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Has anyone here ever had a postitive experience with the EEOC?

Has anyone here ever reported an instance of employment discrimination to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and actually accomplish anything useful? Just curious. I tried to report discrimination in the world place due to my mental illness and found them absolutely useless. I just wondered if they actually help anybody. Thanks.


Thank you, Lady Justice. That's how I feel. If my federal tax dollars are going to this organization, I want my money back.

Update 2:

I'm sorry to hear about your situation taking so long. In my case, it only took me a few days to realize they can't do anything for me. I did feel a little better after talking to the agent, but I can have felt better just talking to one of my friends. After I realized they were unable to help, I called the guy left a message on his voice mail. I said "Equal Opportunity doesn't exist for people like me. It's just words."

Update 3:

I'm glad if they are able to help racial minorities, but I wish they wouldn't give the impression they can help people with mental illness. It seems like false advertising to me.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    They are useless, and should be sequestered out of existence. When I got the investigative file from them, and looked at what it said.....

    I had shown how other employees performance appraisals had the EXACT identical wording to mine, yet they had higher ratings...even though we both were being held to the same standards....the EEOC concluded that the appraisals were "similar, but not the same." huh?

    They strung me on, for over a year, making it sound like they were supportive of me.

    I've heard of them helping racial minorities, that's about it.

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