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Why do chrisitans get to decide what happens in MY FAITH?

Unitarian Universalism Accepts and condones gay marriage and should be able to Wed its members as they see fit. EXCEPT Christians are immposing there faith on another faith. Where is the freedom of religion? The word marriage is not OWNED by the christians. The word cannot be OWN. Yet they claim it as there own and the government backs them up. I would say christians everywhere need to feal ashamed for persecution of others. Very sad in the modern world.


There not just Oposing my views they are DICTATING THEM... that is control and is wrong on all accounts.

Update 2:

No matter if you think homosexuality is evil or not that is your freedom your right but you are imposing your beliefs on others... that is wrong... would you all like the Morons to tell you things change things that change and dictate your faith??? Denouncing it in your church FINE denouncing it in YOUR religion FINE... denouncing it for MY RELIGION...NOT FINE.

Update 3:

I support them using the word if they want to if there faith allows it in ANY WAY there faith allows.. I dont support christian imposing there views on others and then claiming there not...

Update 4:

I just wish a UU gay couple would take it to the supreme court as a religious rights issue.. it would solve this whole debate very fast :-(

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some Christians seem to think that freedom of religion only applies to them.

    I am also a UU, and I definitely feel that our freedom of religion is being impinged upon.

    We have a big rainbow triangle above the door announcing that we welcome LGBTQ people as equals. The core principles that define and unite our faith include things like the inherent worth and dignity of every person, and justice, equity and compassion for all. The minister of my congregation specializes in wedding ceremonies, particularly for same-sex unions. Clearly, marriage equality is important to us, and clearly those of us who believe in God believe she/he/it condones it. BUT because members of some other churches think God doesn't like it, the same sex couples in my congregation aren't able to have their marriage legally recognized.

    That's wrong. Why should members of one faith get to use the law to dictate the practices of another? Completely unconstitutional.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Christians are dictating laws a public policy all over the US, not just in your church. We're a Christian nation, right? Founded and populated by good God-fearing people. It's like the spiritual equivalent of Manifest Destiny.

    Many Christians (or just about any religion for that matter) see themselves as the chosen people, God's favorites, here to do His work on earth. I'm thinking somewhat of the Quiverfull people, who believe they should have as many children as God gives them., so they are able to raise them as disciples of Christ.

    Cheers to worshiping in a progressive and accepting church and using the power of faith to advance the rights of others, rather than to prevent others from having those same rights. I was raised Christian and though I'm no longer a church goer, those who use the bible to justify laws or public policy don't speak for me, either. Make sure your voice is clear and reasonable in the debate, as in the issue of same sex marriage the folks who are against it are about to lose out to reason and compassion.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Your under the impression that people grow out of the "lalala I'm right your wrong!" phase. Unfortunately, most people continue to have a hard time understanding that maybe, just maybe, they could be wrong :0 At least we are starting to see a change in the government though, with the legalization of gay marriage in certain states, and the recent support of full marriage equality in the supreme court. It seems as though gays will only get more rights from here on in. Just don't get too upset when trying to rationalize with irrational people.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I might desire to be so careful with any solutions it would look considering the fact that there are people who will deride me as a fool no much less and a few foul words additionally. i hav ejust study some component to your letter. it sems to me which you're growing to be up interior the truest of non secular procedures that pass so a ways previous "faith" as such stable for you. shop attempting and continually goo interior on your guy or woman solutions and not somebody elses. you have the able technique of stick on your guy or woman soul unto God Almighty devoid of any "props" to lean on there are some books to assist your adventure. stable success and God bless you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Depends on the meaning of the words 'marriage' and 'wed'. If they are

    terms that could mean anyone, then you are right.

    But the problem is, it doesn't STOP there. It NEVER stops there. It will

    begin to eat away at the rights of Christians. That IS the nature of evil,

    and homosexuality is evil.

    You could google it, and see what is wrong with it, but you won't

    if you want it, you won't if you don't want to know that.

  • 8 years ago

    Then you FULLY support none of them EVER using the word or allowing such ceremonies in THEIR faith, correct?

    Can't have that both ways.

    I fully agree with that.

    Let each religion decide for themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I agree. Nit with gayness but with most Christians judging people. They will be judged for their wrong doing. It says in the Bible shouldn't do it. But it also says let people do what they want. Free will. And says judge not less ye be judged. I try not to judge. If. Y'all are happy disappointing God then have at it.

  • Max
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Why do religions call themselves Christians when they do not follow the teachings of Christ? Marriage is given to man by God, not given to men to do as they please with it.

    The world seeks after the fleshly things of things world, Marriage is a holy, gay marriage is not holy, so why do you want to tempt God with doing evil what He calls good?

    Christians hate or are to hate what God hates, The word is Gods and it lives in us that accept Him as our Lord and Savior.

    I do not persecute anyone, but I certainly will defend the word of God anyday!!! As all Christians are to do.

    Why are those people who claimed to be Christians or to serve the Lord our God Jesus Christ NOT afraid to do evil in his name?

    I can see a non believer standing up for gay marriage, I even expect it, but for a person who claims to be a child of God to run after that which God hates makes me angry. Of course its not my anger they need to worry about, But Gods himself, He will not reserve his wrath on the day of judgment.

    Wake up Christians, lest you not be counted worthy and your name not found in the book of life! Do good all your days, seek God first in all things, and do as he commands.

    Any Christian that stands on the word of God, it is ours, and the Kingdom that is to come, we will also rule in it with Christ, so it is also our kingdom, and our rule with Christ. If you do not "own" the word of God then you will never live it, nor know it. Do you not know that the same word we have today will also be the same word we will be judged by? And that the same will also be taught in the new kingdom to come?

    What is sad is the evil that is taken over the world is being condoned, pursued even taught in the modern world by Christians or so called ones anyway.

    Seek God in all things!

  • 8 years ago

    People have the right o oppose each others views. Wouldn't be freedom otherwise. No they're opposing and you're sore because they win.

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