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A question about Muslim parents?

So not long ago I recently learned that traditional Muslim parents (especially from Arab and Desi backgrounds) can be very "picky and exclusive" about the race/ethnicity of the person that marries their son/daughter. I have had this experience with the Kuwaiti arab parents of a girl I wanted to marry, who are, according to her, not at all excited about our marriage for no other reason than the simple fact that I am of Iranian and Pakistani ethnicity (I am American, educated with a Masters degree in engineering).

About my own parents, who are of different ethnicities themseles, still have prejudicial views towards certain people, but they are not really that concerned about the ethnicity of who I marry. I still find all forms of prejudice wrong and unIslamic.

My question is, what is your own background, and do your parents (or any elder person you know) have these kinds of prejudices towards certain races (especially regarding marriage of their children)?

Honest answers would be greatly appreciated.

Salam alaykum,

7 Answers

  • Sen...
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wa alaikumu salam.

    I'm European, my ancestors converted to Islam when Turks conquered Balkans and today everyone in my family is Muslim. We don't have many Arabs or Desi people here. I actually never met a Pakistani or saw a black girl in my life. But that doesn't mean we have prejudice towards others. No, it's quite contrary. Probably due to fact that we're a small nation and our country is surrounded by Christians, we are quite open minded when it comes to mixing with Muslims from other parts of the world. There was a woman in my neighbourhood who got married to an Arab. She's white, her father was our local imam for 40 years and she had a bunch of proposals here but still decided to go all the way to Sudan.

    No one I know had problems with that (mixing). But there were a lot of problems when it comes to living together. It seems that cultural differences still play a big role, regardless how pious you and your SO are. My family doesn't have any problems with me marrying outside our race/culture. I'm sure they wouldn't mind if married a Gypsy :) The only thing our people do mind is the fundamental Islam that has cultural elements which were never present in my country. Like burqa for instance. That would never work here. We have a growing Wahhabi community and the vast majority can't stand them. And they despise those who marry Orthodox Christians because we fought some bloody wars with them. Other than that - no problems.

  • 8 years ago


    I am palestinian and my parents would love if a married a palestinian. I would love that too. But religion comes first my friend. if i see a perfect girl, I am not gonna let her culture/nationality come in the way. some parents are old-school and are nationalistic, and want u to marry the same culture. my parents would mind me marrying someone either than an arab, but very slightly cuz they no I have many friends that are desi and afrian/somalian and even european muslims. but we should not look at the nationalities when choosing a spouse.

    “O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allaah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious]”

    [al-Hujuraat 49:13]

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Our Beloved Prophet peace be upon in his last sermon had stated:

    "All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves."

    Unfortunately many of us still have a certain amount of prejudices against other races. You see it amongst your family members, friends and workmates.

    I come from a multiracial back ground as well. My father is Indian and my mother is Chinese part i-Taukei. You must be wondering what i-Taukei is, I'm from Fiji Islands and just recently our government is trying to change our Constitution so its not race based. Before, Indians living in Fiji were called Indo-Fijian while the indigenous people of Fiji were called Fijians. Indians arrived in Fiji 133 years ago due to Colonialism. They were brought in as labourers to work on sugar cane fields.

    Our government has now stated that we will all be known as Fijian no matter what race we are. This current government actually came into power via a coup. A military Commander actually got fed up of the racial discrimination practiced by previous governments. There were some i-Taukei that would divide our country in terms of races and would put their race ahead of others. This coup had no causality and no violence. Alhamduillah.

    OK thats enough of the history lesson lol. When my dad married my mum, my dad's mum took it very had and a long time to accept the marriage. But once she saw that my mum is a wonderful human being, my grandmother finally accepted her.

    Growing up had its share of challenges. Sometimes people not knowing what race I was. If there saw me with my mum, there would think I'm my mother's race and if they see me with my dad they would think I'm my father's race but when they would see us all together we would get stares lol.


    Forgot to mention, those who are called i-Taukei are the indigenous Fijians.

  • 8 years ago

    I am half pathan and half Pakistani girl and my parents would allow me to marry any man of any race as long as they are Muslim and, obviously, are kind and nice etc.

    When muslim parents do not allow their children to marry someone of a different rave is completely wrong. As long as the person is Muslim, race should not matter (this is what islam teaches)

    I find it truly hypocritical when so called religious parents don't allow their children to marry someone of a different race, and hypocrisy is frowned upon in Islam. They are merely following what they see as 'culture' and culture is not the same as religion. Rules of religion should be followed as culture is, in a way, made up (though very little of it may be made up based upon islam, this part of it is racist and unIslamic).

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    I am Pakistani and ever since I was 3 in was told I was only gonna marry a Pakistani.

    Too bad.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    No matter what, culture comes into marriage stuff. They don't make all the decision in Islamic wise, maybe a little stuff.

  • 8 years ago

    My parents don't care (I'm Middle Eastern). I'm dating a man at the moment who is from El Salvador.

    But then again, we're all Christian.

    Muslims are racist, if they're not raping or stoning each other to death, they're trying to convince others to bring in Sharia law.

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