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Lv 6

Do Mormons believe Jesus is God?

All the answers I have found are a bit ambiguous. I See Mormons say they believe Jesus is the son of God, and that he is part of the holy trinity, but I don't find them claiming, directly, that Jesus is God.

I know that "traditional" Christians use these sorts of ambiguous "labels" as well, but they claim he is God in the flesh, and the trinity is just God's different forms, rather than 3 separate entities. And therefore Jesus is God.



I never made any such claim. I said "Traditional" Christians believe that the trinity is Gods different forms, not Mormons. That is why I suggested that saying Jesus is the "son of God" and part of the "holy trinity" is ambiguous. And therefore, why I asked this question(s) to begin with...

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mormons believe that the Almighty God is Elohim.

    The first offspring of Elohim and his wife was Jehovah.

    Jehovah came to earth in human form as Jesus.

    They believe in a plurality of gods - they claim that "God" was once a man and that they, too, can become "like God." Which "God" they mean, I couldn't say, only that theirs is not a monotheistic religion and their Jesus is not the Jesus of the Bible.

    Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is the Firstborn of the Father in the SPIRIT and the Only Begotten of the Father in the FLESH. He is JEHOVAH. Under the direction of the Father, Jesus created the earth. He is Lord of lords, King of kings, the Creator, the Saviour and the God of the whole earth. Christ was BORN before the world began (3 Ne. 26:5, based on John 6:62).

    At first glance, it sounds innocuous enough but a closer examination of their beliefs belies the claim that they are orthodox Christians with an orthodox view of the Trinity. They fail to understand the main point of the Trinity - that there are three Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), none of whom were ever created. They have always existed from before time began, all co-equal, all eternal. The Mormons show they misunderstand this by arguing that there are three distinct Persons. Well, yes - that's just what the Trinity states, so why are they trying to imply that the Trinity doctrine does not agree with them? It does! Where it does not agree is in the Mormon insistence that those three Persons all had a starting point in time.

    The second misunderstanding about the Trinity is the wrong notion that Father, Son and Holy Spirit are of the same PHYSICAL substance. The Bible is clear that the Father is Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is Spirit, and that Jesus was the only Person in the Godhead who added human nature to His divine nature, and He retains that combined human nature. The Father does not share the same physical nature that Jesus has, nor does the Holy Spirit, remaining Spirit (though the Holy Spirit can manifest Himself in all sorts of ways, ranging from tongues of fire to a dove). The Trinity shows that all three Persons in the Trinity form the one Being of God, which is a divine Being, not a physical being.

    The Trinity states that all three Persons are co-equal; none greater or lesser than the others (which does not refute the fact that Jesus laid aside His heavenly glory for the incarnation, thus the Father was 'greater' in rank than He was, when on earth). Mormons have a hierarchy in their godhead; they say the Father is the senior member. That's because they say this Father created the spirit who was to become the man, Jesus. This same Father created the spirit who became Satan the devil, thus making Jesus and Satan spiritual brothers. Mormons say, "In contrast to the proposal of coercion by Lucifer was the willingness of Jesus, the firstborn of God's spirit children, to support without reservation his Father's plan". That alone proves that the Mormons reject the Christian Trinity doctrine.

    The plurality of gods that underpins all Mormon doctrine is shown for what it is - polytheistic paganism - in these quotes: Joseph Smith said, "We have imagined and supposed that God was God from all eternity. I will refute that idea and take away the veil, so that you may see." He also said, "Here, then, is eternal life - to know the only wise and true God; and you have got to learn how to be gods yourselves, and to be kings and priests to God, the same as all gods have done before you." "In the beginning, the head of the gods called a council of the gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people in it."

    Mormons believe that Jesus is a god, not that he is the second person of the Trinity as Christians believe.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Let me make this simple for you, if I handed you a copy of the Book of Mormon you would also read the words "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" as well as our church's name "the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints". So clearly we believe in His divinity.

    Jesus is God. However that is not to say that He must be literally and physically one with the Father - your confusion lies in not understanding our take on the concept of trinity - however even in the athanasian definition of the trinity Jesus would be defined as God as would the Father, so if your reference point is written in a confusing manner, then conclusions based on it can't be too clear.

    Again, the issue here is the definition of the trinity, by saying "God" if you think we are referencing the being known as the Father, then He's different - but if your referencing what makes God God then He's identical to God and is in His own right a God.

