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? asked in HealthGeneral Health CareInjuries · 8 years ago

Posterior tibial tendonitis pain, ice only?

I have been doing a lot of walking and some running recently and have some pain in my posterior tibial tendon (inner calf near the ankle) on my right leg. From what I've read mine is very minor. It only hurts when I walk. The muscle up in the middle of the calf area above it is also sore. I've been icing it. Is it OK to put heat on this type of injury too to speed up the healing, or should I stick to ice only?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you are sure it is tendonitis, ice is better in the beginning, but heat is helpful later on. But it can take a while for it to heal, so be patient. I guess you are resting it now and not walking on it excessively, hopefully?

    copied from Mayo Clinic website: If tendinitis is of recent onset, ice may be a better choice for reducing pain and inflammation. Ice acts as a numbing agent, and it also causes a narrowing of blood vessels, which helps reduce swelling. Heat promotes opening of the blood vessels, which can increase blood flow to an area of chronic injury to promote healing.

  • 8 years ago

    I also have tendon damage and used ice on 20 min and ice off 20 min for pain. Now as for the heat I was told to use heat for swelling of the area. Good Luck and take it easier

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