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? asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 8 years ago

Some Recommendations Please?

I have everyone below on my iPod. They are varied enough to where it never gets old listening to them again, but I would like to find some music similar but just as thought provoking and/or fun as I believe these guys are.


Black Sabbath

No Doubt

Green Day


Bad Religion

Alice in Chains

Tom Petty

Lupe Fiasco



The Indecent

Cee Lo Green

Take Care and Find Your Love by Drake



Some Nights by .fun

Jane's Addiction

Johnny Cash

Zac Brown Band

Brooks and Dunn

Lauryn Hill


Thin Lizzy

Tech N9ne

Jay Z

The Rocky Horror Soundtrack

All of these in video format are on my iPod

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    the Foo fighters,

    the verve,

    the frames,

    Black Keys,

    Key West,




    Temper trap,

    the Killers,

    brandon flowers,

    Snow Patrol,

    Kings of Leon,


    Arcade Fire,

    Artic Monkeys,

    davide greay,

    polo mutiny (not sure how to spell it right?!)

    Bipolor empire,

    empire of the sun,


    And so i watch you from afar,

    james vincent macmorrow,

    Benjamin Francis Leftwitch..

    U2,Bruce Springsteen ect

    and many many others!!

    anyways hope this helps,

    good luck! t(-_-),

  • 8 years ago

    What he said^ and Nirvana

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