    By the way, the reason we refer to God as part of the Godhood rather than Trinity is that there are many different definitions of the Trinity, our doctrine fits into the vast majority view of the modern Trinity however the term Trinity is ambiguous in itself.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes, Christians believe in God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. So do Mormons, but then, since we ARE Christian, that's hardly surprising. We do not teach that we're judged by Joseph Smith. Jesus must be God? I can see where you'd find evidence for that in the Bible, but I can easily find more evidence against. And not all Christians believe Christ and God are the same anyway, dear. That's never stated in the Bible. It didn't even come about until long after Christ's death. It may be a very common belief, but the definition of a Christian is one who believes in Christ, not one who believes in the Trinity. You're being judgmental, and I'm fairly certain that's not Christian, either.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Jesus is divine, he was God before birth, was God on earth, and was with God in the beginning.

    John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    No other Christian religion explains the Godhead, the trinity, or who God is better than LDS Christians. Each member of the Godhead is divine and can be considered God. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, and The Father of Christ. All other Christian religions use Biblical terms deceitfully, Christ really isn't the Son of God, Jesus really doesn't have a Father, and none of them are intrinsically male yet they use male personal pronouns.

    LDS Christians believe the Bible as written, and yet most Christian sects condemn them for it.

    @Open Heart:

    Your analogy fails because you are talking about different products. Let me explain a true analogy.

    We both go into the grocery store and pick up a banana and begin to eat it, boy it is sure yummy. And we begin to talk about the banana, you believe banana's come from grocery stores... I on the other hand believe banana's come from tropical environments and are transported to grocery stores, they grow on trees, etc.. I have some additional information on the fruit we are both eating. Your argument says that because you have no idea where banana's come from then we must be talking about two different kinds of fruit... wrong.

    We both pick up the New Testament and read and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ therein. It is absurd to claim Mormons believe in a 'different' Jesus simply because we believe he also visited the American continent after his death?

    Edit:Again, nope, talking about the same thing.. you just can't understand how banana's get into the grocery store. I on the other hand have a very lengthy explanation of how they get there, where they come from, and how they are grown. Same banana... one of us just can't comprehend the existence of banana's outside of the grocery store.

    Please quote President Hinckley properly, he didn't say a 'different' Jesus, he said the traditional Jesus, which has no resemblance to the New Testament Jesus. Error does not require spin or twist to expose, so why resort to it?

    Edit2: Well then I would hope you would be truthful in the comments you make in the future, by quoting President Hinckley correctly, which was we don't believe in the "Traditional Jesus" you know the one who is not really the son of God, who is really not a man, who really has no father... not as you said a "different Jesus", just the one who doesn't resemble who is spoken of in the New Testament.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I assume that the following from Matthew 3:17 was spoken by God the Father:

    "And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".

    It appears that Jesus really is the son of God and that he is not God the Father. It would be difficult for me to be the son of myself.

    However, God the Father has placed all things into the hands of his son. What Jesus does is what God would do in the same circumstance. They are in essence, one in purpose. If you have seen Jesus, you in essence have seen the Father. Thus, Jesus has all the power, authority and Godship of the Father but the argument that they are the same person is a huge stretch.

    "The Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things into his hand". John 3:35

    In addition to Jesus being the spirit son of God, Jesus is also the only begotten son of God in the flesh. The rest of us were physically born of an earthy father and mother.

    "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" Matthew 28:19

    What's the big deal? They are 3 seperate beings. Don't try to make such a big mystery about everything.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Is Jesus God???

    Yes. Jesus is God.

    Because Jesus Christ is the Son Of God. If someone is the Son Of God, then they too are God.

    There is God The Father, and there is God The Son, and there is God The Holy Ghost. Each are God.

    This is so because God is a human who...

    is perfectly one hundred percent righteous, who based on righteousness, gains ever more knowledge through evermore time.

    Those who have faith enough in Jesus Christ enough to keep the commandments of Jesus Christ sufficiently, they will become one with Jesus Christ...

    therefor they will be God too, when that happens in the future, after the resurrection.

    The difference between God and a run-of-the-mill human is faith, nothing doubting...

    faith enough to always do the right thing, according to the eternal laws of ethics, and according to the endless laws of the commandments of God.

