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I'm not asking this sarcastically. I mean it sincerely. Are we stupid?

And by "we" I mean humanity as a whole. Including Newton. Including Einstein. And all of the Shakespeares, Platos, and Di Vincis. And even those grammatically correct, quip-filled, hard-studied Jeopardy gameshow contestants.

Are we stupid? What makes us so smart? What makes you so smart?


11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well we are at the top of the food chain. We are not the biggest, or the fastest or the ones with the most teeth.

    So we must be doing something right, could just be that we are the most ruthless.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Have you heard of the computer Watson? That is just a recent computer that can answer questions. In some time, there will be far more advanced and astute answering machines, although their higher "intelligences" are not very required. Most jobs, which make use of computers, do not need high levels of computation. How do we judge any variable, if not a scale of greatest to least? How "intelligent" are we to the most advanced computation devices? What of intelligence? Don't the stupid survive, if not thrive at times? What is intelligence? What is stupidity? If smart is having knowledge, than it is being knowledgeable. Does iq measure intelligence? What than is intelligence?

    Source(s): ...trails off...
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Humanity's intelligence has dropped a lot since the times when Einstein or De Vinci lived. yes, we know a lot more about the environment and "how-things-work" than they did, but we don't care as much about books as they did and we don't have as much as a desire to learn as they did. The children of our era don't want to learn about how their country/state/island/etc. was constructed. I think that technology plays a huge part in humanity's ignorance, but no, not EVERYONE is "stupid", just most of us.

  • 8 years ago

    Because 'stupid' is comparative and no 'intelligent life' (if any) has not been smart enough to discover us-or is unintelligently weak to be in hiding from us-then there is no evidence to suggest that we are not the brightest conceivable however thick most of us are when a few compare themselves to us.

  • 8 years ago

    We're not neccessarily 'stupid' per say, since we've solved some 'mysteries' and even invented cars and washing machines. Maybe we haven't discovered everything yet (maybe because it keeps building itself) but we've already discovered quite enough to know that we're geniuses in our own selves.

    BUT THEN AGAIN.. Depends who or what you compare us with.

    If you compare us with the internet, then yes, we are stupid.

    But in this world, compared to any other living thing in this Earth, we are the most intelligent species.

    ...and compared to God, we know nothing.

    I guess what makes us smart in 'this world' compared to other animals is our capacity to understand, rationalize, make decisions based on our beliefs, experiences and morals, and to be able to relate to other people without a word. I really think human beings are beautiful. Which makes God like.. Infinite more beautiful since He made us in His own image.

  • Ade7
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    As Spongebob Squarepants definitely said, the stupidest humans are those who aren't aware of their infinite stupidity

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    average IQ is 100 . yale records show that bush has a 89 IQ , that is higher than forrest gump , but below average , and he got to be president .

  • 8 years ago

    Nobody is stupid.

    You may be ignorant, which is choosing to ignore, or

    you may be mentally impaired.

  • 8 years ago

    To quote from a movie, "Stupid is as stupid does".

  • john
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Everyone, no, 99%, yes.

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