickly as we receive Christ as our Savior, who has paid the penalty for all our sins, and additionally as our Lord, to whom we swear allegiance and commit our lives to maintain on with. If our faith is actual, we can journey the regenerating and reworking artwork of the Spirit of God in our lives which will produce a life-time of sturdy works. the subject is that many human beings receive Christ on their very own words, and overlook to provide up their lives to Him as Lord. God would not regenerate unrepentant rebels. of their minds, those human beings believe and think of they are saved because of the fact they went in the process the motions that they concept might shield them salvation. yet rather they have not experienced the recent life via Christ that produces a switched over life. making a declare to having faith and rather having exercised authentic saving faith are 2 fullyyt distinctive issues. Superficial faith would not produce a replaced life because of the fact there is not any longer the flexibility of God interior the guy's life. authentic biblical faith does produce a replaced life because of the flexibility of God.

  • 8 years ago

    our faith must have a object if Jesus is our object then salvation is ours, our salvation rest on the completed work of Jesus at the cross his death, his burial, and his resurection. anyone teaching any other gospel is no gospel at all. 1 corinthians 15:3-4

  • 8 years ago

    Depends. what is faith saving you from? Is there a purgatory? Does doing things that we find morally wrong truly wrong? Is God the final judge of your actions? What if you're not Christian/Protestant?

    Answer these, then i can give you the right answer

    Source(s): Not God
  • Dani
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    From what I've read in the bible, no. Not to say God expects perfection, but you still have to make great effort to live by his laws.

  • 8 years ago

    He believed in it enough to pencil it in to the bible. Personally, I'd be far to terrified if angering God to mess with His Word.

  • 8 years ago

    It is what repentance does, brings salvation

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