    Those who repent, they are wise, because they connect to the fountainhead of all wisdom. They become part of the God-Consciousness through faith, thus they keep the commandments of Jesus Christ one hundred percent perfectly.

    Faith nothing doubting, is the key to obtaining perfect righteousness which is the foundation for becoming one with the God-Consciousness for all eternal time. Chat.

    God bless.

  • Neerp
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Some of these answers you have received are good, some of them are pretty far out there.

    First and foremost, NO, Mormons do NOT believe Jesus is God. He is NOT God, he is the SON of God.Two separate beings. Father and Son. One is not the other. There is nothing ambiguous about this, Jesus is not God. Period.

    In some places in the scriptures you will find Jesus being referred to as God, and Father. This is not literal, but represents His authority to act in the name of the Father and represent the Father to us. I suppose in some sense you could consider him Father, in that he is in a Fatherly role to us but this is like calling your older brother Father because he is performing fatherly duties in caring for the family. It is not the same as God the Father. I like the phrase Older Brother, it is more accurately and less ambiguous.

    It is not our belief in Christ that makes us Christian. The devils believe, are they Christian? It is our following of Christ that makes us Christian. We believe He is our redeemer and savior. He was born to the virgin Mary, walked the earth as a mortal, was crucified for our sins, and rose again on the third day. Through him our sins can be forgiven, taken away, made white as snow. Be believe in loving one another like Jesus said to do. We believe in following Christ and becoming as much like Him as we possibly can. This is what makes us Christian. Who did Jesus say his disciples were? Those that have love, one for another.

    NO, Mormons do NOT believe God had sex with Mary. This is a lie you will find on many anti-Mormon websites. We absolutely do not believe this. Period. No ambiguity. We flat out do not believe this.

    Technically, God, Jesus, and ALL of us are "uncreated", but most if not all anti/ex-Mormons do not understand Mormon doctrine and beliefs well enough to understand what I'm talking about. Because of their lack of understanding, they make accusations against us that are false. PM me if you want more information on this topic.

  • From the title page of the Book of Mormon

    "to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ, the Eternal God, manifesting himself unto all nations"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Mormons believe that Jesus is a god - one of many.

    They say the god Elohim procreated Jesus as a spirit baby, who was born to a spirit mother in some other universe somewhere. Elohim had various spirit wives and very many spirit babies by them. Jesus was Elohim's firstborn. This Jesus, they say, created our universe and us, and he is the Jehovah of the Old Testament. But this same Jesus had to come to earth to be born physically to Mary, in order to work his own way up to god-hood (including being married and having children himself.)

    Because Jesus was faithful, they say he attained the highest level of the Kingdom and is now god. But he's not the same god as Elohim, remember! Elohim is the god-father of Jesus his god-son!

    Whatever the Mormons try to say about the orthodox Trinity doctrine, they do not accept it. They have their own version. Although they use similar words they attach different meanings to them, and they are outside the orthodox Christian church for that reason. Any group that claims Jesus was created at any point (prior to being born to Mary) is heretical. The Bible states that Jesus is the eternal Word of God who was with God, who is God, and who created everything, in John 1:1-3. Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and others all fail at this point, for they refuse to accept that Jesus is the eternal, uncreated Word of God. That is why they can say, "Oh, yes! We believe Jesus is god" but what they don't tell you is that their Jesus is just one of many gods and goddesses.

    Try to get Mormons to tell you just how many gods and goddesses they believe are currently in existence and they will launch into semantics about what the word 'god' means. It's the same with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Orthodox Christianity, on the other hand, states that there is only one Being who is God, and this godhead subsists in the persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, none of whom were created.

  • Elsie
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Mormons believe that God, the Father and His Son Jesus Christ are two separate beings of flesh and bone and that the Holy Ghost is a being of spirit. In body and spirit the three are separate beings, but in purpose they are one. We call them the Godhead.

    We identify as "Christian" because we believe that God sent His son, Jesus Christ to earth to save all mankind from death and from our sins. At baptism we covenant to obey God's commandments and to follow the gospel of Jesus Christ and bear witness of him. In return we are promised that the atonement will go into effect for us and that we will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. We call ourselves Christians because we are followers of Christ. I'm happy with the label Latter-day Saint as well, considering early followers of Christ were called saints.

    Our official doctrine can be found at this link:

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