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What to do about the gun issue in America?

America has far to many gun deaths compared to other 1st world countries. Why is this? For example australia has no axis to guns and they have had zero school shootings, they also took god out of schools. So either taking god out works or removing guns works, or maybe both. Guns dont kill people, people with guns kill people. So i was thinking we cant remove people so lets remove guns! And I get pepple want to hunt, but cant we fins away to maybe rent guns to hunters to better manage the gun supply? I also know it is a mental health problem in America that needs to be looked into. Please dont come here and make fun of me calling me an idiot. Just name productive solutions and if you disagree with some stuff i said let me know because i am trying to learn. One other thing I was thinking, if you need 40 shots in a automatic assault riffle to shot a deer, maybe you dont need to be hunting..

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK, you have picked two (out of many) things that are very different between two countries. Now you claim that one is absolutely the cause of the other. (In this case strict access to gun laws cause a lower mass murder rate). You have not proved causation.

    How about comparing the health care systems? Could the fact the Australia, England, and most European countries have single payer health care systems have something to do with this? Maybe the mentally ill in those countries are more likely to be given proper treatment for their conditions keeps the crazies from shooting up public areas?

    Let's say Sweden has a higher percentage of blonds in their population than America. Swedes, like most Europeans, drive on the left side of the road. Taking these two facts into consideration I could determine that people with blond hair are more likely to drive on the left side of the road. Does being blond cause driving left of center? Of course not! Living in Europe dies!

    Pickup truck drivers are less likely, as a percentage of the population, to be involved in wrecks on super highways. Is there something about a pickup truck that makes it safer? Or could it be that pickup truck drivers are less likely to drive long distances due to their occupations (a greater percentage of pickup drivers are construction workers, farmers, and laborers). When these laborers go on long trips they are likely to use sedans, more comfortable for long trips. Therefore ... if we look at JUST the number of vehicles registered ... pickups are involved in fewer crashes. If we factor in the number of miles driven in these vehicles ... pickup trucks fall back in line with other vehicles.

    Statistics do not lie on their own ... people with something to prove cherry pick the numbers that make the case for their point of view.

  • 8 years ago

    The right to hunt is not the issue. The issue is self defense. As to your stat regarding australia, they have always had relatively low gun crime. There violent crime rates were already plummeting in the decade before their '96 ban on assault weapons so while the ban may have been effective, you cant pin their violence rates solely on their gun laws. Another place that has seen zero school shootings in a long time is chicago. The reason for that is the fact that they have armed guards in every school. Unlike their streets which are plagued by violence because of their strict weapons laws. I believe switzerland ranks among the lowest violent crime rates in the world and yet they train and issue weapons to every able bodied male in their country. I would also like to point out that there are an average of 4.5 million violent crimes in the US each year, 2.8 million of which are declared completed, that is to say that the intents of the attacker went undeterred, regardless of the resistance of the victim. The vast majority of these are not committed by people using legally purchased guns and most of the victims are people that are not physically capable of defending themselves without a gun. these millions of violent crimes each year could be stopped each year if the victims were in possession of a gun.

    In regards to the need for assault weapons, high capacity magazines, etc if you look at history, the nations which fell under oppression the easiest and quickest were the ones with a majority of unarmed citizens. Imagine if 6 million jews had guns during the WWII. Would hitler have been able to slaughter all of them so easily?

    I am not proposing that we need to just be passing out guns to anyone and everyone. Criminal and mental background checks should be done upon every gun purchase. But if you look at hard stats, you will see that the safer areas in this nation are a majority of the time areas with high gun ownership and where lawful carry in public is permitted.

    If you want a God gone, try getting the first amendment repealed.

    Btw, learn to spell.

  • dooopo
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Cops should have guns. Normal people should only be able to have guns with them for hunting only. True criminals will always have guns banned or not.

    The laws in most states now is basically any idiot can walk with a gun and most who do, do it to feel tough not because they are so scared that they feel they need a gun for safety. Sure lets give everyone a gun and lets see if crime goes up or down (rolls eyes). I'm not some tree huger church person i'm just flat out saying how it is.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    we don't NEED to hunt in north American society, in order to survive. Therefore recreational hunting can be done with one, two, or three round clips without the need of high capacity magazines. Ban them nation-wide. We don't have shoot-outs in Dodge City anymore, so no one needs to carry a sidearm around for self defence. Regulate and control them. Only the military requires efficient, high capacity multi-round weapons, so keep them in the military. Does that help?

  • 8 years ago

    There are many possibilities. It is appalling the number of conservatives who view violence against children to be acceptable, humorous, and believe that nothing should be done.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    All firearms made after 1850 should be banned from civilians. Muskets are more than what you need for home defense

  • 8 years ago

    start executing people for gun crimes allow criminals to shoot each other and bring in summary execution for "caught in the act" crimes

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