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Lv 7
Prema asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 8 years ago

Is the world miserable by nature?

Here in this material world, happiness means successful counteraction to the effects of distress. This news brought to my attention of what the concept of happiness most people have.

Good food, good home, good health.... and the last statement was really interesting: "worship the God of your choosing." Another interesting thing was, the "enchanting" activity: "sex" is not mentioned.

I guess is included in the element: family, but this sex, I suppose they meant, is with the purpose of reproduction, not for unrestricted enjoyment.

Another interesting point is that, one of my psychologist friend from New Zealand, says the rate of suicide among youngsters there is greater than in any other Countries. Does this contradict the all mentioned concept of happiness, except God worshiping?

And, for how long we can hold on in good health, money and family?


5 Answers

  • taya
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, the world is not miserable by nature. Certainly not. Neither is it joyful by nature. The world simply is. Nature is what is. Existence. There is neither joy nor misery in nature. Misery is always, always, self-created. The world is just as it is, things and events, happening by the operation of the laws of nature.. Situations are simply situations, happenings. External events. How you internalize them, if at all you do, is entirely up to you. You chose whether you want to be joyful or miserable. The problem is this, we are acting in unawareness. We decided to be miserable but since we decided in utter unawareness, we believe that misery has been forced upon us. I don't want to be miserable. She brought misery to me. These people are making me miserable. No. that is not the case at all.

  • 8 years ago

    The mankind continues to face distress every where and on any moment. Methods of survival is the only science that keeps the world, the human, moving. So far majority of the world have not achieved to get good food (but some food), good home (but some place) and good health (some care). Rich people around the world do not know what to do with the money but the poorest of poor feels shy of shouting help, help, help, as the riches do not want this word in this dictionary.

  • Julia
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    THINGS happen, they are not "good" or "bad" its your thoughts which make them so.

    CBT is based on this notion.

    People are disturbed, not by things, but by their rigid and extreme view of things. The way people feel is based on the way they think and act. The best way for people to change the way they feel is to change the way they think and act. What you need to do is identify when your beliefs about an event are healthy and rational, or when they are unhealthy and irrational. In any given situation you can have either an unhealthy or a healthy emotion. Healthy emotions help you move on by acknowledging the negativity of an activating event, to change the event if it can be changed or to adjust constructively if the event can't be changed.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Prema, te iba a responder la pregunta, pero me topé con un gran problema para mí: no sé absolutamente nada del idioma inglés. No sé cómo me llegó esta pregunta a mí, si yo estoy en Yahoo en Español.

    Pero por lo menos puedo saludarte en mi idioma: ¡Hola amigo..!

    Saludos amigo mío.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Simplicity is not always the best teacher.

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