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Me123 asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

I've been clinically depressed the past three years, and I need help?

I am so alone. I can't get myself out there and be outgoing because I can't make a new start in a school I hate so much. I have one person in my life who I live for; that's it. I am depressed and think about killing myself almost every day. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know why I'm even writing this anymore. I know I need help, but I'm beyond help. I've tried to get help, and nothing works. I'm always going to hate my quiet, ugly, self. I'm always going to be shy and never going to truly know myself. I guess if you've ever been through this, it'd be nice to talk to you and get your input on things before I truly let go.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. I agree. You need help only from a professionally qualified doctor. Pl. don't rely on all people like Tom,

    Dick and Harry. Strangers and unknown people may complicate the issue and misguide you or mislead you.

    Source(s): compiled.
  • 8 years ago

    I'm sorry you feel the way you do. i can feel the pain through your writing. I've been there before, or at least felt lost and like nothing matters. And it's a terrible feeling. I know it hurts, and I don't know why it happens. It's like you get to this point where rational thinking doesn't save you becuase your mind's too much a mess to use it anyway, let alone understand it. For now, what makes you feel good? When I'm beyond help I listen to Nirvana, scream until i'm hoarse, writing profane poetry, overeat, take a bath, masturbate, talk to family who will listen to the ugliness I have to share, shiver with self hate in my bed, listen to comedy radio, and overall just live my ugly. There's no running away. That feeling will always haunt you. Try to learn to embrace your ugly side. Forget the shame for a while and just live out loud. These things come in cycles. And sometimes those cycles take forever. The most important thing is to DO. I know the last thing I want to hear from someone when i'm depressed is "Go DO something." Trust me, I learned this the hard way. Even just riding your stupid bike around the ugly neighborhood for ten minutes where everyone can see your awful self is beter than staying in bed. Try to listen to songs that make you really sad. And watch depressing movies. I promise it'll make you feel a litle lighter. Also, Augusten Burroughs has a great new book called "This is How". It's like a self help guide for people who hate self help guides. Also, his books are all really funny and fun to read when your depressed.

    And try not to set too many goals. You're depressed, so right now you're emotionally handicapped. Try to take it slow and be easy on yourself. If there was a period 3 years ago when you were more functional and happy, I promise you will get there again eventually. and from there, even further beyond. I'm sorry if this advice sounded high-minded or annoying. Hope you get better. At least 9 other people empathize with you on here. You're not alone.

  • 8 years ago

    Depression does hurt. I have Major Depressive Disorder (aka Clinical Depression) I've had it for a few years and am learning ways to cope.

    It is possible to get help. Have you talked to your regular doctor? Maybe you have an underlying medical condition. A doctor can check you out and see what is going on. If he/she thinks that you should see a psychiatrist or psychologist then your doc will make a referral.

    I don't know what access you have to medical care, but even if you don't have a regular doctor there are other sources available in your community some may be on a sliding scale or free.

    If you feel like you are in danger of hurting yourself then you need immediate help. You can call 911 if you have to. They will take you to a hospital ER and they will evaluate you there.

    If you don't want to do that then you can call the National Suicide Hotline: In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255

    You wrote this because you are asking for help and that is a good start. Seeking help is a positive step. Even though everything seems really bad right now it doesn't mean that it will always be that way. Depression causes the negative thinking. Therapy will help you learn ways to cope and replace negitive thinking with more postive thoughts.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm so sorry to hear this!! I've been through depression, and still am. Have the doctors put you on an anti depressant and anxiety pill? That is what they did for me and it seems to be helping. What ever you do, don't kill or harm yourself!!! There are SOOO many people out there that care for you, whether you know it or not! I don't know you what so ever, but if I didn't care.. Would I be writing this? But I do care. Nothing is so bad in life that you need to take your own life. Recovery from depression can be long, but you need to sick it through, cause in they long run it will be completely worth it! Remember, your not alone. There's people who care about you and are standing by your side! Please, hang in there and just wait for things to fall into place! Cause they will sooner or later! Try to find things that please you and will make you smile! You can even watch some funny videos on YouTube to make you smile and laugh! Whatever it takes to get you back to your normal self, do it.. Just as long as it won't hurt you! Best of luck(:(: hang in there!!

