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About the weirdness of Ajna Chakra / Pineal gland proponents in the west...?

I've been interested in the concept of the Ajna Chakra / Pineal gland for a short time now.

I'm an American Christian and I believe this concept has some Christian implications based on certain passages, despite the concept being dominated by easter thought thus far.

My dilemma:

If I seek out easter sources for information on these matters, I encounter well-reasoned, sound scientific explanations of the concepts.

However, when I find an American who is an adherent to these things and attempting to explain them, the people are just as nutty as a fruit cake. They are loopy, aloof, sissy, make little since, seem distracted and are more concerned about sounding 'soft' than imparting useful information. Basically, they're ignorant hippies who like the idea but don't KNOW any more about it than I do.

Why is this the case? Are there any Americans out there that offer non-loopy, non-fruit-loop information on this topic that isn't just a repeat of the basics?


@Shedevil: my studies in scripture have led me to connect 15 different multi-verse passages which have generated my interest in this topic. So why don't you just spell it out for me. Let me know what I'm missing.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no idea what Ajna Chakra is but I can assure you that all non mainstream beliefs, including anti-theism, are by and large held by neurotic people. They are rejected by the mainstream society and get their revenge by rejecting the mainstream society in turn. They end up turning to lesser known social groups composed of other rejects. So in short, most of them are whack-a-doodles. The are less interested in the technicalities of the belief/philosophy than in the social identity inclusion imbues.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. When people in the West start talking about chakras la la la, they are regurgitating New Age, New Thought, and mangled Theosophy and even more mangled concepts about yoga. The pineal gland is associated with the sahasrara, btw, but pairing the chakras with glands and nerve plexuses is just a way of explaining something metaphorical that can be explained in a myriad of ways. The chakras are 1. psychodynamic complexes --psychological states (neuroses actually) and this is how it is explained not only in Tantric texts but Western Hermetic and alchemical lore (in which these complexes are associated with the classical planets and the archonic Greco-Roman deities associated with them). 2. they are associated with major nerve plexuses. 3. they are associated with endocrine glands (2 & 3 are why physical yogas are important) 4. they are probably associated with a neural pathway in the brain, which is why meditation on them (including mantrayana) in a sequence is important because it primes the neural pathway. When it lines up and neurochemically lights up, you have a shaktipat experience (which is called the secret fire in Hermetic spiritually, including medieval "Magical Christianity.") Look up the author/field researcher Lilian Silburn for real information on Tantric mysticism.

    You will not find information about this in traditional Christianity although the whole thing about the descent of the Holy Spirit is strongly related to it (but Christians will not accept that there may be any connection). You will find parallels, as mentioned, in medieval and modern Hermeticism, of which alchemy, Gnosticism, and some types of Western Occultism are forms.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't think somebody that believes in an invisible sky daddy, talking snakes, a man that lived inside of a fish for 3 days, and other ridiculous impossible nonsense has much maneuvering room to cast aspersions about "ignorant hippies" and "non-loopy, non-fruit-loop information."

    I mean, where does somebody who worships a baby killing, genocidal, bloodthirsty psychopathic demon like Yahweh get off judging the beliefs of others? How silly.

    At least the 'ignorant hippies' aren't trying to use backdoor legislation to make everyone else abide by rules that coincide with their ridiculous, magical belief system, unlike you dominionists.

    I don't have a lot of respect for said people who believe in Chakras and all that other Hindu crap (which goes against your scripture, btw - you should try reading your own bible sometime, you're basically practicing witchcraft), but I have even less respect for scumbag dominionists like you.

    Have a nice day! :D

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No deep understanding on my part...

    but some observation.

    We, as an animal, are inseparably tied to the human form...

    including its strengths, weaknesses and sicknesses.

    (Disease can make our perception of reality an insane one...

    as can drugs and certain foods.)

    We are inseparably "linked" in two ways to another realm...

    i.e., legal and illegal contact with spirit life.

    When these two "realities” i.e., spirit and flesh, mix it up...

    (In whatever state they are found in e.g., healthy, sick, altered, legal/illegal contact)...

    we end up, mixed up, trying to explain it all.

    Because of historically failing to ACCURATELY identify this interaction...

    dissecting it and putting truthful labels on it is almost impossible...

    and at times it can be a risky venture.

    I see Ajna Chakra / Pineal gland proponents ("third eye" and the "brain gland") as one of those failed attempts and one that could be risky.

    But do agree with those who put forth the “Chakra /Pineal gland” understanding,...

    "An unseen reality does exist", and it needs to be acknowledged, if nothing else.


  • 8 years ago

    I feel the same way when asking Christians questions about their religion.

    And to be fair, the same holds true when asking Muslims about Islam, Wiccans about whatever they believe this month, and any other religious or woo nonsense. Most of them haven't even read their supposedly "holy" books.

    Religion is superstition.

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