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Lv 4
Josh asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Do pro-gun advocates not understand that gun violence declines with gun control legislation?

Gun violence decreased dramatically in Canada the year after Canada enacted gun control legislation (1977) - a trend that has continued to the present day. Homicides by firearms in Canada have been cut by over half from 1.15 per 100.000 in 1977 to 0.5 per 100,000 in 2004. Homicide rates by other means (such as knives, etc.) also declined in the same period - but far less significantly - suggesting that murderers did not start opting for means other than guns.

If you're wondering what the American rate for homicide by firearms is, it is 3.2 per 100,000. That is over six times Canada's figure.

10 Answers

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Many schools in the US have police officers assigned to them aren't they the same as armed guards.....

    In a not perfect world only the good guys would turn in their guns and we would be helpless and at the

    mercy of the bad guys.Too bad we will never know if a police officer was assigned to that school how many lives could he have saved. Drugs and drunk driving have been against the law for years and that does not help.

    Having a gun will not help all the time but being defenseless will never help..

    We could use the money we give to countries that hate us,our children are more important!!

    Isn't it better to have a gun and not need it than to need it and not have it!!

  • 8 years ago

    Does it? New York City has one of the strictest gun control policies in North America, as do Washington DC and Chicago. These cities also have the highest incidents of gun and other violence in America. Most crimes involving guns are committed by people who have unlicensed or illegal possession of those weapons.

    When gun ownership is legal there is less violence, not more.

    Canada is a very different country from the United States. It is less populated and much of it is uninhabited. It should be noted that gun ownership is extremely limited in Mexico, which is a battleground of illegal weapons.

    I don't own any guns and have no immediate plans to change that, however, I would immediately acquire them if I believed my right to own them was being threatened. I do not intend to be rendered defenseless by a government which cannot or won't defend me or that itself may pose a threat.

  • 8 years ago

    We banned assault rifles for ten years here in the States and mass killings increased during that time. They did not decrease. In fact, I think the Columbine School Masacre occurred during the ban.

    Our decrease, proven by statistics, came when the ban was lifted and about that time laws permitting concealed carrying of handguns began to be passed by more states.

    You say it works in Canada but there are articles that dispute that and so far the track record here shows gun control affects law abiding citizens's freedom and has little or no affect on criminal bahavior and may actually make it rise slightly.

  • 8 years ago

    For the most part gun ownership has resulted in less crime not more. I think most gun owners will agree that when the government can prove without a doubt that all the bad, irresponsible people and the government with guns have been disarmed then myself and others will consider giving up our guns. Until then, we cannot be convinced that we should not be prepared to defend our families, friends and others from evil people with guns including and especially our government. Prove to me that I have the last gun and you can get mine. God bless!

    In Christ

    Fr. Joseph

  • Sienna
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Do pro-State advocates not understand that State control of guns is done with violence, it's just that they don't count that.

    For example, Obama has killed more than 30 children, just in Pakistan alone, and just by drones alone, and the USA is not even at war with Pakistan. But you don't count that, do you? The USA has killed tens of thousands of its own citizens in a day, but you don't count that, do you?

    And any gun control legislation will be backed up by the State who will claim the double standard that you are in favour of, that they will have as much weaponry as they want - they are right now patrolling American cities with tanks - but you don't count that, do you? And they won't just have the semi-automatics you want to ban, but the automatics that Obama has protecting him - but you don't count that, do you?

    And when the State uses that weaponry to violate the Constitution, and force its pretended laws on the people, and steal from them, and cheat them, and set up unconstitutional departments and forces, and wage perpetual war - you don't count that, do you?

    You see your belief system only makes sense if people are a species of chattel owned by the State whose high officials are the overlords and betters of the people.

    But not everyone buys your slave philosophy, for good reason - the Constitution has made it illegal, and they understand that you are a violent hypocrite falsely pretending to concern about the public good as a pretext for expanding State power, even on the ground that it has blatantly failed to perform its core purpose.

    If you were really concerned to stop school shootings, the solution is easy - stop pro-State advocates making it illegal for people to defend children against murderers in breach of the Constitution.

    You have blood on your hands.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Just to comment about violence in general:

    Vlad The Impaler impaled 20,00 victims to a horrible death

    in an attempt to frighten an invading Turkish army.

    (it worked)

    The Aztecs in sanctifying a new temple to the Sun god

    sliced open the still beating chests of the sacrificial victims

    to extract the hearts.(twenty thousand sacrificed over a two week period)

    No guns were in sight in either event...;-)

    PS; Oops, almost forgot: Stalin killed in ONE DAY more people

    than the czars killed in half a century...Stalin's victims might have

    appreciated owning a gun, at least to go down fighting.

  • 8 years ago

    Decreasing "gun violence" is not the goal. You want to decrease ALL violence AND crime, and with gun control, the opposite usually happens.

    According to data, California leads by far in:

    ALL Property crimes

    ALL VIOLENT crimes** (total 30% higher than all other states)

    **Robbery is Double (around 50% higher than all other states)

    **MURDER is Double (around 50% higher than all other states)

    and D.C. leads by almost double in Firearms Death per 100K.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You forgot about murder by the government, and statistics of other countries.

    If you are open mined please see this movie. You will not be disappointed.

    Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control

    Source(s): Innocents Betrayed - The History of Gun Control
  • 8 years ago

    Your statement is vacuously true. Let me illustrate - the number of arrests of prostitutes decreased when prostitution was legalized.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Freedom comes in boxes: soap, ballot, jury, and AMMO!

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