  • 8 years ago

    Awww, OK first of all sweetie everything is going to be OK (: My dad as also been clinically depressed since I was 6 years old. So I know how hard it can be. There are some days when he doesn't want to leave the house, and just wants everything to be over. And it hurts me because I love him so much, even though he's just my Step dad. I love him more then I have ever loved my real dad, And I know he loves me more then my dad ever did to. So it's hard to watch him be in so much pain. But I know in my heart that someday everything is going to be OK, and that life is going to be just a little bit easier (:

    All you have to think is, that it's not a bad thing to be depressed, and that there's nothing wrong with it. Life can sometimes be hard, and painful. But that doesn't mean you have to stop living it (:

    Pain is what makes us human, and being human can be hard. And I know that if you had the chance to just feel nothing at all you would probably take it. But just think, love is also what makes us human, it can make us stupid, and have hope when we really shouldn't. But it makes life interesting...and sometimes hard. I remember when I used to come home balling my eyes out to my mom, about something my Dad had said to me, or something he had done. (My real dad not my step dad) And she used to just hold me in her arms, and say that she was sorry she married him, and that I was stuck with him for a father. Life was hard because he had narcissistic personality disorder, and one of the effects of the disease was that he could not acknowledge the fact that he had it. Witch just made painful and hard. I used to just wish life would just be over, and that I would just join the other side. But now I couldn't be happier, My mom and me just went to Hawaii for my 15 birthday, my mom and step dad now have full custody over me (:

    And life is just a little bit easier. Now I know life isn't always going to be perfect and that life can be hard, But that doesn't mean you can't have a couple of really ******* awesome moments (:

    So good luck on the path of life, and I wish you the best.

    Oh and P.S sometimes you have to be at the bottom of the barrel to see the light (:

    Source(s): experience (:
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    scientific melancholy is surely an American thought supported by potential of drug manufacturers and a cultural idealism that desires a speedy restore. in case you assert you’re clinically depressed, or in the journey that your scientific expert convinces you which you're, you regulate right into a customer of a product which you will “desire.” Emotion can't be fixed with drugs and emotional issues haven't any genuine therapy. the main question is, “are you suicidal?” while you're, seek for help at present. it extremely is genuine in case you be homicidal additionally. Scientifically, further and extra evidence is pointing in the direction of eating recurring. Water is crucial to retaining a healthful disposition as is a eating recurring with low ingredients/dyes and balanced sugar. circumvent sound asleep greater desirable than 8 hour an afternoon. Over-sound asleep can with the aid of off you organic rhythms and go away you with a sensation very resembling melancholy. additionally, melancholy is very psychosomatic. you are able to think of your self into melancholy and then comprehend you’re depressed, which may make you think of approximately it greater which will make you greater depressed. evaluate too in case you have a reason to be depressed. If existence isn't treating you nicely (say a dying of a family contributors member or a breakup or perhaps economic issues) then you could purely be performing for sure. Your teen years are very tough. submit to in ideas that this element on your existence is purely no longer your defining 2d. Self-mirror and comprehend that sixteen years previous is purely no longer continuously. For me, those have been the worst days of my existence. As huge as existence could look to you at your age, attempt to comprehend that sometime you will look decrease back at those days and comprehend that most of the “issues” you had have been purely part of growing to be up. i know that isn't be of lots of a convenience to you at present, and it may look slightly condescending, yet issues do get greater effectual. in the journey that your emotional state persist, evaluate a therapist or a counselor. in case you stumble on one and it doesn’t artwork out, don’t supply up. you're able to could test a number of earlier you stumble on one that permits you the way you like.

    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I've had the same problem since I was a teenager. I''ve been diagnosed with clinical depression, bipolar disorder and I'm sure I have anorexia, since my BMI is very, very low (I have a problem with food, obsessed with my thinness and image, etc.).

    Listen, I know I'm not perfect, but don't do anything against you...killing yourself will not solve anything. Go to therapy, start working out and change your habits.

    You said you wanted to talk, well, feel free to e-mail me (if you like). I'm not a psychologist, but I can give an advice when others need it.

    All the best

  • 8 years ago

    Please, email me on, I have been clinically depressed for almost 9 years, and also suffer from generalized anxiety disorder, OCD and frequent panic attacks. I understand how hard it is. It may not sound appealing but counselling is your best option, or ask your doctor about cognitive behavioural therapy. Either way, email me, I'm always here to help <3

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Every day make yourself do one kind helpful thing for somebody else, preferably somebody who can't pay you back. There are so many people out there just like us who need kindness and help. This is how I got out of my depression.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Suicide leads to Hell. Christ leads to Heaven. Pray and read the Bible. Then you will have a reason to live.

    Source(s): Book of John
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