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Luis asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 8 years ago

I need help with Minecraft MP server commands, can someone please list & explain what commands are available?

I have recently started to work on my own Minecraft server, and need help with commands, i know a few, but not all. Please list as many as you know and explain what they do.


I also need help on how to set myself up as the owner

Update 2:

the server's address is:

Update 3:

pm me at

Update 4:

I actually need help setting up EVERYTHING! xD

Update 5:

I have activated the white-list, so if you want to help please post your user name, Thank You!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i am a very good builder and i know some things about servers so i can build like spawn and plots and pvp area and shop and other things so i think i can help you.

    also your server isnt up so plz put it up so i can help

    also i am 14 and i have been admins on other servers and a architect so i have experence

  • 8 years ago

    Is this bukkit? If so while your downloading the plugins just look at the description. If not do /help but tell me the ip and ill help you out i own 5 mine craft servers bukkit and ones vailla. Answer 2: Oh on the console type op your username example if your username is bob. op bob

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