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How warm does it have to get for the spring peepers to come out.?

I live in CT and the tree frogs and salamanders are not out yet. What is the temperature when they come out to breed?


All the snow is gone. The daytime temperatures reach the low to mid 50's. It already the end of March and they are usually out by now. I think we need it to reach the high 50's to 60 degree. They also prefer rainy evenings to come out which should be any day now.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Spring peepers are notoriously early breeders. They have often been called winter peepers. If they are not out yet, then the snow is probably not yet melting, and there is no standing water for them to lay eggs. Same is true of salamanders. It is not the cold temperature that keeps them in hiding, but the lack of snow melt.

  • 8 years ago

    I live in Tolland, so Hi neighbor. We still have snow up this way since the last storm hit us worse than the southern part of the state. I keep frogs as pets and the higher the temp goes the better. 75 would be almost ideal, but we aren't seeing that anytime soon in 55-50 weather forecast for the week

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