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? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 8 years ago

I have some butt and abs workout questions.?

I'm kind of known for my big butt. My best friends always call it a big popular girl butt, and I've had guys ask me how it's so big...but what exercises can tone it up and possibly make it bigger. ? Also I have about 10 pounds of extra chub in my stomach. How can I get rid of it without a lot of cardio? I have joint issues

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The foremost factor to do not forget is that there's no such factor as target or "zone" fats burning. That's to say there's no undertaking so that it will burn fat within the buns or abdominal areas alone. The workouts shown in these movies will aid construct and tone the muscle groups under the fats, nevertheless, these muscle tissue will best come to be noticeable as soon as the fat is long past. Cardio recreation and a reasonable eating regimen will zap your cellulite within just a few months. But keep in mind, fat will always come back when you cease exercising. Hope this used to be valuable recommendation. Stay lively and stay healthy.

  • 8 years ago

    Water and plastering a fake butt

  • 8 years ago


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