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Who thinks that partial evolution may be true?

Atheist having chimp ancestors explains a lot of ideas they proffer

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Evolution within a kind is pretty obvious. We have all seen the evolved differences between different kinds of dogs, birds, even people. Time and environment will cause this. But there is no apparent proof or nothing obvious about the more larger claims that one kind can evolve into another. No fish into reptile, no reptile into bird, no frog into mouse or mouse into lion, etc... they can lay bones together all they want and make drawings or falsify them as well as they have done but it isn't there. so there is two kinds of evolution, the real and factual and that which atheists and others believe.

    The latest analogy I have heard from the evolution believers is that all the micro evolution is what makes up macro evolution. that thru a million changes the larger macro change occurs. Then they say think of it like this, one step is nothing but after you take thousands of them you can cover miles. or a single penny will not make you rich or change much if you find it but what if you find thousands, millions of pennies at the end you would be well off. OR something similar and it is a good analogy of what they are trying to say and yet it does not work for me. Here is why.

    It doesn't matter how many steps you take no matter how long you travel you are still walking you will never start to fly.

    It does not matter how many pennies are made how they may be minted, using different alloys, different symbols, faces. whatever, they will still be pennies they will never become dimes.

    A thousand, no a million, billion micro changes within a kind of thing will change it to another thing of that kind but there is no proof or case of such a thing of even that many changes ever making something into a thing of another kind.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't think evolution or partial evolution is true! I believe that we were all created by an intelligent creator, Jehovah God. Chimps aren't continuing to evolve into humans and humans aren't continuing to change! I know they say it take countless years for for evolution to take place but over hoe many thousand years no has not seen any changes in the development of chimps and no changes are recorded, so it's hard for me to believe in something that has no proof of ever happening. And I think that of evolution was real, we as humans would continue to evolve and change into a different species but no we've been the same for I don't know how long.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So far I haven't met anybody who claims to have chimp ancestors. Anyone with the tiniest knowledge about evolution knows that chimps and humans have common ancestors. "Anyone with the tiniest knowledge about evolution" of course excludes home educated christians.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No atheist believes they have "chimp ancestors". You saying that proves your extreme ignorance.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What a lot of stupid answers. They should trot out the one about human and dinosaur footprints being found together, and that the second law of thermodynamics does not allow the evolution of higher forms.

  • 4 years ago

    it rather is no longer quickly falsifiable. the closest risk is clean scientific evidence for an selection, contradictory risk. as an occasion, the Klingons visited earth and created earth existence as an test. they could instruct us their exact documentation. they could reproduce the approach in view of qualified scientific observers. they could instruct us their documentation of arising fish and birds as separate inventive acts. they could get carry of for us the completed genetic code and lineage of each and every organism that ever lived, and instruct us there is strictly 0 intersection between the fish tree and the chicken tree. whether the Bible contained statements contradiction evolution (which it does not), that does no longer signify a foundation for scientific falsifiability. EDIT: maybe you may desire to make clean each and each subject whose falsifiability you're complicated. rhsaunders gave 2 incredible examples. those 2 concepts of evolutionary technological know-how are elementary and properly usual. i haven't stumbled on a thinking person who disagrees with them. That birds and fish have a consumer-friendly genetic ancestor is a very good evolutionary declare. the only way i'm able to think of of to falsify that declare is to in no way locate sufficient evidence to instruct the declare authentic. And which could no longer take place till 'in no way' rather arrives. How could desire to you in all probability falsify abiogenesis with out rather proving it rather is impossible for it to take place? i could desire to arguably instruct that an electric cutting-edge can no longer pass via a conductor with out resistance. yet then, superconductivity became mentioned.

  • 8 years ago

    Which atheist, fundie?

    Actually, fundies who don't know how to pluralize a word make chimps look intelligent.

  • 8 years ago

    Evolution is a funny word, and it has many meanings. Clearly things change (one definition). Equally clearly, everything did not evolve from a rock by natural causes. (another definition)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What a clever, witty little boy you are.

  • 8 years ago

    You mean just my bottom half evolved?

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